The fight of the tiger and leopard battalion is simply a one-sided massacre!

Yuan Shao's army was killed and abandoned armor. Flee from the wind!

That night, the soldiers of the Yuan army flocked to Wei County in droves, asking to join King Ye's camp.

"Report to the prince, in three days, a full 350,000 Yuan Jun brothers have come to our side!"

"Three hundred and fifty thousand, there are a lot of people, sergeant, how many generals have defected to our camp?"

Cao Anmin nodded, the grain and grass rewarded by the system warehouse is enough for a million army, and it is enough for people to eat and chew for more than half a year.

So for grain and grass, Cao Anmin is not worried at all.

As for military salaries, this is not an issue.

800,000 taels of gold, 4,700,000 taels of silver, and more than 3,000,000 taels of copper!

"Lord Yu, Yuan Shao's generals Ju Yi, Yuan Yuanjin, Zhao Zhao, Su You, Yan Rou, Wang Menzi, a total of seventeen generals have taken refuge in us. "

"Well, that's good. Strategist, you can make overall arrangements. "


Pang Tong agreed, and said: "Lord Wang, Prime Minister Cao Cheng has led 70,000 elite soldiers to pass the official crossing. Do you want him to go back?"

"Strategist, since my second uncle wants a piece of the pie, just let him come. "

Cao Anmin smiled, the second uncle Cao Cao had long coveted Yuan Shao's land in Hebei.

Then let him and Yuan Shao fight to the death, Cao Anmin decided to train the 350,000 Yuan troops well, and then send them to Wuheng in the north.

According to the time, the Badun of Wuheng in the Northland will be in the position of Shan Yu.

This guy is also Xu Du who opened a cake shop to hide his identity.

He has been in Xudu for several years and knows the Han people very well.

Of course, he knew the situation of the Emperor of the Han family now, and the Han Dynasty had fallen apart.

This person is extremely ambitious, and he has always coveted the land of flowers in the Central Plains.

He is waiting for an opportunity, as long as Yuan Shao and Cao Cao of Hebei do it.

Badun will immediately lead the elite cavalry of Wuheng to attack Baideng, attack Zhuo County, and invade the land of Youzhou.

The 350,000 soldiers of Yuan's army surrendered to his barracks, and Cao Anmin knew that he could not immediately devote himself to the battle.

They have to be transformed.

Only by becoming an elite soldier can we fight, and Cao Anmin has already seen these 350,000 soldiers.

At least more than half of them could not fight, and leaving them in the barracks could only be described as a burden.

So Cao Anmin thought of turning more than half of these soldiers into military households!

Give them the land, let him grow food.

And they were allowed to bring their families, young and old.

For soldiers who have been converted into military cantonment households, they will be given a subsidy per acre according to the number of fields they have planted.

Moreover, each household only needs to pay one-third of the grain as military food, and the rest of the grain belongs to them.

This policy can be said to have greatly encouraged these Yuan soldiers.

Cao Anmin divided the fields into military tuntian in Wei County, Yecheng, Handan, Maocheng, Liyang, Chaoge and other places.

Due to the successive wars in these places, there were not many people, and many fertile fields were deserted without cultivation.

At this time, it was the spring ploughing season, and nearly 200,000 military tun households were busy in their fields.

At this time, a group of Cao troops was heading from Guandu to Yecheng.

Cao Cao held a horsewhip on his horse and pointed at the busy soldiers in the fields by the roadside with a surprised expression.

"Feng Xiao, these people don't look like ordinary people, why do they work here?"

"Prime Minister, this is a new decree issued by King Ye, called the Military Tun Order. "

Guo Jia still knew a little about Cao Anmin's decree, and when he saw Cao Cao asking, he hurriedly introduced it in detail.

Feng Xiao sent some old, weak, sick and disabled people from Qingzhou, Xudu, and Yanzhou to An Min. Let him specialize in the military tun. "

Cao Cao's brain turned fast, if only Cao Anmin was in charge of the military tun, Cao Anmin could be effectively squeezed out.

Of course, in Cao Cao's opinion, this can be regarded as protecting the eldest nephew.

After all, Cao Cao also felt that his health was getting worse and worse, and he also knew that none of his sons were fuel-efficient lamps.

Before Cao Cao set up his eldest son Cao Ang as the son, but who knows how this kid was infected by his eldest nephew.

What he said now is even crazier than Cao Anmin.

Cao Cao was angry and took away Cao Ang's position as the son.

sent him to Runan, hoping that Cao Ang, a muddy boy, would be able to change his mind.

How do you know that this muddy boy is still doing his own thing, and Cao Cao can be regarded as giving up on Cao Ang.

The position of the prince of the world, the eldest elder Cao has also considered it, and I am afraid that it will have to be produced from Cao Pi and Cao Zhi Center.

And Cao Pi, Cao Zhi and his eldest nephew Cao Anmin do not deal with each other, if Cao Cao establishes either of Cao Pi and Cao Zhi as the son.

What should I do if Cao Anmin is not convinced?_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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