There’s an Evil Spirit Here

: Statement on update time

Because it is usually busy, there is almost no time code,

Plus hand speed is too scum,

This causes a shriveled change every day, and it is always difficult to squeeze out a chapter at 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.

It ’s not that we do n’t work hard enough,

Is innate talent is too scum, tears to QAQ. .

. . .

Book review area is very lively every day, everyone is very active, and there are often book friends to reward and reminder,

First admitted that it was indeed my update too,

Disappointed the support of book friends.

I wake up,

The new book has unwittingly been supported by so many book friends,

Is no longer just responsible for me,

It's time to take responsibility for collective book friends,

These two days, I will adjust the status and time, and strive to start from next Monday, insisting on guaranteeing 2 more changes every day,

Set yourself a small goal:

[First start from 2 of the day, start from next Monday]


The beautiful body is the same, and the interesting souls are chosen one by one.

Thank you for your support,

Every comment in the book review area, one recommendation ticket received every day, one click, one reward, in my eyes, are all interesting souls. One vote, one more click, one more comment in this chapter and I am complacent.

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