This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 116: go to the vine tribe

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The Jackal God stared at Hongyan, it let out a low roar in its throat, its pupils contracted slightly, and there was a terrifying divine power surging on its body.


The Jackal God jumped, like a terrifying shadow, quickly shrouded the red rock.

Hongyan, who was fighting, suddenly stood up, and a terrifying crisis shrouded his heart.

At the critical moment, he instinctively stabbed the bone spear to the left.


A terrifying wolf claw appeared, instantly smashing the bone spear into several pieces.


Hongyan looked at the broken bone spear in his hand, his face was full of unbelievable expressions, and his mind went blank for a moment.

He is a four-colored warrior. Among the warriors of the small tribe, he is the strongest group. However, in front of the totem god, he is as weak as an ant.

An ant may be very strong and brave, but it is an ant after all, and a jackal can trample it to death.

Before Hongyan could react otherwise, a **** mouth had already bitten towards him.

The scarlet tongue and sharp fangs made Hongyan's breathing almost stagnate.


At this moment, the leader that Hongyan sat down on suddenly jumped up. Between life and death, it burst out with a terrifying bouncing force, and even escaped from the wolf's mouth!

The frightened Hongyan's heart was beating wildly, like a drum. The leader reacted a little slower just now, and they were dead.


The Jackal God failed to eat Hongyan and the leader in one bite, and immediately became furious, it let out an angry roar, and immediately chased after it.


Hongyan shouted, and the leader immediately ran wildly.

Facing a great enemy like the Jackal God, it is no longer possible to hold back by fighting for his life.

What Hongyan can think of is to lead the Jackal God away, so that the other warriors can hold on for a while longer and buy time for the evacuation of the clan.

The leader runs very fast. After all, it runs and jumps on the mountain every day and is very familiar with the environment here.

In contrast, although the Jackal God is very strong, it is completely unfamiliar with this place, has not broken through before the medium-sized tribal totem god, and does not have the ability to fly.

Because of this, on the steep hillside, the Jackal God failed to catch up with the leader immediately, giving them a chance to continue to escape.

The more this is the case, the angrier the Jackal God is, and he swears that after catching up with this **** leader, he will crush all its bones!

In fact, in the back mountain of the Yanyang tribe, there is only one way down the mountain, and the road is very steep, and only the Yanyang can pass quickly.

But the leader had no time to run down the mountain.

It took the red rock and ran all the way, running along the steep hillside, and finally ran to the front of a cliff, and stopped abruptly.

There is no road ahead.

The Jackal God in the back obviously noticed this. After chasing in front of the cliff, it slowed down and stared at Hongyan and the leader, revealing terrifying fangs.

It walked slowly on purpose, and looked at the man and the sheep playfully, hoping that they would struggle for a while to add a little more fun to this meal.

Hongyan looked at the Jackal God who was constantly approaching, and then looked at the cliff behind him, knowing that he and the leader would not be able to survive today no matter what.

Hongyan threw the broken bone spear at the Jackal God, but was easily avoided by the Jackal God.

He lowered his head, patted the wool on the neck of the leader, and said, "Brother, it seems that we can't escape today."

Hongyan stared at the Jackal God again and whispered, "Even if we die, we can't die in this **** jackal's belly."

"When I say jump, you jump down the cliff, understand?"

The leader has some wisdom, and it even nodded.

At this moment, the Jackal God had no patience to wait any longer, and it suddenly rushed towards the leader.


Hongyan roared loudly, and the leader jumped and jumped off the cliff.

At the last moment of life, Hongyan and the leader saw the most beautiful sunset, dazzling red.

The Jackal God pounced, standing in front of the cliff, roaring angrily, but to no avail.

This mountain is very high, at least the Jackal God would not dare to jump off it.

At this time, the battle between the jackal cavalry and the blue sheep cavalry was basically over.

Although the warriors of the Blue Sheep Tribe were very brave, they could not stop the thousands of jackal cavalry, and they could only fall into the pool of blood one by one.

More than two hundred warriors, as well as the blue sheep, have not survived.

However, their deaths were valuable because other members of the Blue Sheep Tribe had already ridden the blue sheep and ran down the steep **** of the back mountain.

