Chapter 77 The Battle of Xuzhou broke out, and Lü Bu with a previous conviction!!

Xuzhou, Xuzhou City.

The three-way army came straight to Xuzhou, and such a big movement directly frightened Tao Qian and fainted.

For a while, Xuzhou City was in chaos, and all the people and wuwu were walking outside the main dormitory.


With a crisp sound, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and Lang Zhong walked out carrying the medicine box.

“What happened to the Lord?”

Cao Bao and Zhao Yu hurriedly asked.

“The lord was only overly frightened and passed out, and now it is no big deal.”

Lang Zhong replied.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Cao Bao, Zhao Yu, Mi Zhu, the three of you come in.”

Before Lang Zhong left, Tao Qian’s faint voice came in.

The three looked at each other, walked into the house together, and turned around and closed the room, “Master, are you okay?” ”

Before sitting down, Cao Bao asked.

I saw Tao Qian’s face pale, his mouth was bloodless, and the whole person was languishing.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

Tao Qian waved his hand.

“Why did Yuan Shao join forces with Liu Dai and others to attack Xuzhou?”

He asked puzzled.

It was all too sudden, almost without warning.

Cao Bao and the others frowned, unable to say why for a while.

“In order to resist the Han court, all the princes need to expand their strength and occupy important ground, and this is the reason.”

In the end, Zhao Yu said it.


Mi Zhu sighed.

“How is it now?”

Tao Qian asked helplessly.

“The 10,000-strong army of Liu Biao of Jingzhou came to Xiaopei, and Liu Dai and Yuan Shao’s total of 40,000 troops came to Langya County.”

Cao Bao quickly reported the enemy’s movements.

Hearing this, Tao Qian was angry and tumbling again.

The three major princes joined forces, totaling 40,000 troops, attacking from different directions in three directions. Xuzhou is only 70,000 troops, how to resist?

“Damn Yuan Shao!”

Tao Qian cursed, his hand desperately tugging on the quilt.

“Lord, the priority is to deal with the enemy army.”

Mi Zhu persuaded.

Tao Qian took a deep breath before trying to calm himself down.

“Yes, although the enemy army has many troops, it is not without a way to crack it.”

Zhao Yu said.

Hearing this, Tao Qian was overjoyed in his heart, and hurriedly asked what was a good way to crack it.

“Xiaopei is Lü Bu’s town guard, and Liu Biao’s 10,000-strong army cannot pose a threat at all.”

Zhao Yu said.

In other words, this army had Lü Bu to block, and there was no need to use the Xuzhou army to support.

The Xuzhou army only needed to block the army of Yuan Shao and Liu Dai in the north, and even if it could not hold Langya County, it could retreat to Xuzhou City.

After what Zhao Yu said, Tao Qian suddenly realized.

“Yes, why did Bengong forget Lü Bu?”

He patted himself on the head.

Xiaopei was Lü Bu’s defender, and Liu Biao to the east could not threaten Xuzhou at all, unless Lü Bu’s troops fled in defeat.

However, the Jingzhou army was not the Youzhou army and the Han army, and with the Union State Army in Lü Bu’s hands, it was easy to block it.

“Can Langya County hold it?”

After reassuring the east, Tao Qian was concerned about the situation in the north.

“It depends on how many troops the lord dispatches.”

Zhao Yu said bluntly.

“Since the other side dispatched an army of 40,000, our army naturally has to dispatch an army of 60,000 and do our best to protect Langya County.”

Tao Qian said without thinking.

In other words, only 10,000 troops were left in the entire Xuzhou to defend.

Moreover, the 60,000 army was enough for Yuan Shao and Liu Dai to retreat.


Mi Zhu directly vetoed it.


Tao Qian was puzzled.

Since the enemy forces in the east do not need to be cared about, they can naturally concentrate their forces on the north.

“Is Lv Bu credible?”

Mi Zhu asked suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, Tao Qian suddenly woke up.

Yes, Lv Bu is not a trustworthy person! This person has a previous conviction and has betrayed Ding Yuan.

If this person suddenly rebelled at a critical time, how would Xuzhou City, which had less than 10,000 troops, meet the enemy.


Tao Qian let out a long sigh, and didn’t know what to do for a while.

“In this way, send an army of 30,000 to the north to meet the enemy.”

Zhao Yu thought for a while and proposed.

“Only 30,000 troops, can block the 40,000 combined forces of Jizhou and Yanzhou?”

Tao Qian asked with doubt.

“Of course, after all, it’s just to hold Langya County.”

Zhao Yu said with certainty.

Hearing this, Tao Qian was still not at ease.

“Lord, our army has 30,000 troops, and Langya County is an easy place to defend and difficult to attack, so don’t worry at all.”

