Liaodong, Liaoxi County, Changli.

Gongsun Du was in the camp and learned that Yuan Shang and Gongsun Zan were defeated and captured, and that Yecheng and the four prefectures of Hebei were gradually returned to Cao Ang.

This made Gongsun Du look shocked and deeply worried!

He is a householder in the land of Liaodong. From a small official in Xuantu County, he became the current king of Liaodong and one of the heroes of the world!

When the Han Dynasty was in chaos and the princes were fighting in the Central Plains, Gongsun Du found another way to dominate Liaodong.

Not only were several counties in Liaodong under his control, but even Goguryeo, Fuyu and Wuhuan tribes all surrendered to Gongsun Du.

Gongsundu also used this territory as a state to establish his own Pingzhou!

He even sent his troops across the sea to collect troops, Liu Yi, and inserted another nail on the edge of several states in the Central Plains.

In Gongsun Du's vision, he could use the high mountains and rivers in Liaodong to conquer the four prefectures in Hebei and then the Central Plains.

If you retreat, you can occupy Liaodong to defend yourself. In this chaotic world, you can be king for generations!

However, Gongsun Du's vision was interrupted by one person.

That is the son of Cao Cao, the world-famous Marquis of Lanling and General Cao Ang!

Originally, all the princes in the world were rising together and attacking continuously, and there was even a tendency to separate the kingdoms for a long time.

If this situation continues, it will be like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the princes coexisted for decades or even hundreds of years...

Therefore, Gongsun Du's life in Liaodong was a happy one.

The mountains here are high and the emperor is far away, and there are dangerous mountains and rivers blocking the way. The place is vast and can be considered rich.

It was enough for Gongsun Du to enjoy wealth and honor in Liaodong and sit back and watch the feuding princes in the world.

The feudal princes of the Central Plains were in a state of mutual checks and balances.

Until the world becomes unified again, no one can threaten Liaodong...

But the appearance of Cao Ang broke this balance!

It also gave Gongsun Du a sense of crisis!

Last year in the second year of Jian'an, Cao Ang came out of the blue, captured Lu Bu and defeated Yuan Shu, killed Sun Ce and destroyed Liu Biao.

Sweeping four princes in three months!

With the potential to compete with Hebei overlord Yuan Shao!

At that time, Gongsun Du began to pay attention to Cao Ang and the Cao family.

Then Yuan Shao, the overlord of Hebei, mobilized all the armies of the four states to fight against the Cao family and his son.

Gongsun Du also paid close attention to this battle.

He also thought that Yuan Shao's army of 600,000 to 700,000 men, such a strong capital force, and the help of the princes in Guanzhong, would be enough to defeat the Cao family and his son.

But the final result left Gongsun Du stunned!

Yuan Shao was defeated and died in the battle, and Yuan Jun's vitality was seriously injured...

From that time on, Gongsun Du was prepared and began to prepare for war.

After all, no matter who it is, after defeating Yuan Shao, they will not sit idly by and ignore the four states of Hebei!

And if the four states in Hebei fell into the hands of the Cao family, how could the Cao family and his son leave Liaodong alone with their ambitions?

Sure enough, after one winter, Cao Ang led his troops on the Northern Expedition!

When the Yuan brothers asked for help, Gongsun Du also immediately asked Liu Yi, his general in Donglai County, Qingzhou, to assist Wang Xiu, Yuan Tan's farewell commander, to guard Qingzhou and block Cao's army Zang Ba's troops.

He ordered 100,000 elites from Liaodong, and also coerced a total of 200,000 men from Goguryeo, Fuyu and the Wuhuan tribe under his control. They claimed to have an army of 500,000. They set out from Zhongliao County in the hinterland to go south to support the Yuan family!

One is that he cannot sit back and watch the Yuan family be defeated by Cao Ang, otherwise Liaodong will not be protected if his lips are dead and his teeth are cold!

Secondly, since Gongsun Du can cross the sea to collect rice, how can he be a complacent and unambitious person?

When Yuan Shao was here before, Gongsun Du did not dare to have any thoughts about the four states of Hebei.

Now Yuan Shao is gone, and the Yuan brothers are a group of short-sighted and incompetent people like pigs and dogs.

After Gongsun Du helped the Yuan family defeat Cao Ang, he could also take this opportunity to get rid of the Yuan family brothers and become the new master of Hebei.

This is a false way to attack Guo!

Gongsundu already owns the land equivalent to one state. If he gets the four more states in Hebei, he will have the land of five states.

Moreover, most of the foreign tribes such as Goguryeo and Wuhuan are afraid of Gongsun Du's power. It can be said that the entire north will be controlled by Gongsun Du!

However, Gongsun Du's idea was good, but reality taught Gongsun Du a lesson!

He didn't even get out of Liaoxi County before he was blocked in Changli by Yan Rou, the Wuhuan Sima who had surrendered to the Cao family!

