We have all captured a large area of Ma Chao's Xiliang, he can't wait to kill you to relieve his hatred, and will he give Tongguan away?

Why does this sound so implausible?

By the way, also, you said that Ma Chao is your eldest brother?

Zhang Liao was already completely confused.

Completely confused.

"Wen Yuan, where are there so many problems? just take over Xiatong Pass. By the way, in half a month, you will take 20,000 people to Luoyang. "

"Childe, this is going to attack Luoyang!?"

Zhang Liao looked excited.

It's finally time to hit the Central Plains, and Childe has already made up his mind to take the Central Plains into his pocket.

Cao Anmin glanced at Zhang Liao.

"Wen Yuan, what are you fighting? When did I say that I was going to fight Luoyang? Let you take someone to receive Luoyang!"

"Receiving Luoyang, Gongzi, you actually arranged heavy troops near Luoyang?"

Zhang Liao looked surprised, but he was a little disappointed in his heart.

Capturing Luoyang is a great achievement, and Gongzi has actually arranged a surprise army in Luoyang.

It seems that the credit for capturing Luoyang will not fall on his head Zhang Liao.

"Haha, Zhang Wenyuan. You're really thinking about it. Let me tell you, I didn't arrange any surprise soldiers near Luoyang. You just remember to take over Luoyang when the time comes. "

"Alright, I have to go. Tongguan has been through several wars, and many places have been damaged. You repair, repair. "

"The last general obeys!"

Zhang Liao saw that Cao Anmin was a little impatient, and didn't dare to ask any more, so he quickly nodded and agreed.

Cao Anmin only rested in Tongguan for one day, and then left Tongguan and went in the direction of Luoyang.



Since this ancient city was burned down by Dong Zhuo, it has been much inferior.

The prosperity is no longer there, although a new city has been built on the ruins, but its scale can no longer be compared with the previous Luoyang City.

Cao Cao vomited a mouthful of blood in Huanglong Town and fled to Luoyang in a groggy state.

Xun Yu bowed forward.

"Prime Minister, Ma Chao burned my camp and followed our army, and the food and grass of the Xiliang army will definitely be poor. "

Cao Cao's eyes lit up, he glanced at Xun You, and nodded his head.

"Gongda, go on. "


Xun You hurriedly bowed and saluted, and continued: "Prime Minister, this Ma Chao must want to fight quickly and capture Luoyang. They will come and rob the camps. It can scatter ambushes and empty its army. When the horn sounded, the ambush soldiers were exhausted, and they could be captured with a single drum. "

Cao Cao nodded yes.

Even the body seems to be much better.

"Xu Zhu, the ambush of the horses will be handed over to you!"


Xu Zhu bowed down and promised.

That night, as Xun Yu analyzed.

Ma Chao desperately chased after Cao Cao and rushed to Luoyang at night.

There was indeed not much grain and grass left in Ma Chao's army, so he thought about capturing Luoyang City first.

took advantage of this momentum to kill Cao Cao.

After all, Cao Cao killed his Ma Chao's father, Ma Teng, and then killed his younger brother.

The revenge of killing his father and punishing his brother is like an arrow with a sharp hook piercing Ma Chao's heart.

If you don't take revenge, you don't deserve to be a human being!

Ma Chao's heart has a voice reminding him all the time.

Kill Cao Cao for his father, and his younger brother has a blood hatred!

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