Could it be that the people of the world are wrong?

Could it be that I, Guo Jia, am also wrong?

This Liu Shan is not a reckless man at all! He is a genius in the world who is both civil and military.

Impossible, simply impossible!

Guo Jia shook his head violently, God is fair, there will be no such person in the world.

He must have only been proficient in calligraphy.

Yes, it must be.

Diligence can make up for clumsiness, as long as you are willing to work hard along the way, your achievements will be extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia regained his previous look, but he looked at Liu Shan with a little more admiration.

Diligence can make up for clumsiness, it is simple to say, but it is not half lazy.

With such a timeless character, I don't know how many brushes will be broken and how many paper inkstones will be used.

I didn't expect this reckless man to be a person with perseverance.

Seeing that Guo Jia didn't speak, Liu Shan thought he was cheating, and hurriedly asked, "You are talking, who won this competition?"

As a top strategist, Guo Jia has his own pride, and although he is defeated, it is impossible not to admit defeat.

He said loudly: "I was defeated, I didn't expect you to be proficient in calligraphy, Guo Jia admires!"

It's good to admit defeat, Liu Shan couldn't help grinning and asked, "I don't know what the next item will be?"

Guo Jia raised his neck and said loudly: "The way of the game, the upper one is far away from it, and he is surrounded by the meeting, so he wins the Tao." The middle one is to cover each other, and to seek profit by fighting, so the victory or defeat is doubtful, and it must be counted. The lower ones guard the corners of the border and tend to be in the small land. I'm going to make a big deal with you today!"

Hearing Guo Jia drop his bookbag, Liu Shan buttoned his ears and mocked: "There is a lot of nonsense, you won more than your mouth!".


Guo Jia was angry, if he was a different person, he would definitely praise his understanding of Go just now, who knew that the reckless man on the other side not only did not appreciate, but also laughed at him for talking nonsense.

It seems that I am really wrong, if I am a person who is both civil and military, how can I be sarcastic, Liu Shan must be a reckless man.

In an instant, Guo Jia once again self-denied and classified Liu Shan as a reckless man.

Without further ado, Zhao Yun took the prepared chessboard and the black and white clouds and placed them in front of the two.

Go, originated in China, called "Yi" in ancient times, can be said to be the originator of chess, Go has a history of more than 4,000 years.

According to the pre-Qin classic "Shiben", "Yao made Go, Dan Zhu Shanzhi." "

Jin Zhanghua inherited and developed this saying in the "Naturalist Chronicles": "Yao made Go to teach his son Danzhu." Ruobai: Shun is stupid with his sons, and he pretends to play Go to teach him. "

Although Liu Shan knew about Go and knew that it was a powerful mental exercise, he had never played it, and he only knew that if he was killed, he would win.

He grabbed a handful of clouds with some curiosity, not to mention, the cold felt good.

Guo Jia looked at it and smiled dumbly.

Did the reckless man on the other side play Go? He didn't even know how to take a chess piece.

really didn't wronged Liu Shan, in his past and present lives, all chess games could only play checkers, and he was often abused.

"Liu Shan, you go first!".

Guo Jialang said that he is now eager to win back a city, but he doesn't care whether Liu Shan is a weak chicken or not.

"Okay, let's go first!".

Liu Shan shouted, and then clicked on the disposable props, and the opponent's strength was x5

Immediately afterwards, countless chess games, formulas, and traps of various fortunes came one after another.

An instant later, Go Xiaobai disappeared, and the superpower player Liu Shan fell from the sky.

With a "bang", Liu Shan put it on the chessboard.

"Hatsuko Tianyuan!?".

Guo Jia shouted and looked at Liu Shan sharply.

There is also a trace of reckless image on the opposite side, Liu Shan's aura at this time is extraordinary, his heroic spirit is exposed between his eyebrows, and although there is a smile on the corner of his mouth, his sharpness is exposed, which makes people feel cold in his heart.

Guo Jia still dared to be careless, and he was cautious, and he thought carefully about every child he fell, and tried not to show a flaw.

Unlike Guo Jia, Liu Shan is like a flyer, and he doesn't even seem to have to think.

At the beginning of the game, the situation was relatively calm, and it seemed that everything was peaceful, and even Guo Jia vaguely had the upper hand.


Guo Jia secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the oppression given to him by Liu Shan was too strong, and it was even more stressful than playing against a bull like Sima Hui.

But fortunately, he has the upper hand at the moment, and his heart is a little calm.

At this moment, Liu Shan put down the chess pieces and said loudly: "Guo Jia, you lost!"


Guo Jia shouted, the chess game had just reached the middle game, and he still had the upper hand, and he actually said that he lost!

Liu Shan shook his head and said, "Ninety-seven more hands, your great dragon will be slaughtered, and you will be defeated!"

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "Liu Shan, if you don't want to use that trick to attack your heart, I won't listen to it! I still have the upper hand in this game of chess!"

Liu Shan sighed and said: "Since you don't believe it, you will be to blame for the fiasco for a while, don't blame me Liu Shan for being ruthless!"

In the next moment, his chess style changed abruptly, he was full of aggression, and he attacked Guo Jia's weakness every time he fell, which was also where he must be saved.

This change, Guo Jia was in a cold sweat in an instant, and he couldn't control it at all, and every time he fell, it was extremely difficult.

After seventy-eight moves, he threw down the chess pieces and whispered: "I lost, you are right, after nineteen moves, my big dragon will be slaughtered!".

After speaking, he raised his head sharply and looked at Liu Shan with red eyes.

Who is the reckless man in front of you?

He has played countless games against this national player in the world, but after someone can see ninety-seven moves, this is not a person at all, this is a chess god.

Liu Shan smiled slightly, knowing that Guo Jia had been defeated, and said in his heart, the opponent's strength x5 was really fucking cool.



[Everyone, I know Monday, everyone is not going to school or going to work is very busy, but while reading books, there are flowers and tickets to come some?

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