Yan Rou, on the other hand, stationed troops in Yangle and camped along the mountains and rivers.

This is the key point of the Liaoxi Corridor. Yan Rou stationed here, blocking Gongsundu's path.

Yan Rou was originally a famous general in Youzhou, highly respected by the tribes in Youzhou and the border areas, and was good at using troops.

There are 30,000 Youyan elite soldiers under his command, and 60,000 to 70,000 soldiers from the Wuhuanqiao and other tribes follow. With these 100,000 troops, they can defend against danger.

Let Gongsun save 300,000 people and not be able to move forward for two whole months!

Naturally, Gongsun Du did not have time to support Yecheng, but stayed with Yan Rou for more than two months... Before that

, Gongsun Du had always hoped that the Yuan brothers could block Cao Ang, or even repel Cao Ang. Then he returned to Yan Rou's rear, and attacked Yan Rou with Gongsun Du to open up the Liaoxi Corridor.

But he finally got such news that he was unwilling to accept.……

"well! Withdraw your troops!

Both Yuan and Gongsun Zan were defeated, and Yecheng and the four prefectures of Hebei fell into the hands of Cao Ang.

Even if we continue to fight Yan Rou here, it will be of no use!"

With the uneasiness and unwillingness in his heart, Gongsun Du finally sighed and ordered the withdrawal of troops.

"By the way, send someone across the sea to send a message to Liu Yi. If Donglai can't hold on, let him lead his troops across the sea and withdraw.

From now on, our army should switch to a defensive position……"

At this moment, Gongsun Du, who was already forty-nine years old, no longer had the high-spiritedness of the Liaodong hero, but looked a little depressed.

Because he knew in his heart that with Cao Ang taking all four states in Hebei, Liaodong had no other choice but to hold on!

Fortunately, Liaodong is different from Yuan's Yecheng Jizhou. Gongsun Zan's territory is centered on the Liaodong Peninsula and is surrounded by the sea on three sides, with only the northwest bordering Youzhou.

Moreover, from Youzhou to Liaodong, there are many dangerous mountains and rivers along the way, and there is also a western Liaoning Corridor, which is an important area for military strategists.

Yan Rou, with 100,000 troops stationed in front, could prevent Gongsun Du's 300,000 men from advancing even an inch.

Similarly, as long as Gongsun Du sends a reliable army to defend here, he is confident that he can block the attack of hundreds of thousands of troops!

Now that the Cao family has occupied the Central Plains and Hebei, the trend of unifying the world is unstoppable.

Then Gongsundu retreated and settled for the next best thing, clinging to Liaodong to form his own country!

He would never choose to surrender to the Cao family!

After making the decision, Gongsun Du left his son Gongsun Kang to guard Changli with tens of thousands of elite soldiers from Liaodong and 100,000 servants from Wuhuan tribes, and then led his army back to Central Liao.

At the same time, in the distant southwest of the Han Dynasty, Jingzhou and Yizhou finally received the same news.

After learning that Cao Ang had captured all four states in Hebei, the Cai family, the actual controllers of most of Jingzhou, suddenly panicked!

Especially during this period, they also faced an offensive led by Cao Ren to encroach step by step...

So, after careful consideration, the Cai family decided to surrender with their young master Liu Cong! []

In the land of Yizhou, Liu Zhang, the housekeeper dog, received this shocking news at the banquet.

Liu Zhang, who had a fat body after eating, couldn't help but be stunned, his two buttocks were fighting!

His father Liu Yan was the first advocate of the Han Dynasty to abolish history and establish animal husbandry!

Later, seeing that the world was about to be in chaos, he managed a lot, took the position of Yizhou Shepherd, and came to take root in this land of abundance.

One of the reasons is that some people say that the land of Yizhou has the spirit of the emperor!

After Liu Yan arrived in Yizhou, he even built some chariots that could only be used by the emperor. His ambition was clear!

With the death of Emperor Ling and the chaos in the world, Liu Yan simply supported Zhang Lu to occupy Hanzhong, pretending to be a thief and cutting off communication with the imperial court.

From then on, the land of Yizhou became independent from the Han Dynasty.

Over the years, no matter how the situation in Guanzhong, the Central Plains, and the north changed, and no matter how the princes attacked each other, the land of Yizhou enjoyed peace and stability.

Sit back and watch the ups and downs.

However, Liu Yan died of illness three years ago, and his son Liu Zhang succeeded him and became the lord of Yizhou.

Although Liu Yan was ambitious, he gave birth to a son who was a household dog.

Liu Zhang had no great ambitions and was a weak man, and because Yizhou was at peace, he spent all day singing, dancing and having fun with his close ministers.

He was like an idiot indulging in the dream of singing and dancing to achieve peace...

However, at this moment, Liu Zhang's dream was broken by the news from the north... next...

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