When the leader of the Jackal Tribe came to the front of the steep slope, because there were trees blocking it, even the shadow of the Blue Sheep Tribe could not be seen.

"Damn, let these blue sheep run away!"

Although they were very angry, these jackal cavalry did not dare to pursue them any longer.

Because of such a steep hillside, the blue sheep dared to run down, but these jackals dared not. If they stepped on the air, they would be killed.

"go back!"

In desperation, the leader of the Jackal Tribe could only return to the residence of the Blue Sheep Tribe with the Jackal Cavalry.

Those dead blue sheep have become their food.

And the corpses of the warriors of the Blue Sheep Tribe were all eaten by those ferocious jackals!


In the mountain forest, there were only more than 200 members of the Yanyang tribe left, riding more than a hundred blue sheep to escape.

They ran for a long, long time, not daring to stop for a moment, for fear of being overtaken by the jackal cavalry.

It was not until the blue sheep were so tired that they were out of breath that they could no longer run, and there was no trace of the chasing soldiers behind them, and they finally stopped.

However, after stopping, the clansmen of these blue sheep tribes fell into confusion again.

A soldier said sadly: "The witch is dead, the leader is dead, and the tribe has been occupied by those jackals, where should we go?"

The most powerful warriors have all been killed.

These people who escaped were mainly ordinary soldiers and children. The strongest were a few two-color warriors, not even three-color warriors.

Lost the tribe and the leader, although they survived, they became a group of homeless tourists.

Relying on these people, let alone rebuilding the tribe, can survive in the dangerous jungle is a big problem.

The tribe is gone, everyone is very sad, but how to live is a reality that must be faced.

At this time, the sky has gradually darkened.

The forest at night is extremely dangerous, and these people are too hungry, so they can only find a place to spend the night.

They found a forest, lit a bonfire by drilling wood to make a fire, and built a few simple sheds, barely enough for everyone to spend the night.

Because they ran in a hurry, they had no time to bring any food. They could only find some wild vegetables, insects and small prey nearby to barely satisfy their hunger.


In the middle of the night, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and it started to rain.

Because of the limited time, the shed they built was not enough for everyone to shelter from the rain, and they could only give priority to the bonfire and the children.

As for the others, as well as those blue sheep, they could only be drenched in the rain in the dark night, and could not even sleep.


In the middle of the night, someone in the wet and cold environment finally couldn't help crying.

Then, one after another, the clansmen of the Blue Sheep Tribe began to cry.

They thought of the tribe that they couldn't go back to, thought of the dead relatives and friends, and thought of the unknown future, and every thing was enough to make people collapse uncomfortably.

That night, everyone in the woods was in torment.

Fortunately, the rain stopped just before dawn.

The next morning, the clansmen of the blue sheep tribe ate some wild vegetables and insects, and then gathered around the bonfire to discuss what to do in the future.

Whether they want to admit it or not, although they survived, they became tourists.

Not every tourist can be as lucky as Jiang Xuan and the others, and have the opportunity to rebuild a tribe.

Most of the tourists either joined other tribes or wandered in the forest, and someday they would be eaten by a sudden beast.

The strongest two-color warriors of the Blue Sheep Tribe discussed for a while, but nothing came of it.

It is not an easy task to feed so many people on their own.

If you don't want to die, the best option is to join other tribes.

But which tribe to join is another problem.

There are several small tribes near the blue sheep tribe, but they are all relatively weak. Once the jackal tribe comes, whether these small tribes can survive is a very serious problem.

A two-color warrior hesitated for a while and said, "How about we go to the Vine tribe?"

The blue sheep tribe has a very good impression of the Vine tribe, and in their impression, the Vine tribe has salt, pottery, and a very young four-color warrior leader, at least a medium-sized tribe.

Threatened by the Jackal Tribe, perhaps only the Medium Tribe could keep them.

"But the Vine Tribe is so far away, can we find the way to the Vine Tribe?" a soldier questioned.

"Yes, last time we went to the Vine tribe to do business, remember how to go."

"Then, let's go to the Vine tribe and try, I don't know if the Vine tribe will take us in."

Instead of joining a relatively weak and unfamiliar small tribe, it is better to join a relatively familiar and strong vine tribe. This is the idea of ​​these blue sheep tribesmen.

