The fence was extremely far away from the inspectors, in order to make it more difficult for the thieves to complete their tasks, but it was not possible for the thieves to enter so easily.

Everyone had no clue, and Lin Chuan was more difficult to deal with than they imagined.

The inspectors were almost out of order, and Lin Chuan's absence gave everyone present a cannon, and most of the people fell into self-doubt for a while.

Because it appeared too quickly, everyone in the live broadcast room began to doubt their eyes, and some people even went to edit the video and couldn't find any problems.

A member of the inspection team did not believe in evil, and reached out to lightly touch the infrared rays, and the electric current instantly made a sizzling sound on his fingertips, burning his gloves. There was a sound of explosion in the air.

The infrared light did not fail, and at this time, there were bursts of alarms, constantly echoing in everyone's minds.

But the top priority was to catch Lin Chuan, everyone talked about it, but they didn't come back to their senses, and the leading inspectors came back to their senses in time. Immediately shouted

"Don't be in a daze! Catch him! Don't let him run. The inspection team follows me!" Almost at the same time, everyone came to their senses.

The leader took a few quick steps forward, turned on the switch in the dark compartment and pressed the gate hard.

The infrared laser is turned off. At the same time, the reinforced fence was opened.

When the infrared and fences disappeared, the whole space became wide, and people flocked to it.

The inspection team wanted to seize Lin Chuan immediately, but the program team didn't want to give up this great opportunity to make money.

Lin Chuan looked at the people who flocked to him, and he was also shocked, it turned out that he was so valuable, which was unexpected.

Lin Chuan smacked his lips and jumped off the roof when the crowd was crowded, successfully avoiding the live broadcast machine and everyone's attention.

In order not to be suspicious, he jumped off and immediately rushed into the crowd, and all kinds of people crowded together,

I have to say that they are also desperate. Lin Chuan saw that one of them had been squeezed out three times, and he was still trying to join.

Lin Chuan sighed twice, squeezed into the crowd hard, and was almost hit by the live broadcast machine of the program group when he passed through the crowd.

In order not to attract people's attention as much as possible, Lin Chuan had already replaced the white cloak and top hat, and lost his iconic wear, who could recognize who the strange thief was in this vast sea of people.

The people of the inspection team and the program team were separated, and in order not to be suspected, Lin Chuan put on the same shirt of the inspection team prepared in advance. In this way, he blended into the ranks of the inspection team.

However, the crowd is still too crowded, and it is inevitable that it will be led astray by the flow of people when it mixes into the inspection team in time.

If he can't get past the fence smoothly, then he has to work hard to adjust the route. This is something he doesn't want to face.

Lin Chuan frowned, looking at the crowded crowd, even if he blended into the team of the inspection team, it was still a little difficult to get in like this.

He turned his head and suddenly had an idea, and he made his way through the crowd and pressed against the wall so that to outsiders he was just a poor man squeezed into a corner.

But in fact, Lin Chuan didn't feel crowded after clinging to the wall, after all, no one wants to rub the wall with nothing to do.

This also made it convenient for Lin Chuan, and he took the opportunity to walk quickly towards the "Melancholy Birthday" inspection team, looking for traces of the strange thief, and no one noticed that there was such an uninvited guest in the crowd.

Lin Chuan took this opportunity to break away from the wall and run towards the fence. The previous inspectors only saw that the "melancholy birthday" was still in place, but they never thought that the gem would be taken away by Lin Chuan after they turned around.

The inspectors searched for the traces of "Lin Chuan", and no one noticed that the gem was touched by the people who passed by.

Everyone's attention was focused on "Lin Chuan" at this time.

"Lin Chuan" was standing in the corner at this time, the light source did not shine into the corner, and with the blessing of the top hat, no one could see the true face of the person.

"Got you! Take off your top hat! Raise your hands and squat down!" The person who led the inspection team raised his gun and pointed it at "Lin Chuan," and everyone was sweating fine on their foreheads.

Could it be that the thief was caught so easily? The people in the program team took a breath. It's hard to believe.

Aim the recording equipment at "Lin Chuan" in the shadow, so that the people in the live broadcast room can see the success of this operation.

Everyone waited for this historic moment to come, and the original noisy footsteps had disappeared.

Instead, more people are crowded. Everyone wants to be the first person to see the thief being condemned and arrested.

The people in the program team carried huge equipment and tried to squeeze further forward. This also facilitated the implementation of the Lin Chuan plan.

Lin Chuan left the crowd immediately after getting the "melancholy birthday", everyone was running forward, and Lin Chuan was possessed by the actor as if he was squeezed out of the crowd. Everything is natural and unobtrusive. Just what he wanted.

After Lin Chuan left the crowd, he stretched out his hand, the white cloak was draped over his shoulders, and the top hat was gently buckled on his head when he reached out.

The "melancholy birthday" has fallen into his hands. The plan was carried out perfectly.

Mission accomplished.

At this time, everyone waited for "Lin Chuan" to raise his head and prepare to arrest him. But at this very moment. There was a burst of laughter behind him.

"Hey, you can't really be that stupid. Can't you tell the truth from the fake?" Lin Chuan laughed mockingly.

The members of the inspection team looked back and saw that the strange thief they were going to arrest appeared behind them, dressed in white and laughing wildly.

Everyone was taken aback, and looked back at "Lin Chuan" in the shadows again. Someone had the courage to pull the white robe in the shadows.

With the pull of the force, "Lin Chuan", who was originally leaning against the wall, was lying on the ground at this time, his eyes were blank, and the foam was scattered all over the ground.

The cloak was also pulled down with one arm, and the person who reached out was startled, shook off the cloak and stepped back.

The members of the inspection team also knew what was going on at this time when they saw the foam scattered all over the ground and the wild laughter behind them.

The inspector turned to look at Lin Chuan, who looked at the foam scattered all over the place and felt a little sorry for his masterpiece.

But when I thought about it, I thought about the "melancholy birthday" in my pocket, and my mood suddenly improved a lot.

"No, didn't you really find out?" Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows, as if surprised and mocking, and the people of the inspection team saw that the place where the gems were originally held became empty. My heart tightened suddenly.

There is nothing wrong with the infrared laser and the fence itself, and it is not a real person who appears quickly. The members of the inspection team seemed to have been slapped in the head.

They didn't notice that the dummy didn't move when it fell, and they didn't react even though they were in front of the thief.

They fell into Lin Chuan's trap perfectly, and reasonably implemented his plan. It's stupid.

How could the people in the inspection team not react at this time? The people in the program team had already transferred the equipment from the dummy to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan conjured a rose and bit it on his lips. He bent down and bowed to the camera. "To all the beautiful young ladies. "

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