There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 171: Xiao Ni's surprise

"There is a fairy building in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

Dongfang Ziyan and the little fat man are already used to the intimacy of Baiyunlou and Xia Chaoyang, but they are dumbfounded by Xiao Baizhan.

Today I just found out that senior brother Chaoyang was originally a senior sister, and now it seems that I have seen such a remarkable scene that I can't move my eyes from watching it for a while.

Seeing Junior Brother Bai Zhan's curious eyes, Xia Zhaoyang finally felt a little ashamed, and broke free from his senior brother's embrace.

Turning around, she came to Dongfang Ziyan's side, holding Dongfang Senior Sister's arm, and said coquettishly: "Senior Sister still hurts me, and came to rescue me overnight, otherwise Senior Brother and I would be in trouble. At that time, there were demons dancing around. Fortunately, Senior Sister arrived in time. hey-hey."

Dongfang Ziyan also had nothing to do with this junior sister, but the smile on her cold face became stronger and stronger.

Where the mind moved, Dongfang Ziyan involuntarily raised her head and looked to one side, just in time to meet Senior Brother Bai's deep eyes, there was a feeling of mutual understanding, the two nodded slightly at the same time, and smiled at each other.

Bai Zhan at the side thought in his heart, that the Dongfang Senior Sister, who had always been aloof and aloof, also showed her smile at times.

Seeing that Senior Sister Xia was in a good mood, the little fat man couldn't help but joked: "Second Senior Sister, what delicious food can I find this time, let my Junior Brother share it with you."

Hearing the little fat man's question, Xia Zhaoyang became interested, hugged Senior Sister Dongfang's arm and said, "This time I really tasted a unique delicacy, roasted wheat ears, it's delicious, it was Xiaoni who taught me Woolen cloth."

Speaking of roasting ears of wheat, Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but look at the collapsed granary, and couldn't help saying, "Senior Brother and Sister, how about we take advantage of the night to restore these two collapsed places? Xiaoni will be very happy to see it tomorrow morning." ,Ha ha…"

When Baiyunlou heard it, it seemed like it was fun, so he suddenly became interested, and called a few younger brothers and sisters to fight together. Anyway, he didn't feel sleepy after a big battle, so he looked for a job to do.

Building a house and building a bamboo building is Baiyunlou's specialty. After setting up the sound-proof array, the five-element technique will be performed at the place where the mind moves. They can all be brought back without a hitch.

The Baiyun Tower, which was taught by Aunt Xia's true art of making weapons, quickly restored the two collapsed houses to their original state under Bai Zhan's prompting.

Even some refining techniques were used, and even if the two houses were calcined by fire, they would not be damaged at all.

The brother's actions were too fast, and Xia Zhaoyang was a little dazzled. He immediately became interested in building a house, so he asked the brother to build a flower house for Xiaoni by the east courtyard wall.

Of course, Baiyun Tower would not refuse. According to Junior Sister Xia's idea, the exquisite flower house was built from scratch little by little.

The hollowed-out flower house is covered with vines, and several strings of bamboo wind chimes are hung on the door.

Inside the flower room is a soft grass, on which several children's play objects are placed.

A small wooden horse, a small two-wheeled cart, and a few small utensils that Baiyun Building has never played with, were all refined according to the ideas of the younger sister.

Junior Sister Xia's favorite reclining chair, the small swing, is also indispensable. If it weren't for the fact that this swing was specially made for Xiao Ni, and it was a little too small, Junior Sister Xia would have to lie on it to find the feeling.

In a corner of the flower room, there is a small pond two feet deep, on which floats a few small wood-carved fish, which were carved by Junior Sister Xia herself. All come to life.

Baiyun Building also luxuriously embedded several newly developed magic circles in the small pool. The water in the small pool is flowing slowly, and it is always warm. The magic circles are all embedded, and a few low-grade spirit stones That's enough for a year.

Xia Chaoyang's eyes lit up, and he said softly, "When did these magic circles be developed, senior brother? My bathtub also needs to be replaced with a new magic circle."

"When I was researching the Five Elements Sword Formation recently, I had some ideas for a while, so I came up with it by chance. I'll just bring that bathtub of yours to refine it again." Baiyunlou replied casually.

Bai Zhan, who was on the side, was very moved when he saw several senior brothers and sisters busy in their own courtyard, and they were a little bit out of control.

Watching his brothers and sisters use advanced techniques while doing ordinary jobs, Bai Zhan's heart was agitated, and he couldn't help but think to himself, who said that techniques can only be used for fighting and killing? .

Seeing the powerful divine sense of the elder brother, he chopped down a big tree with a bowl-thick mouth on the back mountain with a single sword, and displayed his skillful swordsmanship. After a few strokes, he split a piece of log into the desired shape.

Senior Sister Xia's magic technique is also very wonderful. Raising her hand, the vines covered the flower room, and sprinkled a few grass seeds casually. After using the magic formula, a green grass field grew in a short while.

What is worth mentioning is Senior Sister Xia's knife skills. She holds a magic sword that looks extraordinary. As the sword light dances, a vivid wooden carved fish floats on the water.

Brother Feiyang built the wall with the earth technique, that is a good hand, the earth wall is in his hands, it turns into stone and soil, and the shape changes in a single thought, and it looks very skillful.

Senior Sister Dongfang on the side looked quite leisurely, but occasionally she would cast spells, and a stream of mist rolled up the sundries on the ground, overflowing the courtyard wall, and went to nowhere.

Looking at the skillful cooperation of several senior brothers and sisters, Bai Zhan recalled that since his cultivation, he has not only practiced martial arts, but also practiced swordsmanship. It seems that he has never done these ordinary things with martial arts and swordsmanship.

Thinking of this, Bai Zhan couldn't help but look forward to the days after joining Qingyunmen.

After a full half of the the few people looked at the completely new courtyard, and their hearts were filled with a sense of accomplishment.

The golden rooster announces the dawn and the sun rises in the east. With a high-pitched rooster crow, the village at the foot of the mountain seems to come alive, and gradually there are voices of people, greetings, and shouts.

There was also a noise from the back room of Bai Zhan's house. Before the person came out, there was a tender voice: "Sister Xia, sister Xia..."

Then everyone saw Xiao Ni running out from the main room door with her short legs.

Seeing two strangers approaching from the courtyard, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but seeing Sister Xia, he rushed over.

Xia Chaoyang took two steps forward, hugged Xiaoni, and twirled her in the air twice, making Xiaoni giggle.

Suddenly, Xia Chaoyang covered Xiaoni's eyes, and said mysteriously: "Xiaoni, my sister showed you something good."

"Okay, Xiao Ni is ready." Xiao Ni replied happily.

Xia Chaoyang let go of the hand covering Xiao Ni's eyes, and Xiao Ni froze for a moment.

The two houses that collapsed into ruins yesterday miraculously reappeared in front of them.

Xiaoni rubbed her eyes, and found that the house in front of her was real. With an exclamation, she broke free from Sister Xia's arms, ran to a room, and shouted: "My little bamboo bed, my little bamboo bed! ..."

When Xiao Ni arrived in the room, she found that everything was the same as before, but it seemed to be cleaner, and her beloved bamboo bed had also changed back, so she rolled happily onto the small bamboo bed and couldn't get down.

At this time, there was another exclamation from the main room, and it was Aunt Bai Zhan, her eyes turned red instantly when she saw the two houses miraculously transformed back.

Seeing everyone looking over, Bai Zhanniang rubbed her hands beside her clothes and said, "I'll make breakfast for you..."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the kitchen with a trembling figure.

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