In this battle, Jiangdong Army defeated many barbarian coalition forces, and then successfully pushed Jiangdong Army's front through Hepu County.

This means that Jiangdong Army can go south to control Zhuyazhou, which will be Hainan in the future.

This is also the island where Liu Chen wants to set up a naval base.

The Jiangdong Army finally relaxed. Although the navy base has not yet been built, the initiative is already on their side.

This battle can be described as a complete victory!

Liu Chen received the news about Jiangdong Army's victory in Jiaozhou immediately, and the system prompts appeared intensively, letting him know everything.

This made Liu Chen feel a little relieved.

Soon after, when Zhou Yu conveyed the frontline battle report through the communication pigeon, Liu Chen drafted a decree to reward them and asked them to keep up their efforts.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all suggested sending craftsmen and engineers to stay in Jiaozhou for development and construction, and at the same time build a naval base.

Xun You disagreed, and bowed and said:"Your Majesty! Although most of the territory of Jiaozhou is under our control, the geographical environment of Jiaozhou has not changed. The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army have excellent physical fitness. They are favored by God and have strong bodies. Strong. But those craftsmen, those workers, they are just ordinary people.

If they are allowed to enter Jiaozhou rashly, they will not be accustomed to the climate and the influence of miasma and poisonous insects, and plague diseases will break out again. However, we have not completely solved this problem.

Even the bodies of workers and craftsmen If their quality cannot be guaranteed, how can we allow them to enter Jiaozhou for development and construction?"

Xun You's opinion was echoed by many people.

As for the so-called God's favor, everyone obviously understood it tacitly. This was the effect of Liu Chen's ability bonus. It's just an excuse.

Liu Chen, wearing a crown and dragon robe, sat on the dragon chair and nodded repeatedly. He actually had a lot of opinions and opinions in his heart.

But sometimes, even if I, as the emperor, have opinions and opinions, I still need to ask the princes and take advice, so as not to make the princes feel that they have no sense of existence.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

The place below suddenly became noisy, and there were many heated discussions.

All the gentlemen present are those who have received ability bonuses, which means that they must be completely loyal to Liu Chen in order to receive ability bonuses.

Whether they are from the head of Guizhou or from a poor family , or maybe he comes from a noble family. As long as he is loyal to Liu Chen, he has always been a meritocracy.

Although there are factions and factions fighting, Liu Chen is in the middle to balance it, and it can't make any waves.

Therefore, the discussion is lively, but they do not hold each other back. Regarding the situation, various parties came up with a lot of suggestions.

Guo Jia came out and bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, since the barbarians can prevent the influence of the poisonous miasma in Jiaozhou, the Jiangdong Army won a great victory this time, killing and capturing many barbarian soldiers alive.

It would be better to let Zhou Yu coerce and lure them, using sugar-coated bullets to break through their psychological defenses, so as to obtain those experiences and formulas.

In addition, Jiang Dongjun can also be asked to assist craftsmen in construction. With Jiang Dongjun's physical fitness, he will not be affected by the Jiaozhou environment.

It is normal for soldiers to fight during the war and farm in their spare time. But this time it became development and construction. As long as a large reward is promised, the soldiers will surely not object."

Liu Chen nodded. Guo Jia's suggestion coincided with what he had in mind. Of course, Liu Chen had a bolder and proven decision.

"I decided to let all the people participate in military service."

Liu Chen suddenly said these words, which made the civil and military officials below stunned. Then, like a huge stone thrown into a lake, a huge wave was made. With a bang, the court hall exploded!

Civil and military officials came out one after another. , expressed opposition.

Even Xun Yu bowed down and made an impassioned speech saying that this move was inappropriate.

Military service and forced labor in the Han Dynasty were systems that every man needed to participate in and could not escape. There were almost three types of military service. The first is to serve in the Zhongyang army for one year. The second is to serve in the border area for three days. The third is to serve in the original place for one month.

Each man needs to perform three types of military service in turn.

The funniest thing is that except for the Zhongyang military service, all others are required At your own expense!

In ancient times, transportation was inconvenient, and it took at least half a year to go back and forth. It would definitely be a big expense to pay for it at your own expense.

The fields of the people were all abandoned.

As for labor, it was voluntary labor, building city walls, palaces, etc. It takes one month every year, and it is also at your own expense.

This is not once, but starts when you are in your twenties, and ends every year until you are in your fifties.

This heavy military service and forced labor, coupled with the poll tax and other exorbitant taxes, are overwhelming. The culprits of the common people made their already poor life even worse. They lived worse than dogs.

Therefore, many common people would rather sell their land, become slaves, and be driven by the landlords. Because the Han Dynasty treated slaves favorably.

