Chapter 77 Target Qin State

“Forget it, the old man has been here for decades, and he has a lot of affection for this place. If you leave with your son-in-law and start from scratch in a strange place, it’s fine.” Huo Yugong touched himself. Said his beard.

“On the contrary, it’s son-in-law, you don’t seem to have said yet, where are you going to go?” Huo Yugong asked.

“The son-in-law is ready to go to Qin.” Jiang Ziyi said with a flash of light in his eyes.

“Oh, Qin State?” Huo Yugong’s face flashed with interest, and asked: “I thought you were going to Qi State.”

“Qi, no, no, I’m going to Qin.” Jiang Ziyi replied with a smile, naturally understanding Huo Yugong’s inner doubts.

Jiang Ziyi described himself as a descendant of Qi Huangong, the Huoyu Guild is not to blame.

“Qi, in the Tian clan generation Qi is no longer the original Qi, even though Qilu is now the world of scholars, it is not the place in my mind.” Jiang Ziyi shook his head and said.

In the early days of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, the Tian clan of Qi State replaced Jiang as the Qihou, and it was called the Tian Shi Dai Qi. At this point, the Qi King of the Qi State has evolved into the surname Tian Tian, ​​which is no longer the Jiang surname of the Qi Huangong period.

Ordinary civilians don’t understand these things at all, and those who know these things are naturally secretive.

This also led to the whole story of Tian’s generation of Qi, and not many people know it.

And Jiang Ziyi, from the future, although these things in Qin Shi will change, it can’t stop Jiang Ziyi from knowing these things.

Tian’s generation of Qi is also called Tian Chen to usurp Qi.

In 545 BC, Tian Huanzi, the fourth grandson of Tian Wan from the clan of Chen Guogong, worked with the Bao family, Luan family, and Gao family to destroy the Qing family in Qi.

After Tian’s family, Bao’s family killed Luan, and Gao’s second family.

Tian Huanzi drew the support of the public and the people of the country, “the one who has no money for the sons and grandsons of the country, and the towns for private divisions”, and for the people of the country, “the poor are alone and widows, privately with the millet”, and won the support of the public and the people.

When Qi Jing was in the office, the office was corrupt. Tian Qi, the son of Tian Huanzi, used a big bucket to lend and a small bucket to recycle, so that “the people of Qi returned like flowing water” and increased their household registration and strength. It means “abandoning the people publicly and returning to the Tian clan”.

In 489 BC, King Qi died, the son Tu of the official clan of Qi State and the second clan of Gao, Tianqi Zhuguo, the second clan of Gao, and the other son Yang Sheng, who became a self-reliant son.(Read more @

From then on, the Tian clan mastered Qi state politics.

In 481 BC, Tian Heng, the son of Tian Qi, killed Qi Jian Gong and many other public clans, and established Qi Ping Gong to further control the government and win the hearts of the people with the “reward for cultivating the public”.

In 391 BC, the fourth generation of Tian Chengzi, grandson Tian and abolished Qi Kanggong. In 386 BC, Tian He exiled Qi Kanggong to the sea and established himself as a monarch. In the same year, he was appointed as Qihou by King Zhou An.

In 379 BC, Qi Kang died, Jiang surnamed Qi Guo Jueshi. The Tian clan still uses “Qi” as the national title, and is known as “Tian Qi” in history.

Even if someone guessed that this was a coup, who would say it?

Of course, this is just what Jiang Ziyi said in the ancient books in his previous life, and in the world of Qin Shi, it must not be that simple.

For example, in this scene where the Tian clan usurped the throne on behalf of Qi, is there a figure of a farmer in it?

The surname system of the Zhou Dynasty was closely related to the feudal system and the patriarchal system. Nobles had surnames and surnames, while ordinary civilians had no surnames. Among aristocrats, women called surnames and men called surnames. This was because surnames were used to “understand noble and low.” The surname is used to “do not marry”, and the two functions are different.

In the six farmhouses, the members of Chiyoutang, Lieshantang, and Gonggongtang are all surnamed Tian, ​​and even the farmer Xiakui has always been held by people surnamed Tian.

This has to make people wonder whether the peasant family has a relationship with the current Qi State.

But now, Jiang Ziyi is known as Qi Huangong’s descendants, and will inevitably be targeted by the Qi royal family. Naturally, Jiang Ziyi will not go to Qi.

Jiang Ziyi also told Huo Yu Gong about these twists and turns.

Huo Yugong was shocked, but at the same time he admired Jiang Ziyi’s cautious character and close thinking.

In my heart, I believe that Jiang Ziyi is the descendant of Qi Huangong.

Even in the early days of the Warring States Period, the State of Qi had announced that the royal family surnamed Jiang had all died, but who can guarantee this?

“My son-in-law is thoughtful, but I’m too worried…” Huo Yugong heard Jiang Ziyi’s words, touched his beard, and said with a sigh.

Feeling that every step Jiang Ziyi had spent time planning, Huo Yu also felt relieved of Jiang Ziyi, and naturally he did not stop Jiang Ziyi’s actions.

Duke Huoyu didn’t continue to ask Jiang Ziyi why he chose to go to Qin, presumably Jiang Ziyi must have his own reasons.

That’s right, Jiang Ziyi’s reason for going to Qin is also very simple, because Jiang Ziyi is most familiar with and interested in Qin.

If he does not intervene, Qin’s dominance of the world has become inevitable and the general trend.

Qin Qiang VII had reached the peak when he arrived at Yingzheng. Even if he took the initiative, it would take a lot of energy to replace Yingzheng and unify the seven countries.

But why does Jiang Ziyi need such exhaustion to fight for life and death?

Jiang Ziyi has been thinking for a long time during this period.

It was the general trend that Qin unified the world, and it took too much effort to stop it.

Moreover, even if Jiang Ziyi has the status of a descendant of Qi Huan, it is difficult to convince the people of the Seven Kingdoms.

After all, Jiang Ziyi is just a descendant of Qi Huangong.

However, the death of Qin II is also the general trend. Instead of competing with Yingzheng, it is better to wait until Yingzheng’s death to fight with King Xiang Yu and Han Gaozu Liu Bang!

At that time, the people of the Seven Kingdoms were accustomed to unification, and Jiang Ziyi relied on the identity of the descendants of Qi Huan to fight with Xiang Yu’s descendants of Chu, and to compete with Liu Ji (also He didn’t change his name to Liu Bang) to fight, but he has an advantage.

Of course Jiang Ziyi chose to do twice the result with half the effort and get twice the result with half the effort!

Therefore, Jiang Ziyi has set his destination within the Qin State, and wants to open a manor in Qin State similar to Hulong Mountain Villa!

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