Therapy Planet No. 13

Chapter 71: Virus

Jeffrey originally wanted to take Dawn to his mansion to settle down temporarily, but he received a global alert halfway there. As one of the few generals, he naturally needed to rush to the command center where Armi was located.

All members of Almi Star are soldiers. Although most of the members of the research institute are independent from military activities, there are still exceptions.

This global emergency order is one of them.

"What happened?"

Jeffrey was turning the car around when he got the call from Almy.

The command is on the main campus, opposite Jeffrey's residence.

Unlike other research maniacs who make the Institute their home, Jeffrey's residence itself is his private laboratory, not far from the Institute, but also a half-hour drive away.

When he was doing research, he didn't like being disturbed, so he specially requested the relevant person in charge to assign himself a single-family villa in the depths of the forest, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

"We have been invaded." Armi said succinctly, "Although the institute does not need to use force for the time being, I still hope that you can find out the identity of the intruder as soon as possible."

Jeffrey bypassed a large area of ​​century-old trees. There were no street lights in the forest, and even if there was moonlight, it couldn't be as bright as the daytime. He had to slow down the car and start the suspension mechanism to rise into the air: "That's not from the Ministry of Information. Something? What do you want me to do?"

"It's not a human being who invaded this time."

"I haven't seen any monsters." Jeffrey smiled conceitedly. "To be honest, if there are creatures that can be called 'monsters' in this universe, I don't think anyone has a more say than me."

Armi quickly found Jeffrey's location through the location of the command post. "They came prepared. The places where they appeared are all crowded places. The institute is remote. It's natural that you haven't seen it yet."

"Are there many night staff at the Institute tonight?" Almi asked immediately.

Jeffrey quickly went through it in his mind: "There are so many people on duty every day, you know. And because of the previous intruders, several special laboratories have been requisitioned, and the corresponding research has stopped, I will give them to them. After the holiday, theoretically there should be not many people."

He paused: "But you also know that there are people like us, and it is estimated that there are many people who volunteer to work overtime."

"Then you have to be careful." Almi's voice did not sound much concerned. "This time, the 'monster', eats people. If one appears near the research institute..."


Jeffrey rose in the air, avoiding the towering trees, and saw the signal characteristics of many lifeforms appearing on the radar ahead.

"Also." Almi said methodically, "Can the people at the institute be trusted?"

Jeffrey was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Such questions have never appeared in the dialogue system of this planet. At first glance, it sounds like listening to the planetary language system of an alien planet.

"...Nothing." Armi seemed to realize that it was too strange to put this question here, but he still insisted, "But I have blocked all signals except the interior of the planet... Besides, I think this reaction is related to the Black Death. It's like, you see if there is any problem with the experimental sample that you keep every time."

"Black Death Virus?"

A dark cloud appeared in front of Jeffrey.

He kicked the accelerator and drove over.

The black bugman sensed Jeffrey's breath in mid-air and immediately roared uncomfortably. After only one encounter, Jeffrey's expression froze.

The huge sense of crisis made him subconsciously want to reverse the car, but the bug man didn't give him a chance to back up. He spat out a sticky transparent mucus from his mouth and slammed it on the windshield in front of the car at a speed visible to the naked eye. A corrosive white mist began to emerge.

Jeffrey jerked the steering stick, and the car slid back more than ten meters!

Fortunately, this worm doesn't seem to have the ability to fly, and the confrontation is between lightning and flint, and soon falls down.

The rustling sound of corrosion consumed almost a quarter of the thickness of the glass and stopped after there was no follow-up source.

"I'll check right away."

Jeffrey's voice cooled, he did not hesitate to raise the speed to the highest gear, and the hover car left a shining arc in the night sky.

"...Black Death Virus...what is that?"

Dawn sat in the passenger seat, the seatbelt fastened firmly to her seat, almost face to face with the bug man who had just swooped on the windshield.

Jeffrey seems to regard Dawn as his property, or think that she will be involved in the experiment sooner or later, so there is not much shyness.

"Do you know about the Black Death?" Jeffrey asked instead without answering directly.

Dawn thought about it, she remembered what He Xiangbin mentioned when she taught the ancient history of the universe: it was one of the most serious plagues in the history of human beings on earth. In the Middle Ages, most of the people in Europe died of the Black Death. plague".

There is an interesting phenomenon in human history. Whatever is called "big", such as the great plague, the great revolution, and the great war, once there is a first, there will be a second and a third.

The first outbreak of the Black Death occurred in the Middle Ages;

The second eruption was in the era of new technology, after the Earthborn had a nuclear war in the asteroid belt near the earth, and the radiation affected the earth itself;

The third time it broke out on the eve of the war. It was a new source of infection caused by the contact of different human beings between the stars, and it was also one of the reasons for the outbreak of the war.

