"Grandson, this Liu Xie is so mediocre, weak and incompetent. He doesn't deserve to be on the throne of this big man!~!"

"Grandson, you also have the blood of my Han royal family in your blood!, so grandma decided to make you the emperor of this Han dynasty!"

What does it mean?

I'm afraid that this old lady hasn't been in Qiangdi for a long time, and she will treat her brain badly.

You are just a princess Jingyang of the king of Chang'an, and now the Han Liu family is a fart in the eyes of Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei.

Don't look at Liu Bei's talk about Kuang Fu Han Room all day long, it's actually bullshit.

Didn't he wait for the time to be ripe to ascend the throne and become the emperor of Shu?

Cao Cao also had the heart of being the emperor for a long time, but he was delayed.

Not to mention Sun Quan, Dongwu has been run by the Sun family for a hundred years, and it can be said that the needle cannot be inserted and the water cannot be splashed.

These three guys are all careerists, and they all want to unify the Central Plains and become the founding emperor.

Just an outdated princess like Princess Jingyang, who birds her?

Anyway, Cao Anmin is familiar with this history, and those three guys are all careerists.

"Grandson, are you worried that no one will listen to your grandmother and me?"

Although Princess Jingyang is old, her heart and eyes are not confused.

She looked at Cao Anmin's appearance and saw it.

The eldest grandson didn't believe what she said.

Also, after all, Princess Jingyang herself knows that she has been exiled to Qiang for forty years, let alone the Central Plains.

No one even the royal family will remember her.

"Grandma, I'll send you to Wushi to recuperate. "

inexplicably picked up a grandmother, and Cao Anmin was also speechless.

Whether what Princess Jingyang said is true or not, Cao Anmin has no way to verify.

However, it is absolutely true that Princess Jingyang is an authentic Han Chinese.

Cao Anmin traveled to this era, and he really didn't feel that there were any relatives who could be close.

But this grandmother is really close to him like a grandson.

Let's take care of an elder.

Cao Anmin doesn't care about raising one more person, saying that there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure.

"Wushi? No, good grandson. Send grandma and I'll go to Chang'an! There's what you want!"

Princess Jingyang shook her head again and again, saying that she would never go to Wushi.

She wants to go to Chang'an, and she can't delay for a moment.

Cao Anmin thought about it and nodded in agreement, after all, Princess Jingyang is also an elderly person.

I don't know how long I will survive.

It's a little bit to be able to help.

Cao Anmin took Princess Jingyang back to Wushi for more than a month.

Diao Chan, Cai Zhaoji and others served the old princess Jingyang properly, or they still have their homeland in their hearts, and there are important things to do.

The old princess of Jingyang really didn't want to leave Wushi.

"Good grandson, you are really capable! Okay, good grandma looks happy in her heart! But it's not too early. Grandma, I don't have much to do, so let's leave for Chang'an sooner. "

Chang'an City has now fallen into the hands of the second uncle Cao Cao.

Chang'an County Shou is Zhong Xuan.

It's just that Ma Chao learned that his father Ma Teng was killed by Cao Cao, and united with Liu Bei, and Han Sui used all the Xiliang soldiers and horses to capture Chang'an City in one fell swoop.

Today's Chang'an has fallen into the hands of Ma Chao.

Cao Anmin's intelligence network had already reported this military intelligence to Wushi.

A few days ago, Ma Chao ordered his brother Ma Dai to guard Chang'an, and he led his army to attack Tongguan.

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