This Side Effect is Awesome

Chapter 374 Killing 36 Gods in a Row

Tongxin Town is in ruins.

Never do things over and over again. The small Tongxin Town has been saved twice by Song Ankang. Each time, Song Ankang turned the tide when he was on the verge of life and death crisis.

The first time, Song Ankang was seriously injured and almost died. The second time, Tongxin Town was targeted by Zhongshen, but he was able to escape.

Then came the third time. This time, a little demon god suddenly attacked Tongxin Town and many surrounding villages and towns. Tongxin Town was just one of them. Along with dozens of surrounding villages and towns, they were slaughtered together, and not even half a living person was left. .

Song Ankang originally thought that after the clearing of the Kongming Ant Clan, the monsters outside Kyoto would be quiet for a while, but he did not expect that because of the news of the loss of the mermaid front, the monsters outside Kyoto could no longer hold back so quickly.

He had just practiced hard for a few days when he received news that Tongxin Town, Chaoyun Farm and other villages and towns had been destroyed by demons and monsters.

Although he doesn't have too deep feelings for the townspeople of Tongxin Town, after all, it is the first town that Song Ankang came into contact with after traveling through time. He has many interactions with this town and has even saved it twice. After all, he has some feelings for it.

Thinking of the many enthusiastic townspeople in Tongxin Town, Song Ankang felt a little uncomfortable. When he sent the gods of the Kongming Ant Tribe to protect some places, Tongxin Town was neglected.

Unexpectedly, with just such an oversight, Tongxin Town would be targeted by demons and ghosts, turning it into such a scene.

Song Ankang was a little silent. Tongxin Town would definitely not be the first to have an accident. Who knows where it might happen next.

It might be the White Jade Mulberry Forest, or it might be the Tang family's other industries around Kyoto, or it might even be the Song family's processing workshop.

Although Song Ankang sent gods to guard some of these places, how could some small gods and medium gods stop the great gods? Who knows whether those demons and ghosts at the level of great gods would keep an eye on these places.

This Song Ankang can't guarantee it, and no one can guarantee it. Who can guess what those monsters and ghosts are thinking.

Some people may say that as a great god, how could he keep an eye on ordinary warriors in these places? But who knows when a fight will break out between monsters and monsters. If any monsters are injured, they will inevitably devour ordinary people. to recover from his injuries.

Or maybe it was just a whim that decided to attack these ordinary people.

Just like the previous monster swallowing the sky, didn't he swallow dozens of villages, towns and cities under the strategies of other demons and ghosts?

And the demons and monsters who destroyed Tongxin Town this time are also seventh-level gods, but they still take action personally to deal with this small town. You must know that there is not even an extraordinary monk here.

Even if those seventh-grade low-level demons and ghosts swallowed all the ordinary people in Tongxin Town, they wouldn't get much benefit, but they still did it. Who knows what their intentions are.

Kyoto is temporarily calmer, but the outside of Kyoto is still chaotic. At most, the area around the White Jade Mulberry Forest is slightly calmer.

If this is the case, then we should do something about the outside of Kyoto. Otherwise, if these monsters are allowed to continue like this, who knows how rampant they will become.

Song Ankang's beating was still not painful enough, so before he could be quiet for a long time, these demons and ghosts started causing trouble again. If they could give him a severe lesson, they would be much quieter.

A cold light flashed in Song Ankang's eyes, and he decided that every time he used the secret technique of demon disintegration, he would not waste the increase it brought, but gesture to the surrounding demons and ghosts to make them more honest.

I thought it was troublesome before and didn't want to anger these monsters too much. I wanted to maintain peace and stability for a longer period of time.

After all, the longer this kind of peace and stability lasts, the higher Song Ankang's strength will grow. This is a good thing for Song Ankang, but it is obviously not possible now.

These monsters and monsters just deserve to be beaten!

That day, after Song Ankang performed the secret technique of demon disintegration, he transformed into the Jiuyue Sword God, and used the intelligence and information collected by many servants of the gods to find trouble for those seventh-grade low-grade and seventh-grade medium demons and ghosts.

Half an hour later... Gu Huoniao, a seventh-grade middle-level ghost and god, was beheaded by Song Ankang.

An hour later... the seventh-grade low-level demon god Iron Bear was beheaded by Song Ankang.

Two hours later...Shiranui, a low-grade seventh-grade monster, was beheaded by Song Ankang.

In just one day, more than fifteen low-grade seventh-grade and medium-grade seventh-grade monsters died under Song Ankang's sword. Basically, they were all solved with one move, and there was no need for Song Ankang to use a second move.

Don't pester, don't waste time, don't talk nonsense... kill as soon as you come up, kill and leave. Monsters and monsters will behead you wherever you go, and no one can escape Song Ankang's Erlong Sword.

It was still the same on the second day. By the time the second day passed, more than 30 demons and monsters had died under Song Ankang's sword.

On the third day, the demons and monsters finally noticed and began to respond, either by running away or by grouping together to deal with Song Ankang's attack.

But even so, in just half a day, Song Ankang killed six more seventh-level monsters. Seeing that there were not many chances left, Song Ankang temporarily stopped.

In just over two days, the number of demons and demons that died under Song Ankang's sword reached thirty-six, which shocked countless demons and demons outside of Kyoto, and made countless demons and demons afraid of them. Even those demons and demons at the level of gods were still at this moment. My heart kicked.

The originally chaotic Kyoto area suddenly calmed down. Suddenly, there were no demons and ghosts causing trouble. The demons and ghosts that had just been arrogantly devouring many villages and towns were basically slaughtered by Song Ankang.

Naturally, the human race in Kyoto also received the news, and they were also shocked and dumbfounded. They did not expect that the Jiuyue Sword God was so powerful, killing so many demons and monsters in just over two days.

Zhang Xinfang, Wang Xinjing, Ding Songhe and others exclaimed in amazement. Emperor Song Fenghua of the Xia Kingdom was dumbfounded and issued an imperial edict to reward the Jiuyue Sword God. Song Ankang surpassed many human gods in a short period of time with the high achievements accumulated by the Jiuyue Sword God. Ranked among the top ten in the human race.

The people around Kyoto even took the initiative to set up immortality tablets, hoping that the Jiuyue Sword God could live forever and live as long as heaven, and always protect Kyoto, and more importantly, protect the entire human race.

The original decadence and depression caused by the loss of the mermaid front had mostly dissipated at this moment. Many humans had regained their spirits and were ready to fight the monsters to the end.

The name of the Jiuyue Sword God is like a bright sun shining on the huge Kyoto, making millions of people feel warm.

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