Following the old saying, black symbolizes melancholy, sadness and fear, so the Black Death has become a general term.

"An accident."

Jeffrey put it succinctly: "An accidental product of human trials."

"...Is it the 'that' experiment?" Liming asked.

The only human experiment she knew of was the one she had personally experienced.

Jeffrey nodded slowly, the institute was close at hand, looking down from above, the lights were bright, and there was no sign of damage.

"There are many by-products in our study, and different organisms have different reactions to them, but because of the large infection range, they are collectively referred to as the black death virus."

After all, in the historical records, the common point of the three Black Deaths is that the patient's skin appears dark for various reasons, and the scope is very wide, the impact is extremely large, and the degree is particularly deep.

"I understand."

Liming nodded and muttered to himself: "If you say that, then I am also a variant of the Black Death Virus?"

"You're not." Jeffrey laughed at her self-diagnosis. "You don't fit these traits."

"What does it matter?" Dawn looked at the dark night outside the window, the strawberry-flavored lollipop in his mouth still filled his nostrils, and it was sweet and greasy, "It's just the difference between explicit and implicit."

The dominant one is the dark color of the body, and the recessive one is that even the soul has long since fallen.

Jeffrey didn't speak, he stopped the car and turned off the engine: "Did Locke teach you biology?"

"I'm his experimental assistant." Dawn looked indifferent, "I'm there every time someone dies."

"No wonder."

Jeffrey unlocked the car, referring to Dawn's words, "You're talented, maybe I can keep teaching you."

before you lose use value.

Jeffrey believes that, if nothing else, it will be a long time before dawn is sexually mature enough to produce offspring.

He didn't mind developing an experienced assistant in the interim.

After all, nothing is more ideal than an assistant being a part of the subject itself.

"I don't like it." Dawn pushed open the car door and jumped out with a relaxed tone, "It's just talent."

There is no rule that what you are good at must be something you like.

She remembered that Lui had affirmed her learning ability when he taught her some fighting skills before.

At the same time, facing her admiration, Lu Yi said with a blank face: "I don't practice because I like it, and I don't enjoy the thrill of killing. It's just a necessity, and it depends on whether I like it or hate it. It doesn't matter, I just need to get really good at it."

Just need to get really good at it.

Talented or not, the more a lie is told, the more it becomes the truth.

"I will have the opportunity to teach you later."

Jeffrey nodded, the corners of his white coat were ruffled by the strong wind, he lifted a strand of short gray hair scattered on his forehead, and stretched out his hand.

Liming naturally put his hand in his palm, from a distance, it really looked like a father and daughter in a harmonious relationship.


Jessica slipped out of the information department smoothly. Although every soldier was on duty and most of the tactical vehicles were driven away, a lot of recreational or commercial vehicles could still be found in the parking lot.

She stole a computer from the Ministry of Information, cracked the firewall, removed the locating device from it, and temporarily requisitioned it as her black box.

With the computer, Jessica has a lot of confidence.

She broke open the combination lock of an elongated black commercial vehicle. She originally wanted to find the three of He Xiangbin, Luo Liming, but when she was locked in before, her eyes were blindfolded, and the positioning device on the three of them also It seems to be blocked, and now it is not known where they are being held.

Recalling that words such as "execution" were vaguely mentioned in the conversation of the soldiers who heard the interrogation before, Jessica studied the map for a long time, and finally she was overwhelmed and decided to locate the destination at the Plaza of Glory.

Thanks to Almi Star's meticulous intelligence system, the cursor movement on each building will not only show the name, but even show a brief effect.

There are no prisons in Almistar, but there are places to punish soldiers who violate discipline.

The Plaza of Glory is the centralized landmark of various punishments. It is said that the name of the square comes from a famous saying of the sixth generation Armi:

"Blood does not dry up, glory lasts forever".

Jessica found a decorative pistol in the car, and she pulled the bolt with difficulty, thinking in her mind not to run into the enemy the whole time.

Autopilot's stealth mode does a good job of avoiding a lot of moving creatures, but it's not perfect for avoiding everyone at night when chaos isn't possible.

What surprised her was that even if they encountered one or two lonely soldiers on the road, they didn't care about themselves, but instead fought with giant creatures that could not be seen clearly.

She didn't dare to go forward to see what those things were. Fortunately, those monsters didn't seem to be interested in her either.

Jessica drove to the Plaza of Glory without any risk, but when she was approaching, she ran into Angel who was no one else.

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