This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 100: giant horn

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Jiang Xuan finally let Mallow put on a grass skirt and pushed her out, instead of letting her stay overnight in his house.

Mallow was obviously disappointed by this, but she had no choice but to return to the house where she lived with a torch.

Jiang Xuan closed the door, his heart was still beating wildly, and there were a lot of messy thoughts in his mind.

The reason why Mallow was rejected was not because of how noble he was, but because he did not want to sleep with others like an animal.

The soul from the afterlife, the education he received, made him unable to do such a thing.

You must know that under such rudimentary conditions, once you sleep, it is really possible to have a child.

Impulsivity is the devil, especially for someone like Jiang Xuan who is more responsible, he can't be impulsive easily.

At least, you have to find someone you like, cultivate your relationship, and then move on to the next step, right?

What's more, his body is only fourteen years old. In his heart, he is still a child at this age!

No matter what others did, he didn't want to have a baby at such a young age, it was terrible.


The next day, Jiang Xuan saw the mallow again. The tribe was so big that he couldn't see it when he looked up and looked down.

Jiang Xuan felt a little embarrassed, Mallow was okay, she was just a little disappointed.

But she didn't give up, she thought it was just that she was too hungry in the mosquito tribe, hungry and thin, and not good-looking.

When she gets fatter and looks better, Jiang Xuan will definitely not reject her again.

In the tribal people's aesthetics, the kind of strong, fleshy woman is the most beautiful.

Jiang Xuan didn't know what she was thinking. In order to avoid embarrassment and to get more food, he took the hunting team into the mountain.

Although the Vine tribe has carried out planting and breeding, and obtained some excellent food varieties, but after all, the time is short, and the food needs of the tribe cannot be met by planting and breeding.

Hunting and gathering remains an important source of food.

As the most powerful warrior of the tribe, Jiang Xuan often leads hunting teams into the mountains to find large prey and add meat to the tribe.

Today, Jiang Xuan set his sights on a giant horned beast.

The giant horned beast is a large herbivorous beast, but ordinary beasts dare not easily list it as a prey.

Because the size of the giant horn is too large, the adult giant horn weighs more than 5,000 kilograms.

It has rough skin and thick flesh, and has a huge horn on the top of its head. If it is accidentally hit by the horn, it will be seriously injured even if it does not die.

When Jiang Xuan was away, the hunting team of the Veng tribe did not dare to make up their minds on such prey, because they could not deal with it.

But Jiang Xuan is different. He is now a four-color warrior. In theory, his strength can hunt a giant tooth tiger alone!

At this time, a giant horned beast was walking leisurely in a forest, looking for some tender leaves or weeds to eat from time to time.

The giant horn looks a bit like a tapir, but it has a huge horn on the top of its head, occupying almost one-third of its head, and a long tail, which looks very weird.

In the woods not far from the giant horn, Uncaria whispered to Jiang Xuan: "Boss, do you want to do it?"

In the face of such a big guy, ordinary traps are useless. Even if you dig a pit, you have to dig a big one, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

The only thing that the hunting team soldiers can rely on is the large number of people, plus the strength of the leader.

Jiang Xuan looked around and said, "Go ahead and set up a few trip ropes, choose the strongest rope, and five people work together to pull one, and I will lead it over."

"Also, prepare the largest rattan net, and if there is a chance, catch this giant horn."


Uncaria waved his hand, and with the thirty-five warriors of the first hunting team, he quietly went around to the woods in front of the giant horn, took out the thickest bark rope, and began to set up tripwires.

"It's all tied up. The giant horn is very powerful. Five people will pull a rope later. Don't be careless."

Uncaria instructed the warriors to tie one end of the rope to the tree, while he took some of the strongest warriors to the last trip line and unrolled a large net.

This kind of net is woven from tough rattan, which has high strength and can catch most of the prey.

Once the prey is entangled in the net, they cannot run away.

After everything was ready, a soldier quickly ran to Jiang Xuan's side and told him that he was ready.

