He likes you, he peed on you. ” Sigma immediately judged.

He picked up Little Maojiu with his two little wings. Seeing the little guy's dejected look, Mu Gen suddenly smiled.

"Bah-", Mu Gen kissed the little cub's head very loudly.

I like you too. "

At this moment, Mu Gen's bad mood caused by "sanctions" disappeared, and his heart regained its determination.

Sanctions and protection, Mugen finally began to understand the meaning of what Dean Aude said.

Looking at Sigma who was diligently wiping the little cub's butt, and touching the other little cubs still snoring under the quilt, Mugen finally completed the emotional and psychological transformation from being protected to protecting.

That night, Mugen and Sigma didn't sleep. Together, they drafted a total of 200 relevant regulations on refugee accommodation, both human and robot.

In the end, fifty of these initially drafted clauses were retained and became Bailu Star's refugee reception guidelines, laying a solid foundation for Bailu Star to become the largest and most stable rear base in the empire.

Thanks to the night of discussion with his brother, Sigma also drafted 300 behavioral rules during the next day to restrain the increasingly disobedient cubs in the family.

Since most of the restrained subjects were too young, only one of these behavioral norms was eventually implemented.

These treaties... laid a solid foundation for Sigma to become the principal of Bailu Star's largest kindergarten.

︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿


Bailu Star has become the paradise that all refugees dream of seeking refuge in - this is something Olivia did not expect.

I heard that the current supreme governor of Bailu Star is very young, and his name seems to be Mu Gen. This can be regarded as a talent emerging from the war. "In the conference room, a newly joined senior colonel whispered.

Although all communication methods are cut off, wherever there are people, there are always ways to spread all kinds of distant news.

But the name Mugen is so strange, it sounds like some kind of unpalatable food. "He expressed his views again. As a new member of Olivia's small team from Argos, he tried to chat with his colleagues as much as possible in order to promote relationships.

However, the topic he raised this time was obviously not right.

Shh-" Another colonel sitting next to him raised his finger at him.

Governor Augustus’s fiancée is named Mugen! "This is a young officer who has been with Olivia since the academy. He knows much more about the chief's household affairs than other colleagues who joined the army after joining the army.

ah? "The new colonel was stunned.

The next second, he saw Major General Augustus sitting at the far end of the long table actually smiling at him.

Mugen is indeed the name of a plant, and it is indeed not very tasty. "The young and handsome blond major general said slowly, his eyes moved to a decorative potted plant on the table, where a pot of mugengrass was planted: However, it is more tenacious than all plants, and at the critical moment , is life-saving food.”

After sailing in space for too long, all the potted plants in the spacecraft died, leaving only the potted mugen grass that Olivia brought from home. Although their leaves were yellow, they were extremely strong.

After chatting with her subordinates for a while, Olivia immediately announced that the meeting had officially begun.

The issue is very clear: What should they do if they don’t have enough firepower supply?

Olivia moved her gaze to a dark dot on the star map.

There is the black bunker, the home of the empire's largest arms black market, a very vague existence in the empire's territory.

☆、Chapter 213

Starlight Calendar 400 Years Black Bunker at the end of November

According to legend, 90% of the empire's large-scale private arms transactions are carried out here. Thousands of arms dealers live here. It is said that if someone accidentally hits the location of the arms depot in the bunker, the result will be The impact is enough to destroy three surrounding galaxies!

This place existed as early as the reign of Emperor Louis. It is said that Louis I had reached a huge deal with them before the last battle, and successfully took away an amount of arms from here that was enough to suppress the discordant voices of the entire empire.

Various legends have shrouded the Black Bunker with a layer of mystery that is as mysterious as its name. In the minds of most Imperial people, the Black Bunker must be a large space fortress, made of black precious and solid metal. All stores have no store names and can only use passwords. Then everyone carries guns, ammunition and various advanced weapons. If someone disagrees with them, they will be dragged into a dark alley and fired.

It turns out that most people think too much.

Black Bunker is a natural planet. The original name of the planet was "Black Star". The reason why it is called this name is not because this is the largest arms black market, but because the soil on the planet is all black, so that it looks uniform from the universe. All planets are black.

There is no way that people here are engaged in arms trading: although the planet is covered with black soil, it is not suitable for growing crops. It was only a long time ago that this soil was found to be very suitable for growing flowers and grass. People here come from all generations

In the arms business, many people here are shady due to the shady business practices.