After the decision was made, the clansmen of the blue sheep tribe set off on the blue sheep again.

They don't know what their fate will be, but walking on the road is better than staying where they are and waiting to die.


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In desperation, the leader of the Jackal Tribe could only return to the residence of the Blue Sheep Tribe with the Jackal Cavalry.

Those dead blue sheep have become their food.

And the corpses of the warriors of the Blue Sheep Tribe were all eaten by those ferocious jackals!


In the mountain forest, there were only more than 200 members of the blue sheep tribe left, riding more than 100 blue sheep to escape.

They ran for a long, long time, not daring to stop for a moment, for fear of being overtaken by the jackal cavalry.

It was not until the blue sheep were so tired that they were out of breath that they could no longer run, and there was no trace of the chasing soldiers behind them, and they finally stopped.

However, after stopping, the clansmen of these blue sheep tribes fell into confusion again.

A soldier said sadly: "The witch is dead, the leader is dead, and the tribe has been occupied by those jackals, where should we go?"

The most powerful warriors have all been killed.

These people who escaped were mainly ordinary soldiers and children. The strongest were a few two-color warriors, not even three-color warriors.

Lost the tribe and the leader, although they survived, they became a group of homeless tourists.

Relying on these people, let alone rebuilding the tribe, can survive in the dangerous jungle is a big problem.

The tribe is gone, everyone is very sad, but how to live is a reality that must be faced.

At this time, the sky has gradually darkened.

The forest at night is extremely dangerous, and these people are too hungry, so they can only find a place to spend the night.

They found a forest, lit a bonfire by drilling wood to make a fire, and built a few simple sheds, barely enough for everyone to spend the night.

Because they ran in a hurry, they had no time to bring any food. They could only find some wild vegetables, insects and small prey nearby to barely satisfy their hunger.


In the middle of the night, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and it started to rain.

Because of the limited time, the shed they built was not enough for everyone to shelter from the rain, and they could only give priority to the bonfire and the children.

As for the others, as well as those blue sheep, they could only be drenched in the rain in the dark night, and could not even sleep.


In the middle of the night, someone in the wet and cold environment finally couldn't help crying.

Then, one after another, the clansmen of the Blue Sheep Tribe began to cry.

They thought of the tribe that they couldn't go back to, thought of the dead relatives and friends, and thought of the unknown future, and every thing was enough to make people collapse uncomfortably.

That night, everyone in the woods was in torment.

Fortunately, the rain stopped just before dawn.

The next morning, the clansmen of the blue sheep tribe ate some wild vegetables and insects, and then gathered around the bonfire to discuss what to do in the future.

Whether they want to admit it or not, although they survived, they became tourists.

Not every tourist can be as lucky as Jiang Xuan and the have the opportunity to rebuild a tribe.

Most of the tourists either joined other tribes or wandered in the forest, and someday they would be eaten by a sudden beast.

The strongest two-color warriors of the Blue Sheep Tribe discussed for a while, but nothing came of it.

It is not an easy task to feed so many people on their own.

If you don't want to die, the best option is to join other tribes.

But which tribe to join is another problem.

There are several small tribes near the blue sheep tribe, but they are all relatively weak. Once the jackal tribe comes, whether these small tribes can survive is a very serious problem.

A two-color warrior hesitated for a while and said, "How about we go to the Vine tribe?"

The blue sheep tribe has a very good impression of the Vine tribe, and in their impression, the Vine tribe has salt, pottery, and a very young four-color warrior leader, at least a medium-sized tribe.

Threatened by the Jackal Tribe, perhaps only the Medium Tribe could keep them.

"But the Vine Tribe is so far away, can we find the way to the Vine Tribe?" a soldier questioned.

"Yes, last time we went to the Vine tribe to do business, remember how to go."

"Then, let's go to the Vine tribe and try, I don't know if the Vine tribe will take us in."

Instead of joining a relatively weak and unfamiliar small tribe, it is better to join a relatively familiar and strong vine tribe. This is the idea of ​​these blue sheep tribesmen.

After the decision was made, the clansmen of the blue sheep tribe set off on the blue sheep again.

They don't know what their fate will be, but walking on the road is better than staying where they are and waiting to die.

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