"Okay, then get ready to do it."

Jiang Xuan licked his dry lips, then grabbed the bone spear and quickly charged towards the giant horn.

After the giant horn heard the movement, it immediately stopped eating and looked at Jiang Xuan vigilantly.

For the giant horned beast, Jiang Xuan is not tall, but it instinctively feels a dangerous aura from Jiang Xuan.

It turned around, lowered its head, and faced Jiang Xuan with its huge single horn. It let out a low roar, and its huge body was ready to go.

Jiang Xuan did not fight recklessly. When he was halfway, he suddenly pulled out a short spear from his back and threw it at the giant horn.


Under the blessing of enormous power, the short spear flew towards the shoulder of the giant horn in a parabola with a sound of breaking through the air.


The giant horned beast was too huge. Although it had great strength, its movements were not very flexible. The short spear pierced into its shoulder, dripping with blood.


The giant horn was enraged, it lowered its head, ran towards Jiang Xuan, and killed Jiang Xuan with its huge unicorn.

Once the giant horn starts running, the speed is not slow, and the impact force is terrible.

But Jiang Xuan's speed is faster than it.

I saw Jiang Xuan immediately changed direction, ran to the side of the giant horn, and threw a short spear.


This short spear hit the giant horn again, which made the giant horn even more angry.

Due to its rough skin and thick flesh and huge size, the two short spears are not serious injuries to it, and it has no idea of ​​escaping.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The giant horn continued to run after Jiang Xuan, but Jiang Xuan took it around, consuming its physical strength, and throwing a short spear from time to time, causing some damage to it.

When four or five short spears were inserted into the giant horned beast, Jiang Xuan had no short spears, and the physical strength of the giant horned beast gradually decreased with running and injuries.

"It's now!"

Jiang Xuan took the giant horned beast and ran into the forest where the hunting team was ambushed.

When the giant horn was hesitant, Jiang Xuan turned around again, approached it, provoked it, and kept the giant horn in anger and continued to pursue.

Finally, Jiang Xuan crossed the first trip wire, followed by the giant horn.

When the giant horn approached the tripwire, the warrior beside him suddenly stood up and shouted, "Pull!"


The thick rope hanging on the ground was suddenly pulled up by the five warriors.


The giant horn fell heavily to the ground, and the short spear on its body was broken.

But the giant horn immediately got up again, very fast, and at the same time, it did not continue to run forward, but turned and ran behind.

No one expected that the giant horn would turn around and Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned around and chased after him.


Uncaria couldn't care about the Tengwang that had already been unfolded. He immediately took the warriors and followed Jiang Xuan to continue chasing the giant horned beast.

Jiang Xuan ran very fast, and his speed was relatively stable.

The giant horn is also very fast, because it has felt the threat of death and wants to escape.

But the stamina of the giant horn is not as good as Jiang Xuan's after all. After it ran a certain distance, its speed slowed down little by little, and its nostrils were panting heavily.


Jiang Xuan found the opportunity, ran to the side of the giant horn, and stabbed it into its neck with a thick bone spear!

The giant horn let out a whimper and picked up speed again, but its physical strength was already severely exhausted.

"Lie down!"

When the giant horn slowed down again, Jiang Xuan gave up the bone spear and suddenly punched the giant horn on the head.


The giant horn was hit by a huge force, its head was smashed, and its huge body fell to the ground.

Jiang Xuan ran over again and punched its head continuously.

Under the terrifying power of his four-colored warrior, the giant horn wailed, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

When Uncaria and others ran over, the giant horn was out of breath.

"The leader is too strong!"

The soldiers of the hunting team looked at Jiang Xuan frantically, admiring the leader's powerful personal strength.

Jiang Xuan gasped and said, "Tie it up and carry it back, this giant horned beast will be enough for everyone to eat for a while."


Uncine and others immediately ran back to find ropes and rattan nets, tied the huge giant beast, and carried it back to the tribe by more than 30 warriors in turn.

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