Approach meteorites in the air at a constant speed, take samples, and send the sampling data back to the headquarters laboratory. The blasting mission can only be carried out after the headquarters laboratory confirms that it is correct. Formulate the perfect blasting power according to the volume and mass of the meteorite blocks. It is extremely necessary to blow these meteorite blocks into stardust without affecting the surrounding celestial bodies. If you want to apply for the job of cleaner here, you also need to test your IQ in a written test!

Mu Gen carefully carried out the cleaning task. One hour passed. In this hour, he completed a total of 3 pieces of A-level garbage. Among the 1,000 people performing the task at the same time, it was considered very efficient.

However, just like the previous few days, all he cleaned up were ordinary meteorites, and he found no other information about the Star Gate. The same was true for others.

However, today was destined to be a good day. When Mugen’s morning shift was about to end, Mugen heard an explosive message from someone on the public channel:

They found a shoe!

Suppressing his mood, Mu Gen finished the remaining working hours and returned to the base to have breakfast absentmindedly. Finally, just as the second work shift was about to begin, the research laboratory sent an announcement: the one found in the morning. The owner of the shoes has been found! It belongs to an ensign on Eustasha Base!

Everyone was refreshed!

This is the second missing item they've found in as many months!

He hoped to find some of Ollie's belongings, but also hoped that he could not find them at all. With this contradictory thought in mind, Mugen continued to work day after day.

He wanted to personally find the clues that would bring Ollie home - this is why he desperately wanted to take on this dangerous mission.


Ollie! Ollie! "Hazy, Olivia heard someone calling her name.

That was... Olivia turned around in disbelief, and then he saw the house in his hometown and the people standing in front of the house, thinking about it...

He ran over and hugged Mu Gen tightly in his arms.

Why? its not right? Where's Mugen's hair? This feeling of being it possible to embrace it into Sigma?

Olivia frowned and tightened her arms, then heard a nervous roar.

Even though she didn't want to, Olivia was still woken up.

The baby dragon named Xiao Tao screamed in panic. Following his line of sight, Olivia realized that she was holding an egg.

Xinshou threw the eggs in his arms into the bed he had just left, and Olivia stood up.

He took a look in the mirror. The young man in the mirror could only be described as vicious. His brown eyes were sharp and scary. The moment he stood in front of the mirror, Olivia felt like she was being glared at.

Leaving the mirror, Olivia walked downstairs with a sullen face.

He now lives alone in the main control room. Usually no one comes here, except for the three cubs who occasionally run over.

Probably because Olivia threw a few candies at them.

But then Olivia ran out of candy, and they still ran here often.

Olivia has been stuck in this damn place for a year! One year, one month and three days to be exact!

The food prepared by Mu Gen was finished three months ago. If Olivia only ate the food herself, it would not be a problem to have a plan to support it for a year and a half. However, there are so many people here...

Three months ago, a little brontosaurus shed tears for a day. It took him a long time to find out: during the process of entering the star gate, all the vegetables and livestock grown by the soldiers died. As of today, they finally escaped. All food is gone. The cubs were so hungry that the meatiest one among them, the Brontosaurus, decided to commit suicide and let his companions eat him.

Olivia exchanged several bags of food for the life of the brontosaurus.

All the food on the Mengmeng was taken out for everyone to eat together. After a few months, although the adults lost weight, they were still in good spirits. The food prepared by Mu Gen was high in energy, nutritious and balanced. No, the three-headed baby The cub even grew a little longer, and these soldiers were extremely grateful to Olivia now.

Nowadays, the only food they have every day is mugen grass. This grass is really powerful and grows as soon as it falls on the ground. Fortunately, everyone has evolved into human form, so their acceptance of vegetarian food is pretty good, except for the little dragon.

Two days ago, Olivia finally killed the dragon guī. Regarding the dragon guī given to her by Mugen and Sigma, Olivia really didn't treat it as food at first.

Most of the meat of the dragon guī was reserved for the small dragons who were pure carnivores, and everyone else only got a little bit.

Only 20% of Totoland Haida's energy is left. In order to retain the last power, Olivia completely let go of the base's operations. Totoland Haida is now like an isolated island. Can anyone I found it was almost entirely luck.

Picking up the little dragon at his feet and putting it aside, Olivia took out a box from his arms, opened the box and looked at it quietly for a while. He casually looked towards the front of the dinosaur soldiers who were hard at work harvesting mugen grass.

