This Ninja is Obviously Not Strong, But He Kills Too Much

Chapter 86: It can't be done because it's not strong enough!

Outside the teaching building, under the big tree next to the swing.

There was no soft rice to eat, but most of Itachi's bento went into Aoba's stomach.

Two words, really fragrant!

It's just a pity that the female classmates sent the love bento to the door.

It is estimated that after today, I will never have the opportunity to eat soft meals from female classmates. It's a pity, it's a pity~

He put down the empty lunch box and handed it back to Itachi. There was no embarrassment on Qingyu's face, and Itachi didn't take it seriously. He naturally knew about Qingyu's situation. Besides, it was just a lunch. That's it.

"Do you... have any plans?" Itachi hesitated for a moment, then asked.

Qing Yu was stunned, "What do you mean? The future?"

Itachi nodded and shook his head again, "I'm not going to waste too much time here, I want to graduate as soon as possible. I thought about what you said to me last time, and it makes sense. No matter what I think in the future. To do anything, you must have enough strength to support it. And I have already learned the things taught at the ninja school. It is too stupid to waste six years here, so I want to ask your opinion. "

This is the first time that Itachi has taken the initiative to learn from himself and share his sorrows?

Qing Yu was quite happy, and felt that the initial transformation of Itachi had achieved certain results.

Otherwise, if the original Itachi was replaced, it is estimated that he would have graduated early, so he might know.

"Hehe, that's a coincidence. After listening to the class this morning, I was thinking about whether to graduate early. You know, the road I'm going to take is different from that of ordinary ninjas."

Itachi didn't know why, but after hearing Qingyu's words, his heart suddenly felt extremely relaxed, and a subconscious smile appeared on his face, "Really, then maybe we can be divided into the same class after graduation."

Qing Yu also smiled, but said, "I'm not interested in being your shield, understand."

Itachi rolled his eyes for the first time, and then said angrily: "I will pack all the lunches in the future."

"make a deal!"

Qing Yu agreed immediately, for fear that Itachi would regret it, but he added, "But it's hard to say something like graduation, right? Are you sure?"

"As long as the two of us apply for early graduation together, there should be a high chance of being assigned together."

"That's fine, don't say I don't keep my promise when something goes wrong."


After finishing the topic, two teenagers of the same age sat under the tree and looked up at the sky.

Itachi was a little absent-minded. He always felt that he had changed a little bit like he used to be recently, but for some reason, the change didn't seem to be bad.

And having a friend with whom to share laughter and sorrow... It's not a bad feeling!

Gradually, a sunny smile appeared on Itachi's face.

Although it was only a flash, it still showed a bit of youthful heart.

The sun is so bright...

After wandering for a while, Itachi seemed to have thought of something, turned his head and asked, "Qingyu, what is your dream? Is it to be a Hokage?"

Qing Yu responded as a matter of course: "Of course, I have already booked the fifth Hokage in advance! Why, do you want to be Hokage too?"

Itachi shook his head, "I just hope that everyone can coexist peacefully and that there will be no more wars."

"Yes, the goal is lofty!" Qing Yu gave Itachi a thumbs up, not mocking, but from the heart.

"Do you think that day will come?"



"As long as the two of us join forces, is there anything we can't do? Think that the original Hokage and Madara Uchiha also suppressed the entire ninja world after joining forces! Since they can do something, we have no reason to do it. No, the only reason we can't do it is that we are not strong enough!"

Qing Yu suddenly sat up!

Itachi was also frightened by his 'brilliant words'.

How many dishes do you drink like this?

If there is still a grain of peanuts, it is not enough to say such nonsense.

Talking about how the two of them claim to be the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara...

But looking at Qing Yu's serious eyes, a thought suddenly popped into Itachi's heart: "This guy is actually serious!?"

Why can't it be done?

The only reason we can't do it is that we are not strong enough!

Inexplicably, the words began to echo in Itachi's ears.

It seems...that's right.

But, can the two of them really do it?

Itachi, who has been brainwashed again, is a little unconfident...

At this time, Qing Yu, who had finished talking about his crooked reasons, stood up, "Let's go, go back. Before realizing our great dream, we can complete a small goal first, and that is to strive for graduation as soon as possible!"

Itachi nodded. Indeed, no matter how lofty the ideal is, it has to be achieved step by step, and this small goal is really good. It seems that after returning home, I have to inquire about the conditions for early graduation.

It's just that by the time they walked into the teaching building, the trio of spiky heads were already a little impatient.

"Hey, you two!"


Qing Yu and Itachi looked at each other, and both saw the inexplicable look in each other's eyes, because they had no impression of the people in front of them...

"Bastard! We're in the same class! I just introduced myself this morning, but you two don't remember it at all, **** it! Remember it for me, this uncle's name is Kasuga Nohide!" Hedgehog No. 1 growled loudly, his face all over the place. It's getting Sasaki Bridge! "

"I am Winter Field!"

The other two also shouted one after another.

A few of them are obviously here to make trouble, but they are treated as strangers. Is there anything sadder than this?

"Sorry, can we go over?" Itachi apologized expressionlessly.

Aoba, who knew Itachi, knew that this guy was apologizing very seriously because he didn't recognize his classmates.

But in the eyes of the Hedgehog trio, Itachi was just perfunctory and ignored them at all.

"Arrogant guy!" Kasuga Nohide said through gritted teeth.


Itachi froze for a moment, and I apologize...


Looking at the scene in front of her, Qing Yu finally couldn't help it and burst out laughing.

I didn't expect this guy, Itachi, to have a natural side when he was a child, hahaha...

Serious apology was mistaken for provocation, so funny!

Qing Yu's laughter was like a series of slaps hitting the faces of the spiky-haired trio, making their faces turn blue and black for a while, and they were terribly ugly.

And just when the spiky head trio couldn't help but want to teach Aoba and Itachi a lesson, a tall and fat figure walked in from outside.

"Dare to stand in the way of this uncle, are you little **** itchy!"

"Sorry, I'm asking them to make way, please wait a moment." Itachi turned around, looked directly at the senior who was more than a head taller than him and said slowly.

It's still a familiar taste, and it's still a familiar recipe!

Looking at the blue veins that immediately burst out on the opponent's forehead, Qing Yu couldn't help covering his face.

"You really have a hand in hatred, Itachi!"

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