Black Star has a bad reputation, and there are no decent schools on the planet... As time goes by, people on Black Star can only do the same business for generations, and as time goes by, they become even more shady.

Therefore, although like Pandra, they have craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation, the residents of Black Star are much unlucky. It is difficult for their children to go to school, so they can only work as arms dealers. Those who don't want to do business and like to fight can't join the imperial army, so they can only settle for the next best thing: stealing stars.


However, an aspiring young man finally appeared on the Black Star. Fifty years after becoming a star thief, he finally washed his hands and returned to his hometown. The name of this aspiring young man is Luo Luoya."

Discovering that green vegetables grew particularly well on his home planet, he decided to vigorously promote the green vegetables on Black Star. At first, it was very difficult. However, he found a stable sales channel on White Dew Star. With repeated introductions from commercial street shop owners, his business has stabilized.

Now that the arms business is hard to do, Luo Luoya has mobilized many neighbors to join him in the flower and green vegetable business. Luo Luoya even registered a trademark for Black Star's flower and green vegetables. Nowadays, this black bunker brand flower "Green Vegetables" has become very famous in a small area.

Just when Black Star's green vegetable business was booming, turmoil struck.

Luo Luoya's food delivery fleet is trapped in the universe. They are all gangsters. After the disaster broke out, each planet has very strict admission review for refugees. Naturally, no planet will be willing to accept them in this case. With no choice but to bring his fellow villagers and a cabin full of vegetables, Luo Luoya had no choice but to return to his old profession - star thief.

Their journey back home was particularly unsatisfactory. Fortunately, during the robbery, they robbed a particularly naughty fleet and exchanged a few cauliflowers for several spaceships. Not to mention, this Although these spaceships looked cool, they were very powerful. In the end, after all their ships were damaged, they relied on these spaceships to return to their hometown.

However, the situation back home is even worse:

All contact with the outside world was cut off. Apart from the flowers and greens in the fields, they had no supplies. In addition, there were still refugees trying to enter their planet. These refugees initially wanted to enter the planet to ask for asylum, but they suffered After refusing, he actually tried to attack Black Star!

Black Star's location has been exposed. If they continue to stay here, they will either starve to death or be robbed. Even if they defend their territory with weapons, if they continue to consume like this, their weapons reserves will be exhausted sooner or later. .

I can't live this day!

Gritting his teeth, the Black Star people decided to take refuge.

However, they are gangsters, and no planet will accept their asylum request. It is better not to accept it. What they are most afraid of is that instead of accepting it, the other party will arrest everyone on their side for illegal possession of restricted weapons. There are many businessmen doing illegal business on the planet, and many of them have criminal records.

At this time, Luo Luoya proposed a location - Bailu Star.

Over the years, if we talk about communicating with the outside world, it is estimated that no planet has more connections with the Black Star than the White Dew Star: many people have delivered food to the White Dew Star, and they have good relations with the shopkeepers in the largest commercial street there. They were even led by a small shopkeeper to visit the Empire's top prestigious school, the Empire Comprehensive College. Many people yearned to send the next generation to such a place to study in the future.

Loroa's proposal was unanimously approved.

As a result, the shopkeepers on the Black Star opened their old capital - the Empire's only two top-level mobile battle fortresses, the Ares, and brought as much flowers and green vegetables as possible as well as the most precious arms and capital to the entire planet. People are heading towards Bailu Star at full speed!

By the time Olivia led her troops to attack the Black Bunker, the entire Black Bunker was already deserted. Only the unpicked vegetables and greens all over the mountains and plains (which were still in bad condition and abandoned) were left in the ground, waiting for their arrival. .

At the same time, the Ares, loaded with vegetables and restricted weapons, finally entered the atmosphere of the White Dew Planet.

Mu Gen, I’m bringing you flowers and green vegetables! "Excitedly giving a familiar signal, Uncle Luoluoya angrily used the signal light to identify himself to Mu Gen!

The owners of the black bunker brought not only green flowers and greens, they also brought high-end weapons that could shock the entire empire.

After possessing the toughest shield, the tightly defended steel fortress of Bailu Star once again possesses the sharpest weapons.

The young warrior put on his armor and took up his weapon.


November of the 400th year of the Astral Calendar, Ifadia, Hogbisburg

Here... is the East Palace of Emperor Louis I. The huge emperor's palace consists of 29 wings, 39 courtyards and 3009 rooms, like a huge maze.

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