There are twenty-three dragons in total...and one egg.

When he really got to that point, even if he killed these twenty-three dragons, he would continue to persevere.

He is going home.

The author has something to say: In the previous life, with Ollie

The people who went on the mission with Wea must have actually fought with the twenty-three-headed dragon... and then returned.

☆、Chapter 167

Olivia has always been very self-disciplined when he is not at home. Even if he has extended his daily sleep time to reduce consumption, he will definitely get up at seven o'clock every morning to start the day's work.

Yes, Olivia did not simply regard her current situation as an accident. Olivia carefully wrote her daily internship diary. Although there was nothing to show for it in terms of human relations and professional training, he carefully recorded the various environmental indicators of the day every day: temperature changes, wind direction, various element contents of the external air... and so on.

After returning, these records will become very precious information.

Surprisingly, those aboriginal dinosaurs got up earlier than him every day, and they still went out to have sex! The method is very simple, just run in a circle around the base, and even the smallest little brontosaurus will stumble behind his father and uncle. Not to mention, although they are not as good as adults, these three little dinosaurs are much stronger than the cubs Olivia has seen before!

The day after Olivia shared her food with the other party, the team automatically gathered early in the morning. Finally, represented by the pterodactyl soldier, they took the initiative to pull Olivia to lead them in training!

Olivia did not give in. After training according to their way for a day, she held a meeting with them that night and announced that they would train according to their own way from the next day.

There is no problem with the training method framework of these dinosaur soldiers, but as a result of being without guidance for a long time, their movements have accumulated a lot of problems. However, these soldiers actually have very good foundations. Their physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary dinosaurs! Many moves that are difficult for novices can be performed by these guys without any problems. If these guys were placed in the Imperial Military Academy, they would be top-notch geniuses!

Seeing these guys becoming more and more military-like under her training, Olivia suddenly felt a strange sense of accomplishment.

But no matter how satisfied they are mentally, they can't just eat it - their food is getting less and less.

The Dragon Eyes were originally a fierce race. There were more than a few carnivorous dragon soldiers, and even Olivia felt that there were only a few days before she would completely transform.

In the end, it was Mugen who saved his sanity from collapse.

It was one morning. After taking the team for a training + patrol run around the base boundary line, Olivia returned to the control room.

Trying to focus on Tutlanhaida's voyage log, Olivia couldn't help but fall on the butt of the little dragon next to her.

It's plump, looks round and delicious...

Olivia thought expressionlessly.

The little guy with the plump butt seemed to be aware of it. The little guy turned his head and he could see the meaning of Olivia's gaze at a glance.

He is hungry.

So he took out the egg he was holding in his arms. The egg was covered with the saliva of the little bào dragon←--Although he gave the egg to Olivia, he would still come over and lick it if he had nothing to do. he.

Roar! "The little bàolong motioned for Olivia to take a lick.

Olivia rejected him cruelly and mercilessly!

So the little dragon felt aggrieved and continued to hold the egg and lick it.

Olivia withdrew her gaze, which was fixed on the little dragon's ass.

He thought of Mugen again.

Mugen has graduated!

Damn it, he hasn’t bought his graduation gift yet! I promised him to attend his graduation ceremony, take photos together, and take a family trip...

hateful! hateful! hateful!

All plans were disrupted!

Ah... I miss Mu Gen so much..." Olivia murmured as she moved her gaze towards the window. There was only a little dragon here who couldn't even speak. Only in this case would he reveal something. your true thoughts.

Ouch? "But the little bàolong seemed to understand something. The little guy got up from the ground and bit Olivia's clothes for a while. Olivia lowered her head and saw the little guy put a few mugenca grass on the ground. A scene at his feet.

It's not a mugencao, it's a person. "

Olivia became interested, and he took out the electronic notepad he carried with him, and then sketched on it.

I have to admit that Olivia is indeed a literary artist with a lot of artistic talent. With a few simple strokes, he can outline a young man with a lively expression. The boy who was wearing sheepskin for the first time when we met, the boy who looked like a good boy in ripped jeans, the boy who was serious when cooking but couldn't do it well... The boy slowly grew up and finally became a young man. .

He has black hair, black eyes, and his skin is always a healthy sun-kissed color. He always has a smile on his face, as if he never has anything to worry about.

She couldn't tell since when, Olivia had Mu Gen's appearance firmly engraved in her heart. He knew everything about that person, even the details that he himself didn't notice.

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