This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 188: flaming bird

Three days later, the Vine Tribe, the Mountain Turtle Tribe, the Que Tribe, and the Unicorn Tribe converged on the barren hills, gathering about 2,600 warriors and four totem gods.

This is a very powerful force!

The four leaders gathered together, because the Vine tribe was the most powerful, and Jiang Xuan's voice was naturally the greatest.

The leader of the Unicorn Tribe said: "Boss Xuan, everyone is here. Are we going to attack the Bird Tribe directly now?"

Jiang Xuandao: "Don't worry, our number is not as large as that of the Raptor Tribe. We will suffer from a direct attack, and the Raptor Tribe should have discovered us and will definitely be prepared."

The four tribes gathered together, and the goal was too big. The Bird tribe was not stupid and would definitely find them.

"What does the leader Xuan mean?"

Jiang Xuan thought for a while and said, "Let the people from the Fierce Bird Tribe out, then choose a good location to set up an ambush, and kill some of them first."

Shan Jia asked, "How to set up an ambush?"

Jiang Xuan pulled out a short knife, drew a simple map on the ground, and said, "We are in this place, the Fierce Bird Tribe is to the southeast of us, and there is a valley in the middle. I have been riding rice dumplings before, and it is very suitable for ambushes."

"Let's first send two hundred warriors, spread out, and head to the valley, so that we can avoid being tracked by the people of the Bird Tribe."

"After reaching the valley, the two hundred warriors will meet again, collect all the dry wood that can be picked up inside and outside the valley, and pile them on both sides of the valley, leaving only the middle road."

"Then, we pretended to attack the Raptor Tribe, led them out, at least some of them into the valley, blocked the entrance and exit, and burned them to death!"

Fire attack, this is one of the strategies Jiang Xuan learned when he was studying the Three Kingdoms in his previous life. Zhuge Liang used this strategy to lead Sima Yi into the valley, almost burning Sima Yi's army alive.

The reason why Sima Yi was able to live was because of the sudden heavy rain in the sky, Jiang Xuan did not believe that the Fierce Bird tribe had such luck.

After listening to Jiang Xuan's plan, the leaders of Shan Jia, Ye and Unicorn tribe were stunned and stunned, and then felt their scalps go numb.

Tribal people fight, most of the time they are hula hula rushing up, and at most some traps are arranged to trap people.

They have never used or even thought of such a meticulous strategy as Jiang Xuan.

Moreover, most tribes would not use methods like fire attack, because the virgin forest in the Southern Wilderness is too dense, and once it burns, the flames will not be divided into enemy and us.

Once the fire spreads on a large scale, all tribes will suffer.

Shan Jia also thought of this question, so he asked: "Boss Xuan, if the forest around the valley is also burned, what should we do?"

Ye and the leaders of the One-Horned Tribe nodded their heads one after another. If the large forest surrounding the Great Swamp was burnt down, they would not be able to survive here.

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "Yanjia, remember when we attacked the crow tribe?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"The big crow could also breathe fire, and it was very powerful, but it failed to set the forest on fire. Why?"

Shan Jia thought about it carefully, then his eyes lit up, and said, "The Turtle God put out the fire with water!"

"That's right, the valley I chose is also next to the big swamp. There is a turtle god, and it's just a matter of burning the people of the Bird Tribe to put out the fire."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"

Shan Jia slapped his thigh, and his worries about the fire attack disappeared.

Ye and the leader of the Unicorn tribe were also relieved, they didn't have to worry about this vast forest being burned down.

The leader of the Unicorn Tribe said: "Then do as the leader Xuan said."

Ye nodded and said, "I agree."

Jiang Xuandao: "Which tribe sent two hundred warriors to prepare firewood in the valley?"

Shan Jia said: "Our Mountain Turtle Tribe is familiar with that valley, and we can send 200 warriors there!"

Jiang Xuan looked at the leader of Ye He's Unicorn Tribe and said, "Do you agree?"

The leader of the Ye He Unicorn tribe nodded. They were indeed not as familiar with the valley as the Mountain Turtle tribe. If they sent their warriors there, they would probably not be able to find the land.

"Okay, then as I said just now, let these warriors spread out and gather again when they arrive at the place. Be careful not to be discovered by the people of the Bird Tribe."

"Don't worry, Chief Xuan, we will go by the water on the mountain turtle, and the Fierce Bird Tribe will not be able to find it."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "Then let them go."

Shan Jia immediately arranged for two hundred warriors of the mountain turtle tribe, in groups of three or five, riding giant mountain turtles, and scattered to the valley to pick up firewood.

"Okay, let's go too, to the Bird Tribe!"

Because it is attractive in the past, there is no need to worry about the problem of exposure. More than 2,000 warriors, four totem gods, slaughtered the fierce bird tribe in a mighty manner.

Because of the time to be arranged on the other side of the valley, Jiang Xuan and the others were not in a hurry at all. They hunted and replenished food along the way while walking.

Such a big battle naturally attracted the attention of the Fierce Bird Tribe. They dispatched a large number of soldiers to monitor the movements of the Allied Forces of the Vine Tribe along the way and prepare for the battle.