Zhao Yu said with relief.

Tao Qian breathed a sigh of relief at this, what he was worried about was that Yuan Shao and the others might hide their backhand if they were menacing.

“Well, in that case, the matter of guarding Langya will be handed over to Cao Bao.”

He gave military orders directly.

Cao Bao is also a general with rich combat experience, which is suitable for handing over such a big battle to him.


Cao Bao took the order.

Tao Qian arranged for him another deputy general to go, and asked Mi Fang to follow. Only in this way can he be completely at ease.

“The rest of the people will stay in Xuzhou, and if Xiaopei changes, they will quickly go to support.”

Tao Qian coughed a few times and continued to order.


Zhao Yu and others answered.

“Lord rest at ease, these little things can be left to us.”

Mi Zhu said.


Tao Qian replied, and then lay down.

The Wen Wu present also quickly dispersed, and Cao Bao immediately went to gather the army, preparing to immediately go to Langya County.

After all, the military situation has been coming for a while, and if it is late, Langya County is in danger of being lost.

At this time, Lü Bu in the direction of Xiaopei also received the news that Liu Bian led the army to come.

“Is this Liu Biao crazy and dares to lead an army to attack Xuzhou?”

Lu Bu was stunned for a moment, a little surprised by Liu Biao’s arrival.

You must know that Xuzhou is notoriously easy to defend and difficult to attack, how dare Liu Biao send an army of 10,000?

“Something is wrong.”

Gao Shun shook his head.

If he really wanted to attack Xuzhou, Liu Biao would definitely not send only this little force.

“What do you mean, could it be that this Liu Biao is just here to test it?”

Lv Bu asked.

“Well, otherwise I can’t find another reason.”

Gao Shun nodded.


Lu Bu felt a little unlikely.

If it is a trial, there should be a change in Jingzhou, or an army should be deployed recently.

Otherwise, the temptation is meaningless.


Just as the two were guessing, a sound of footsteps suddenly came.


A soldier directly broke in and interrupted Lu Bu’s thoughts.

“What’s the matter?”

Lu Bu asked dissatisfied.

“The territory of Xuzhou is mobilizing a large army and heading north.”

The soldier reported.


Lv Bu glanced at Gao Shun.

It seems that things are different from what they think, and Liu Biaobacheng is not tempted.

“Tao Qian should know some news, they are heading towards the ground, I am afraid to resist the attacks of other princes.”

Gao Shun guessed.

“In that case, they should also know that Liu Biao has also changed.”

Lv Bu was a little puzzled.

“The subordinates understood.”

Gao Shun suddenly realized.

“We are sitting in Xiaopei, if Liu Biao wants to attack Xuzhou, he must start with us.”

He explained.

“So that’s the case, this guy is using us as a shield!”

Lu Bu finally understood.


Gao Shun nodded in agreement.

Although Lu Bu was angry, he thought about it and had already taken advantage of the land he had obtained Xiaopei.

Moreover, between him and Tao Qian, it can also be regarded as an ally. In any case, this battle should be contributed.

“Is there anything else besides this news?”

Putting away his thoughts, Lu Bu asked.

“No more.”

The soldier shook his head.

Hearing this, Lü Bu’s brows furrowed, so that he could not know the news in the north of Xuzhou.

“Could it be Yuan Shao or Liu Dai?”

He guessed.

Gao Shun did not answer in a hurry, after all, many news they could not know.

It wasn’t until another Xiaozuo broke in that they learned that it was Yuan Shao and Liu Dai who attacked Xuzhou together.

“It seems that Yuan Shao is determined to win Xuzhou!”

Lu Bu was taken aback.

Such a battle is enough to see the determination of the other party.

“Master, maybe…”

Gao Shun stopped talking.

“Bengong knows.”

Lu Bu already understood what he meant.

This time, the three princes joined forces to attack Xuzhou, maybe it was their chance.

Xuzhou itself is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and when the princes of the three sides have their own losses, they may be able to take Xuzhou by taking the opportunity.

“What Bengong asked you to prepare, how is it now?”

Lu Bu calmed his mind and asked.

“There are currently five thousand elite troops, and the equipment is the best.”

Gao Shun replied.

“Okay, resist Liu Biao first, and pay close attention to the situation in Langya County.”

Lv Bu ordered.


Gao Shun took orders.

“This time, maybe this guild is the biggest winner, not only occupying the important land of Xuzhou, but even expanding its strength.”

Lu Bu squinted slightly and said.

“That’s what the Lord said.”

Gao Shun on the side echoed.


Lu Bu raised his head and laughed, as if Xuzhou was already in his pocket.

“The subordinates congratulate the lord in advance, and will soon sit in the east and fight against the Han family.”