When Liu Chen ascended the throne, , reduced military service and forced labor, and turned self-funded projects into public funds. Even the principle of military service nearby.

Forced labor was completely abolished, and civilian labor was recruited through remuneration for construction.

However, now it is necessary to have"all-military service", just hearing that This"whole people" makes all the civil and military officials present tremble with fear!

What a joke.

In this farming civilization, you need to spend several months in military service and hard labor every year. You can't take care of your own fields and you can't make money.

Unexpectedly Do you still need all the people to participate?

Those people will go crazy and will definitely force them to rebel!

Although many of them are from aristocratic families, they can become Liu Chen's confidants. They are obviously good officials who really want to do things for the people.

Hear this Everyone expressed their opposition to Liu Chen's policy order.

Man Chong, Cheng Yu and other upright people even scolded Liu Chen.

Liu Chen had no choice but to ask the eunuchs beside him to stop the officials, and then explained:"Everyone The Qing family has misunderstood what I meant. My military service is based on affiliation.……"

Then Liu Chen explained the matter of joining the military camp. He did not need to perform military service, he just joined the military camp and had a title.

This makes it even more difficult for everyone to touchMind up

"I am ignorant and do not know your Majesty's deep meaning. I dare to ask your Majesty to clear up my doubts?"

"I dare to ask your majesty to help you clear up my doubts?"

Xun You, Guo Jia, and Xun Yu are the three men above. They looked at each other and couldn't guess what Liu Chen was thinking.

However, when they glanced at Zhao Yun from the corner of their eyes, they noticed that the other party's expression was a little shocked and strange. , obviously thinking of something.

Liu Chen naturally had no explanation.

Could it be that he told the civil and military officials that after rigorous testing, he found that the loopholes in the system's"ability bonus" could be exploited? You can let the common people join the military camp, and then also get this ability bonus ?

Of course Liu Chen couldn't say anything!

Even if all the civil and military officials present tacitly agree, there are some things that just need to be known psychologically and cannot be made public.

Liu Chen's move is not to harm the people and impose excessive taxes, but to pass 'affiliation' Military camp, allowing them to get ability bonuses.

This is a loophole he has tested.

Liu Chen did not explain, and the civil and military officials present were helpless.

But since Liu Chen kept his word, Jun Wu jokingly said that it was just an affiliation, a name That's all, they don't need to perform military service, and they don't care anymore.

But Guo Jia, Xun You, and Xun Yu frequently looked at Zhao Yun and other generals, and decided to stop and ask after the meeting was over. Then

, the civil and military officials continued to discuss other matters. Government affairs.

During this period, there were impeachments of corrupt officials. There were insults and impeachments of officials who were incompetent in their work and left their jobs unused. There were also discussions on emergency affairs in local states and counties.

There were also discussions on wars all over the world.

For example, the Jiangdong Army in Jiaozhou and Barbarian wars. For example, Youzhou and Liaodong are preparing to go to war against Gao Juli.

For example, near Liangzhou, they are preparing to go to war against the Qiang and Di tribes and occupy Qinghai, the place where the dragon veins originated in Liu Chen's mouth. (Yellow River and Yangtze River)

Although Liu Chen set strategic goals - -The plan is to rest for ten years and then sweep across the world, but the encroachment on the foreign countries around the Han Dynasty has been going on.

It is impossible for the Han Dynasty to rest and rest, sit back and watch the alien races around them grow stronger, and they will naturally be in trouble by raising tigers. Understood.

This court meeting lasted for two hours.

When it was almost over, Liu Chen waited until the princes calmed down and announced the second policy:"I am going to hold the imperial examination!"

"Your Majesty, what is the imperial examination?"

The civil and military officials were confused. They were all confused about Liu Chen's two policies today.

Only Guo Jia, Xun You and Xun Yu, as the three princes, had discussed it with Liu Chen in advance and knew everything clearly.

But as the second son of the Xun family from an aristocratic family, his face was a little bitter and helpless.

"The imperial examination is a national examination conducted by me to select talents and officials.

It is divided into county selection examinations. Those who pass the examination can be called Maocai (xiucai). Maocai can participate in the provincial examination held by the prefecture and county. If they pass the examination, they can be called Juren.

Juren can take part in national examinations, and those who pass the examination can be called Jinshi……"

Liu Chen solved the doubts of the ministers one by one and made everyone suddenly realize!

In short, it is a national civil service examination. Of course, in this era, officials should be selectedsystem to explain.

Compared with civil servants, they are more prestigious. If they pass the Jinshi examination, they will be able to be ministers and ministers in the future.

This kind of fairness and impartiality, all examinations are conducted based on personal strength. Compared with the current system of promoting filial piety and incorruptibility in the Han Dynasty, the inspection and examination system is much stronger.