The Raptor Tribe was afraid that the war would destroy the tribe they had worked so hard to build. Before the Allied Forces of the Vine Tribes could reach the door of their tribe, they gathered all the soldiers and prepared to attack the allied forces.


In a forest outside the Fierce Bird Tribe, the Allied Forces of the Vine Tribe were slowly moving forward when suddenly, the tangyuan in the sky gave a sharp chirping.

Jiang Xuan in the forest immediately shouted: "Stop advancing, prepare to fight!"

More than 2,000 soldiers stopped one after another, clenched their weapons, and prepared to fight.

Behind a big tree in front, the leader of the Bird Tribe looked at the sky and scolded: "Damn the big blue bird, we have been found."

Originally, the Bird Tribe planned to lie in ambush in the woods, and when the Allied Forces of the Vine Tribe came in, they would be caught off guard.

But they didn't expect Tangyuan to scout in the air and found them in time.

"Leader, what should I do now?" a fighter of the Bird Tribe asked.

"What else can I do? Run!"

The leader of the Bird Tribe folded his legs and pointed his spear forward. The tall and strong bird under his crotch immediately stepped forward with two long legs and rushed forward.

"Come on!"


The more than 4,000 warriors of the Raptor Tribe rode on the Raptor and followed the leader, and the momentum was very scary.


The Totem God of the Bird Tribe also appeared.

Birds were originally unable to fly, but the God of Birds was a medium-sized tribal totem god. Like the Vine God, he could rely on divine power to fly into the sky.

What's more, it also has a pair of small wings that can use a little wind.

After the bird **** appeared, he immediately focused on the **** vine that gave it the greatest threat, and flew towards the **** vine.

At this time, the **** vine was still lying on the back of the turtle god. When the bird **** flew over, its vines suddenly burst into green light and grew rapidly.

The terrifying vine is like a green lightning, slashing towards the bird **** fiercely.

The phoenix **** is used to bullying the weaker totem gods of the small tribe. When the rattan **** suddenly attacked, it felt the terrifying fluctuation of divine power, and then it felt that something was wrong.

But at this time, it was too late to escape.


Thick green vines were drawn on the body of the bird god, and the bird **** who was flying forward was pumped away.

"Crack clap..."

The bird **** smashed diagonally into the woods, breaking a large piece of the trees.


Seeing the opportunity to take advantage of it, the bird **** on the side rushed over like lightning, and his sharp claws slammed into the back of the bird god, leaving a few deep scars on the bird god.

The Turtle God also rushed over. When it ran at full speed, the speed was so fast that dozens of warriors of the Bird Tribe were knocked flying or crushed along the way.

"Crack Kacha!"

The fierce bird god, who was just attacked by the bird god, didn't have time to get up, but was hit hard by the turtle **** again, breaking seven or eight big trees behind.

The Unicorn God did not make a sneak attack in the past, because it had already rushed towards the fierce bird cavalry, and wanted to relieve the pressure on the coalition soldiers on the ground.

The ferocious bird gods, who were injured one after another, got up in a rage, and flapped their wings and flew back to the sky.

Since it came to the Southern Wilderness, it has never suffered such a big loss.

It has always beaten those little tribal totem gods, when has it been beaten like this?


The bird **** flapped his wings, and several feathers fell off his body, and there were still many scars.


The Ferocious Bird God was furious, and the terrifying divine power burst out, like a tsunami spreading all around, one wave after another.


This chapter is not over and will be updated later.


"After reaching the valley, the two hundred warriors will gather to collect all the dry wood that can be picked up inside and outside the valley, and pile them on both sides of the valley, leaving only the middle road."

"Then, we pretended to attack the Raptor Tribe, led them out, at least some of them into the valley, blocked the entrance and exit, and burned them to death!"

Fire attack, this is one of the strategies Jiang Xuan learned when he was studying the Three Kingdoms in his previous life. Zhuge Liang used this strategy to lead Sima Yi into the valley, almost burning Sima Yi's army alive.

The reason why Sima Yi was able to live was because of the sudden heavy rain in the sky, Jiang Xuan did not believe that the Fierce Bird tribe had such luck.

After listening to Jiang Xuan's plan, the leaders of Shan Jia, Ye and Unicorn tribe were stunned and stunned, and then felt their scalps go numb.

Tribal people fight, most of the time they are hula hula rushing up, and at most some traps are arranged to trap people.

They have never used or even thought of such a meticulous strategy as Jiang Xuan.

Moreover, most tribes would not use methods like fire attack, because the virgin forest in the Southern Wilderness is too dense, and once it burns, the flames will not be divided into enemy and us.

Once the fire spreads on a large scale, all tribes will suffer.

Shan Jia also thought of this question, so he asked: "Boss Xuan, if the forest around the valley is also burned, what should we do?"

Ye and the leaders of the One-Horned Tribe nodded their heads one after another. If the large forest surrounding the Great Swamp was burnt down, they would not be able to survive here.

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "Yanjia, remember when we attacked the crow tribe?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"The big crow could also breathe fire, and it was very powerful, but it failed to set the forest on fire. Why?"

Shan Jia thought about it carefully, then his eyes lit up, and said, "The Turtle God put out the fire with water!"

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