Guo Jia had no doubts, when he heard that it was Liu Shan's personal selection, he knew that they were all top generals.

Liu Shan took Guo Jia to a resting place, and Zhao Yun stayed to continue to serve as a prisoner.

With these 500 soldiers secretly protecting Liu Bei, Liu Shan was completely relieved.

Jingzhou currently has a sailor battalion, and if there is a conflict with Jiangdong, Jingzhou will not have to worry about it.

There is a reckless battalion in Jingzhou, and if someone assassinates Liu Bei, there will be seven wounded Praetorian Guards to protect him in the future.

Whether it was a land battle, a water battle, or an assassination, Liu Shan knew that Liu Bei could deal with it.

Now if Liu Shan wants to leave Jingzhou, he can also have nothing to worry about, his crying father, Guo Jia and Pang Tong, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu by his side, no one can hurt him.

"Your Highness, it seems that you plan to leave Jingzhou and won't return for a long time!"

Guo Jia sighed, he had already seen from Liu Shan's arrangement that Liu Shan had planned everything for Liu Bei.

Liu Shan also didn't know when he would return to Jingzhou after completing the affairs of Jingzhou this time.

Arrange everything first, so as not to return to Jingzhou in the future.

"After all, this king is still the king of Xichuan, if he has been staying in Jingzhou, how can he be worthy of the title of king of Xichuan? After solving the matter of Sun Cao, Jingzhou will rely on Fengxiao to take care of it in the future!"

Liu Shan and Guo Jiadao, after solving the matter of Sun Cao, Liu Shan still needs to go to Jiangdong again to pick up Lu Xun.

At present, Liu Shan has planned everything and only waits for time to arrange it.

"Your Highness, please rest assured, as long as Fengxiao is in Jingzhou for a day, he will definitely keep Jingzhou safe and share his worries for Your Majesty!"

Guo Jia affirmed that he knew that Liu Shan would arrange everything secretly, and he only needed to act.

Jingzhou has Pang Tong and Guo Jia here, and Liu Shan can also feel much more at ease, and the strategies of these two military divisions are by no means in vain.

"Your Highness, the five hundred soldiers have all learned, and the Seven Wounds Fist is now in their opinion, and it can be used at will!"

Zhao Yun trotted to Liu Shan and said that he thought it was time for the Praetorian Guard to be formed.

Liu Shan did not tell the 500 soldiers that he would go to the palace tomorrow to protect Liu Bei's safety.

"Since they have all learned, then the king will go and announce that they will enter the palace tomorrow!"

Liu Shan returned to the training class with Guo Jia and Zhao Yun and gathered all the soldiers.

The soldiers feel that there is a place to use, and they do not want to continue their training here.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this king now announces that the Praetorian Guard has been officially established, called the Seven Wounded Praetorian Guard, led by General Huang Lao, among you, if there is a general who wants to be the commander, you can mention it to this king now, otherwise there will be no chance in the future!"

Liu Shan told the 500 trainees of the training class that this kind of leadership should still be mentioned on the initiative.

After three to five minutes, Liu Shan saw that not a single one of the 500 fighters had come forward.

It seems that the commander of the Seven Wounded Forbidden Army is none other than General Huang!

"Your Highness, it seems that none of the generals want to be commanders, they all just want to be ordinary Praetorian Guards. "

Guo Jia saw that no one reacted, so he said to Liu Shan.

These soldiers all know the strength of General Huang Lao, and they dare not compete with him, although General Huang Lao showed no strength in front of Liu Shan, but the soldiers knew that Liu Shan was too powerful.

"Since you don't want to be the commander of the forbidden army, then this king will let General Huang Lao be the commander, and you will all obey General Huang Lao in the future, if there is a violation of discipline, this king will be the first to deal with it. You must know the meaning of the existence of the Praetorian Guard, and in the future, the safety of Your Majesty will be entrusted to you to protect!"

Liu Shan said to the five hundred soldiers, these are the soldiers he thinks are the most loyal, excellent in martial arts, unparalleled in loyalty, courageous, and the most suitable for being a Praetorian Guard.

None of the generals had any opinion on Liu Shan's arrangement, and they followed Liu Shan's orders and took General Huang Lao as the commander.

"Your Highness, please rest assured, as long as I am here, Your Majesty will never have to worry about it, if anyone wants to hurt Your Majesty's hair, first ask the Meteor Hammer in the hands of General Ben!"

General Huang Lao returned to Liu Shan Road, and he knew very well that the purpose of the Praetorian Guard established by Liu Shan was to protect Liu Bei.

They don't need to march to fight, they just need to protect the lord of a country!

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