Huda Ke is as cold as a knife.

He smirked and shouted, "Do you want to escape?

With a sinister laugh from Hu Dake, he stopped drinking.

Crossbow arrows flew like locusts towards Cao Anmin and them.

Han Meng heard the sound of feathered arrows breaking through the wind behind him, and he sneered: "Don't let go of our little prince yet, otherwise we will definitely shoot you into a hedgehog!"

"Damn, it's you who was shot as a hedgehog!"

While Cao Anmin was speaking, he was already carrying the little prince of the Qiang people and running away.

The little prince of the Qiang people watched the rain of arrows in the sky attack indiscriminately, and he was completely stunned.

"It's him, Lori, he must want me dead!"

Suddenly, Diaoku suddenly understood that the person who wanted him to die was none other than his eldest brother, the Qiang prince Lori!

Hudako's sister is Lori's wife, and the carving library is the biggest obstacle to Lori's succession to the throne.

King Qiang originally planned to appoint the eldest prince Lori as the prince, but he couldn't stand the mother of the little prince's carving library blowing the wind in his ears every day.

King Qiang was originally a little partial to his youngest son Carving Library, plus this pillow wind.

He already had some loosening in his heart, and he did have the idea of setting up the little prince carving library as the prince.

Lori bought off the people around King Qiang, and he was naturally anxious when he heard such news.

He was always thinking about how to get rid of this half-brother carving library.

When Lahan hurriedly ran back to Faqiang City, he happened to meet Lori at the gate of the city.

Rahan didn't think much of it, and when he saw Lori, he hurried to him for help.

Ask the eldest prince of Lori to save the little prince carving vault.

"What? This kid from Diaoku was captured by the Han Chinese?, why don't you kill him? It's not good to be a hostage. "

Lori was afraid that the Han people did not kill the little prince carving library, so he would be happy in vain.

He was even more worried that King Qiang would send troops to rescue the little prince Diaoku.

Lori rolled his eyes, and he said to Rahan, "Rahan, you don't have to go and report this matter to my father, and the matter of saving my brother will be left to Prince Ben." "

Rahan was not happy, but he felt that it was better to say something to the king of Qiang.

"Come on, General Rahan, please go down and rest!"

Lori actually wants to put Rahan under house arrest.

It was only now that Rahan realized that something was not quite right.

"Your Royal Highness the eldest prince, I know that you will go to save His Royal Highness the little prince, but if I don't tell King Qiang about this, he will be furious that he can't find me!"

Rahan wasn't stupid either, he was in too much of a hurry just now.

Now that I have calmed down, I remember the rumors that came from the palace, saying that the eldest prince and the little prince are not in harmony.

It seems that this thing is actually true!

Lahan is retreating as advancing, and he deliberately said this to let the eldest prince Lori understand that if the incident happened, King Qiang would definitely not let Lori go.

"Rahan, are you threatening this prince?"

Lori was furious, and finally caught a good thing that could kill people with a knife.

Of course, he won't let Lahan tell the king of Qiang that he wants to kill his younger brother Diaoku with the help of these Han people!

"Your Highness!"

And at this moment, the general Hu Dake walked over.

After he asked about the situation, his eyes rolled and he hurriedly pulled the eldest prince Lori aside.

"What? You're going to save the Eagle Vault! Who the hell are you on?"

Lori was angry and anxious, and the general Huda Keke was his brother-in-law.

Even he has to personally save the little prince carving library, it seems that there is really no one on his side.

Aren't they optimistic about themselves?

Lori's eyes were as wide as bull's eyes, full of blood!

"Your Highness! is called saving, but in fact, he is looking for an opportunity to kill the carving library!"

Hu Dake sighed, his brother-in-law is really stupid.

No wonder King Qiang no longer wants to pass on the throne to him.

Ni Mei's, I can't figure out such a thing, and I still want to be the king of the Qiang people!

However, Lori is his brother-in-law after all, and Huda Ke is of course going to help him ascend to the throne.

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