This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 215: precarious

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Southern Wilderness, Frog Tribe.


The frog tribe witch entered Huomeng's house and closed the door.

"Wu, what are you doing?"

Huo Meng was grilling fish to eat, and he was puzzled by Wu's behavior.

The frog tribe witch walked to Huo Meng and said, "What time is it, are you still in the mood to bake fish?"

"Even if the sky falls, you have to fill your stomach, right? Did something happen?"

The frog tribe witch lowered her voice: "There is a problem with the totem **** of the Vine tribe, we have to prepare early."

"Didn't it say that the Fuji God will sleep for a while?"

"You also believe this kind of words. You have seen how powerful the thunder tribulation one day is. Even the stone mountain is gone, and the divine vine is also broken."

"Since that day, I haven't felt the existence of Shenteng again."

"So, I conclude that there must be something wrong with the totem **** of the Vine tribe, and maybe it has been choked to death."

Although the frog tribe witch is not very powerful, it is still a tribe witch, and is very sensitive to the power of the totem god.

Before the divine vine transcended the calamity, the frog tribe witch could feel the existence of the divine vine from a long distance, and the terrifying sense of oppression made people breathless.

But after the divine vine crossed the calamity, Shishan disappeared, the divine vine disappeared, and the sense of oppression disappeared.

At the beginning, the frog tribe witch was not sure yet, but as time went on, he exhausted all means and failed to perceive the existence of the divine vine.

In connection with the failure of transcending the tribulation, the frog tribe witch can almost conclude that Shenteng must have failed to transcend the calamity, there was a big problem, and even died directly.

Huo Meng took a bite of the fish and said, "Then what Yiwu means, what should we do?"

"What should I do? Of course, prepare an escape route!"

The frog tribe witch said: "Don't look at the calm now, as long as the nearby tribes determine that there is a problem with the vine, they will attack the vine tribe in a short time!"

"At that time, the vine tribe without the protection of the totem **** will definitely be broken, and our frog tribe will suffer too."

"So, for the frog tribe, we have to prepare in advance. Once the vine tribe is broken, we will run immediately!"

After Huo Meng listened to Wu's words, he was still eating fish unhurriedly, as if he didn't care much.

The frog tribe witch was anxious, grabbed his fish and said, "What time is it, you are still eating here, you should say something!"

Huo Meng finally looked at Wu and said, "I think it might not be that serious."

"What did you say? It's not serious?"

The frog tribe witch couldn't understand Huo Meng's thoughts at all, and even thought that Huo Meng had eaten too much fish and had a problem with his brain.

Huo Meng grabbed the fish back and said, "Wu, have you ever thought that if there is really a problem with the Vine God, who will the Veng Tribe be the first to guard against?"

The frog tribe witch was stunned for a moment. Although he was relatively old, he was not as old as Hutu. He was clicked by Huo Meng's words and suddenly thought of the key point.

"You mean, the Vine tribe is the first to guard against us?"

Huo Meng nodded: "Yes, as a subsidiary tribe of the Vine tribe, we are also the tribe closest to the Vine tribe, and they will definitely not be unguarded."

"So, if we are really ready to escape, once the Vine Tribe finds out, they will kill the Frog Tribe as quickly as possible."

"Witch, even if there is no Vine God, do you think we can withstand the attack of the Vine Tribe?"

Wu slowly shook his head, the frog tribe was too weak, and without the protection of the totem god, the vine tribe only needed to dispatch some soldiers to easily destroy them.

Wu asked again, "Then what do you say?"

Huo Meng took a bite of the fish, and soon spit out a few more fish bones, saying, "Since it is an affiliated tribe, we have no other choice but to fully support the Teng tribe."

"This one, if the Vine Tribe wins, we will trust the Frog Tribe more in the future, and we can get more benefits."

"What if you lose?"

"If you lose, then accept your fate. With our current population, without the protection of the Vine tribe, it is difficult to survive in other places."

The frog tribe witch looked at Huo Meng with complicated eyes. He had to admit that Huo Meng saw more clearly than him, and his vision was much longer than his.

Huo Meng nibbled the fish clean, then got up and opened the door to let in the outside light.

"Old... useless... In the future, everything in the tribe is up to you, I won't ask anymore."

The frog tribe witch also got up, he walked to his house step by step, his back was a little desolate.

When Huo Meng heard his words and looked at his back, there was no joy in his heart, only a heavy responsibility.


The follow-up content is repeated and will be updated tomorrow morning.


In the evening of July 20, a man and a woman were arguing in a wooden house on the edge of the Veng tribe's residential area.