Gao Shun was also excited.

“Okay, go and transfer the troops for a while.”

Lu Bu waved his hand.

Gao Shun led the order to leave, and quickly dispatched the army straight to the Xiaopei defense line.

At the same time, the Jingzhou army was also very close to Xiaopei, and was already taking its last rest.

When the rest is over, the first onslaught will be launched by Xiaopei.

Outside Langya County.

Yuan Shao’s 20,000-strong army arrived at the border of Langya County first.

The leader of the army was Zhang Hao, one of the four court pillars in Hebei.

Yuan Shao believed what Guo Jia said, so he sent this person to attack Xuzhou.

After the arrival of the army, Zhang Hao did not rush to attack, but ordered people to spy on the situation in Langya County.

Moreover, the army tried to hide its whereabouts as much as possible, and it was not exposed to the Xuzhou army in Langya County.

In the evening, cooking smoke rose from the garrison’s place, and the Jizhou army was eating and resting.

Zhang Hao was alone in the big tent of the Chinese army, repeatedly looking at the map on the case, rehearsing the attack on all directions of Langya.

“General, the last general has finished spying on the situation in Langya County.”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the account.


Zhang Hao stopped thinking and let the scouts come in.

The scout opened the curtain and left, and after saluting, began to report the situation in Langya County.

The person who guarded Langya County was Xiao Jian under Tao Qian, responsible for the entire affairs of Langya.


After Zhang Hao listened, he waved his hand to let the scout leave.

“If you raid Langya, maybe you can quickly take this place.”

He muttered.

It was a bold attempt, and according to his calculations, the reinforcements sent by Xuzhou would not arrive in a short time.

Even if you can’t take Langya, you can capture a county first. But after thinking about it again, Zhang Hao still gave up this idea.

Liu Dai’s army has not yet arrived, if he attacks first, won’t he let Liu Dai’s army take advantage?

This time, although it was a joint attack, Zhang Hao also had to make plans for his lord.

Make a decision, Zhang Hao also went to rest.

After estimating an hour, scouts came to report the arrival of the Yanzhou army, which was only five miles away from the Jizhou army.

Zhang Hao took part of the Jizhou army and went to meet with the Yanzhou army. On the Yanzhou Army’s side, there are also 20,000 troops.

But it is worth mentioning that the generals of this expedition are forbidden.

This guy is one of the five good generals in the later life, and his military talent and martial arts cannot be underestimated.

This is also the only general under Liu Dai who can win the martial arts at present.

Arriving at the big tent of the Yanzhou army, Zhang Hao finally saw Yu Ban.

“I don’t know what to call Brother Tai?”

Zhang Hao looked at the unsmiling in front of him, and his attitude was a little cold Yu Forbidden.

“Under the forbidden, I don’t know who Your Excellency is?”

Yu Forbidden arched his hand in a flat tone.

“Zhang Hao.”

Zhang Hao replied.

After the two just exchanged names, they immediately began to discuss attacking Langya County.

Zhang Hao did not hide his secrets, and told the situation of his service to spy on. It just so happened that the scout sent out by Yu Ban also returned.

The situation of espionage is good as Zhang Hao said.

“I wonder how Brother Zhang thinks he should attack Langya?”

Yu Ban asked straight to the point.

“At present, Xuzhou’s reinforcements should not have arrived, and I thought that a surprise attack could be launched.”

Zhang Hao replied.

Yu Ban did not answer, but stared at the map.

“Okay, surprise attack.”

But in just one breath, he agreed with what Zhang Yi said.

The sooner you capture Langya County, the sooner you can let the army march into Xuzhou City. In this way, the war can end faster, which is good for everyone.

Making up their minds, the two did not hesitate, and each led the army straight to Langya County.

The two armies chose different offensive routes and would eventually converge at Langya City. When the two armies set out, it was just when it was dark.

Neither Zhang Hao nor Yu Ban chose to use torches, even if the march would be slower.

Once the torches are used, their tracks will be exposed in advance.

At that time, it will not be possible to capture the city while blocking the leakage of news.

Estimating that the sky was getting darker, Zhang Hao took the lead in launching a surprise attack on a county town.

An army of 20,000 surrounded the county and blocked all entrances and exits. Zhang Hao took the lead and attacked the city from the front.

It didn’t take much time to take the first county seat.

The direction of the forbidden was also smooth, and Langya County lost two cities in an instant. The scariest thing is that no news has leaked out yet.

The two captured the city for a short rest, and then left for other cities in Langya County.

By the time dawn, at least four cities had fallen, and Langya City still had no news.

Even when Zhang Hao and Yu Ban accompanied the army and surrounded Langya City from the northeast directions, Langya City did not notice the slightest.

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