The talent selection system of the Han Dynasty-examination is not important, recommendation is the key.

This also led to the gentry's monopoly on knowledge and official paths. Generally speaking, civilians with no connections have almost no chance of being investigated.

For example, talents like Jia Xu were buried. They were finally discovered when they were in their forties or fifties because of Dong Zhuo's troubles in the capital.

The examination and promotion system of the Han Dynasty not only buried talents, but also became a tool for the nobles to form cliques for personal gain and dominate the world.

In the past, the fourth generation and the third prince of the Yuan family had disciples and former officials all over the world. It was because of this system and the chain effect that the Yuan family became powerful.

Now that Liu Chen has ascended the throne as emperor, he will naturally reduce this shortcoming.

But this weakening has almost destroyed the foundation of the noble clan! really.

Among the princes in the court, many of the disciples from noble clans looked a bit ugly. They looked at each other and shook their heads slightly!

Because even Xun Yu and Xun You, two of the three princes, came from the Xun family of the Yuzhou gentry, they did not have any say. They had no say at all.

Although Liu Chen looked like he was discussing, no one could change or persuade him to make a decision.

Even if Liu Chen really planned to impose excessive taxes on the whole army just now, the civil and military officials would be helpless!

Liu Chen was not a weak and incompetent Han Emperor who could let the civil and military officials below him take over.

Liu Chen was the overlord who ended the chaos of the Han Dynasty with one soldier and one shot, and divided the empire among the heroes!

The dazzling light of his literary and martial arts skills, his great talents and strategies, made the officials unable to open their eyes, and they did not dare to open their eyes!

The powerful intimidating power of the founding emperor of every dynasty was enough to make the officials tremble and have to submit!

Obviously, although the Han Dynasty is still the Han Dynasty, Liu Chen is one of the founding emperors and pioneered the resurgence of the Han Dynasty!

These officials from noble families were dissatisfied, but they had to endure it.

Liu Chen was very satisfied with this situation, as long as the imperial examination system appeared and swept the country.

It doesn't take decades, just let the common people taste the benefits. In a few years, this system, like a prairie fire, will take root in everyone's hearts.

Coupled with Liu Chen's promotion, more and more talents will appear in Guizhou and poor families.

Schools all over Jizhou can also be promoted to the whole country!

The nobles who once monopolized knowledge could no longer hold this power. If they did not want their family to be ruined, they would have to compete with the world's students.

Only with competition can we have the motivation to move forward!

"Send the content of today's court meeting to Di Bao (newspaper) and spread it. My two decrees are on the front page.……"

Having said this, Liu Chen looked around, and his originally gentle eyes gradually turned cold. He once led the Changshan Army to conquer the north and south, and his world-shaking domineering power was once again highlighted.

It was the murderous aura accumulated from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, from the piles of bones. It shocked the civil and military officials of the whole court and could not help but lower their proud heads.

"I have high hopes for the national military service and the imperial examination system. You must do your best to pass it on. Anyone who is slacking off, obstructing, or getting in the way will be killed without mercy!"

The civil and military officials below shook their bodies, bowed even more, and shouted in unison:"I obey your orders!"

The court meeting dispersed in the panic of the ministers.

Guo Jia, Xun You and Xun Yu ignored the princes who tried to persuade them to stay and caught up with Zhao Yun who left in a hurry.

"Zhao Qiaoqi!"

"General Zilong!"

"Walk slowly! Zhao

Yun had no choice but to walk so fast but was still blocked:"Lieutenant Xun, Xun Sikong, Guo Situ, what do you do for a living?""

After Liu Chen ascended the throne as emperor, all the veteran generals and ministers who followed him in the northern and southern campaigns were promoted for the second time.

Zhao Yun became a hussar general!

"Isn’t it true that Zilong has an affair? We have had an old relationship for many years. We followed His Majesty through life and death together.……"

Guo Jia was so shameless that Zhao Yun rolled his eyes. Finally, he changed the topic and asked mysteriously:

"Zilong, why does Your Majesty want to conduct nationwide military service? You definitely know!"

Seeing Xun You and Xun Yu looking over, many princes around pretended to be standing far away, but they all listened attentively. Zhao Yun laughed and said:

"You will know then! Why bother asking?"

Zhao Yun naturally knew that as the number one person in the army and one of Liu Chen's most trusted generals, he and Dian Wei, the commander of the imperial guards, were the closest generals to Liu Chen. He was the one who followed Liu Chen in the test at the beginning. One of the personnel, in the end, Zhao Yun also knew that as long as the people joined the military camp, their strength would be improved.

But this kind of thing could not be told at all, nor could it be said.

Despite Guo Jia's deception, Zhao Yun remained tight-lipped.

This made the ministers even more worried. Curious


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