The woman said sharply: "Everyone goes to the hunting team, the fishing team, and the worst is the workshop, what about you? You patrol there every day and watch the gate, and you can't get any benefits!"

The man defended: "We are defending the safety of the tribe!"

"Safety? There are so many fighters in the guard team, one more than you is not much, and one less of you is not more, how irreplaceable do you think you are as a one-colored soldier?"

The more the woman spoke, the more aggressive her tone became: "The hunting team and the fishing team can often divide the meat, and those in the workshop can often get rewards from the tribe, but what about you? You have worked for so long, and you have received what?"

The man opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Compared with other teams, the guards had less work and less danger, so they really didn't have so many points.

When the woman saw that the man didn't speak, she was even more angry. She pointed at the man and scolded: "I'm really blind, so I'll live such a miserable life with a **** like you."

"People live in mud brick houses, but you live in this shabby wooden house. They can exchange goods for knives and coins, and you haven't even got a knife coin back. I'm fed up with such days!"

The man's face turned blue and white, and finally, he shouted: "Enough!"


At this moment, thunder suddenly sounded outside, accompanied by strong winds, followed by heavy rain.

The woman was startled by the man's roar and thunder, and did not dare to push it too hard.

But soon, because of the heavy rain, water began to leak in several places in the wooden house, and the rain dripped on the ground.

This made the woman's mood worse.

Men use wooden troughs and clay pots to catch the rainwater, while women sit by the fire pit, which is not pleasing to the eye.

After the man was done with his work, the woman held back her anger and said again, "How about you go and ask the leader and let him transfer you to another team?"

The man did not speak, because he knew that his strength was relatively weak, and he joined the Vine Tribe relatively late, so it was no longer easy to enter the guard team. Except for the planting team and the breeding team, it was more difficult for him to enter other teams.

The woman wanted to lose her temper, but looking at the man's appearance, losing her temper didn't help much, so she endured it again.

"Spear, you should think about our future. We will have children soon. Do you want children to suffer with us?"

The man named "Spear" continued to bow his head and said nothing, but thinking of his future children, his heart softened a little.

The woman looked around and said in a low voice, "I heard that Fujishen has actually been killed by Lei Di."

The spear was startled by the woman's words, he hurriedly covered the woman's mouth and said, "Are you crazy? Dare to say such a thing?"

The woman struggled to break the spear's hand and said, "Many people say this in private, what are you afraid of? If the Vine God was still there, the first person to say this would have died long ago."

Spear frowned and fell silent again.

The woman lowered her voice and said, "The Vine God is gone, and I don't think the Vine tribe can last long. If other tribes attack, I am afraid we will all be in danger."

"So, we have to plan for ourselves and our future children."

The woman approached the spear and said in a very low voice: "I heard that other tribes are inquiring about the news of the Vine tribe, we can find a powerful tribe, exchange the news of the Vine tribe, and get you a leader Dangdang, I You and your kids can follow along.”

Spear categorically refused: "No, the tribe is so good to us, there has never been a shortage of food and How can we betray the tribe?"

The woman poked the spear's head angrily: "Are you out of your mind? If the Vine tribe is really kind to you, you should be sent to a better team, you should be accommodated in your house, and you should eat well. Good use!"

"But now? Look at this broken house, it's far worse than the houses where other soldiers live!"

"We used to be tourists. We joined the Vine Tribe to live a good life. Now that the good life is not over, we are still facing danger. What are we still doing with the Vine Tribe?"

"Anyway, the Vine tribe has lost the totem **** now, and sooner or later will be destroyed by other tribes. We are now using the news of the Vine tribe for a little benefit. What's wrong?"

Spear subconsciously wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute, and his face flushed.

Human desires are never satisfied.

When they can't get enough to eat, don't wear warm clothes, and worry about being eaten by wild animals every day in the forest, having a wooden house, food to eat and clothes to wear is a dream day for them.

Now, they have a wooden house, they have enough to eat, and they are warmly dressed, but seeing other people doing better, their hearts are unbalanced, and they want to live a good life like that.

But they never think about whether they have the ability, whether they have paid as much as others.

The woman continued to induce: "Spear, we are not members of the Vine tribe, and we shouldn't be destroyed together with the Vine tribe."

"When we join the new tribe and live a good life, I will listen to you in everything, okay?"

A woman is just an ordinary person, not even a warrior of one color. She knows very well that even if she wants to sell the news, other tribes may not believe it.

But the spear is different, he is a guard soldier of the Vine tribe, and his words are much more credible to other tribes.

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