The process of the exam is boring.

For the next two whole days, the content in the live broadcast room of the show "Raiders This Man" was a boring exam.

Because there is no too bombing plot, the popularity of the live variety show "Raiders This Man" has decreased a little.

However, even if it is lowered, the show still firmly occupies the first place in the variety show list!

Seeing such a phenomenon, several planners in the "Raiders of This Man" program group were not only sad, but also very happy!

Shangguan Idiot takes his time like this, although it will make the popularity of the show a little lower, but it can also make the show more durable!

As long as Zhang Nian is there and the fairy of the strategy is there, the popularity of the show "Raiders This Man" will not drop too low, and will only slowly stabilize at a value!

Several planners in the program group want to rely on Zhang Nian to let the variety show "Raiders This Man" stay on the list for a while...

Therefore, Shangguan Crazy Spirit took his time like this, which is actually in line with the meaning of the program team's planning gods!

Because the day of the exam, which happened to be Friday, the school also took up a day off for the students.

It wasn't until Saturday afternoon that the students of Jinwon Middle School were liberated after taking all the subjects.

However, the vacation taken up by learning is never made up!

So on Sunday, we have a day off, and on Monday, the students of Jinyuan Middle School still have to go to school on time!

After the exam, Zhang Nian gave himself a little relaxation and went home to play a game.

But he didn't indulge as much as before, after all, the road to Wenxing has been opened, and when he embarks on this road, he can't give up halfway!

On Monday, students returned to campus again.

After a day of judging time, the results of this mock test of Jinyuan Middle School have basically come out.

Everyone is waiting for the results of this mock exam, Shen Dawei is waiting, Zhang Nian is waiting, Shangguan is waiting, and in the live broadcast room, countless celestial audiences are waiting!

"I think that the first place in this exam is definitely Shangguan Idiot, after all, Shangguan Idiot has the strength to win the national science champion a year ago, and it should be easy for someone with this strength to win the first place in the whole school!"

"That's not necessarily, you know, Zhang Nian is the doppelganger of Emperor Wenchang, who is Emperor Wenchang? That's the god that science students want to worship, do you think that in the field of science, there are people who can compare to the gods in this field?"

"That's not what I said, although Zhang Nian is with Wenchang, but he is not the emperor of Wenchang after all, the emperor has said it, Zhang Nian is just a hair of his, and he is a new individual who has an independent consciousness after being dragged down, although it is said that it will also touch the emperor's light and learning ability is stronger, but it is only stronger!"

"Yes, besides, Zhang Nian has only been studying for a few days? Even if he is very smart, just for a few days, there is no way, directly from a scumbag to a champion, right?

"Ahem, although I really want to top Zhang Nian's boss, but I really think Zhang Nian's boss is going to lose this wave!"

The celestial audience in the live broadcast room was more excited than Zhang Nian and Shangguan Lingling himself, and they were all analyzing.

Seeing everyone's analysis, some celestial viewers were puzzled.

"Aren't we a strategy show? How did we start discussing learning? Isn't Shangguan Nian's task a strategy Zhang Nian? How did you start learning with Zhang Nian, who is better?"

For this kind of question, some well-meaning celestial viewers gave answers.

"Zhang Nian, not a good strategy, the methods used by Xu Jiaojiao and others before didn't have much effect, continue the old-fashioned strategy, and the result will only be failure. "

"Through Zhang Nian's previous performance when he played badminton with Su Yao, we can see that Zhang Nian, although he has no feelings, he is very competitive!"

"So with this, we can find a strategic path, that is, the path of the strong!"

"Before the strategy, defeat Zhang Nian first, let Zhang Nian become interested in us, and let him get to know us, instead of rushing like the previous fairies, and taking the initiative to make friends with Zhang Nian in a hurry!!"

"In a relationship, the status of both men and women is very important, the suitor will always be much humble, we can change this situation, not to chase, but to attract, let us become the pursued, let Zhang Nian, become the suitor!"

"This exam is the first step on the road to Shangguan Crazy Soul and attract Zhang Nian to pay attention to her!"

Seeing the explanations of the good-hearted heavenly audience, some of the confused heavenly soldiers and fairies suddenly realized one by one, and then, they also became nervous!

The results have not yet been released, and it is not certain who will win and who will lose on both sides, but most of the celestial audience feel that Zhang Nian will lose this time!

Even Shangguan Idiot himself felt that Zhang Nian would definitely lose this time!

Shangguan Crazy Ling has an absolute grasp of her own ability, not to mention, before the exam, she has been stable to the extreme!

There is no problem with her own state, she has exerted her strength to win the national champion immediately, then, she will not have any fear!

Although Zhang Nian is related to Emperor Wenchang, Zhang Nian still has to lose to himself after all, and then, he is attacked step by step!

Shangguan's desire to "fight" was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

"Shangguan classmates, let's have a meal together at noon, I'm in for a treat, just celebrate your first achievement in the school!"

Sitting at the back table of Shangguan Idiot, Shen Dawei, who came to skip the class, opened his mouth and licked wildly.

Hearing Shen Dawei's words, Shangguan Lingling was a little crying and laughing: "The head teacher hasn't said anything about the results, you have arranged the celebration banquet?"

"Isn't this a morning and night? I really don't think that anyone in our broken high school can compare to you!" Shen Dawei spread his hands and showed a big smile.

Shangguan Idiot didn't speak, but he also laughed.

It was at this time that the head teacher of Class 716 finally came to the class. _

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