Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1618 The matter of a group of people

Bugs act on instinct, and stop moving when they are full. They may not be able to deal with other bugs in a panic, or because other bugs are too black, too white, one size larger, or one size smaller. Even if he took one more glance or touched his tentacles on the way, he would jump out with an angry look on his face and would not give up until he asked for an explanation.

This is the theory of the Prisoner's Dilemma.

Of course, when the Prisoner's Dilemma is repeated, the results will change. This does not mean that human nature has been transformed, but that under new conditions, especially after knowing the previous Prisoner's results, the results will change. Additional changes.

What remains unchanged is human nature. As the saying goes, being mean is the passport of the mean, and being noble is the epitaph of the noble. Good people are always the quickest to sacrifice. Therefore, there is a theory that from the perspective of biological evolution, human bloodline continues to be selfish as it extends to later generations. The proportion of genetic factors will become larger and larger...

Especially when facing interests, not everyone can calmly balance all the pros and cons from a God's perspective before making a choice. In many cases, the decisions humans make can only be based on Short-term benefits, as for long-term ones, are either invisible or unknown...

It's like a later farmer renovating an old house and digging out a porcelain jar containing silver ingots. In order to take out the silver ingots as quickly as possible, the farmer broke the jar directly. The silver ingot was naturally taken out. Afterwards, it was determined that the porcelain jar was actually from the Ru kiln of the Song Dynasty. If it was intact, would it be worth it...


Zhang Fei and Zhang He were almost the same family five hundred years ago, so the problems they encountered were all very similar. Zhang Fei gritted his teeth and refused to retreat because he saw Ding Ze's piece of meat right in front of him, and Zhang He also did not retreat because I saw Cao Cao's piece of meat right next to his mouth...

The immediate interests were too important, which caused Zhang He to make the same mistake as Zhang Fei. When he realized that something was wrong, greed and luck still prevailed, and he made the wrong decision.

Zhang He has already been defeated once. If you include that time with Taishi Ci under Fei Qian, then it is twice. This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the generals who command the army, just like those famous people in later generations. Like actors and directors, they have ruined the box office again and again. It is not so easy to recover after sinking.

In addition, Zhang He had previously acted as an executioner according to Yuan Shao's wishes. Although most people knew that Yuan Shao was in charge, the question is, will anyone be reasonable to Zhang He? Then watching Zhang He fail, he stretched out his enthusiastic hands to give him a tug? Anyone who can avoid adding insult to injury is considered to have a very good character, right?

Therefore, Zhang He had no room for failure, not at all.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Zhang He saw Cao Cao appearing in front of him, within the striking range of his troops. If he were to put himself in his shoes, what should Zhang He choose?

Yes, Cao Cao appears here, which is a bit weird and abnormal.

Then, like Sima Yi, could he shout loudly that the sound of Zhuge's piano was too powerful, and then turn around and run away with his troops?

No, Zhang He did not have the same capital as Sima Yi at that time. Not to mention that only Sima Yi could withstand Zhuge at that time, even if Sima Yi retreated, he had achieved certain results. At least he had repelled the invasion of Zhuge's army and achieved his original goal. As for whether he could not be captured alive or killed, To kill Zhuge, Sima Yi could have made a eloquent speech. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't do it, don't do it...

But what about Zhang He? And can we say that there is no one in Yuan Shao's army who can replace Zhang He? Can it be said that Zhang He has achieved the desired effect by making a circle around Heluo?

Therefore, even though Zhang He felt that something was wrong and rationally told him that the risk here was extremely high, Zhang He still sent his troops to attack Cao Cao's position, and then was blocked by Xia Houyuan's men and surrounded him from all sides.

Xia Houyuan was high-spirited and excited.

After Taishi Ci's thousands-mile attack, Xia Houyuan had been secretly trying to figure out Taishi Ci's march route, fighting methods, etc. almost day and night. In the last ambush battle with Zhang He, Zhang He was still missed and left to Zhang He. When the others fled back, Xia Houyuan was so angry that he didn't eat for three hours...

So when the opportunity came up again, Xia Houyuan went crazy, like a glutton seeing delicious food, he pounced on it with salivation.

If Cao Cao hadn't repeatedly told Xia Houyuan to wait until the order was given before moving out, Xia Houyuan would have been unable to hold back and rushed out. Of course, this may also be the reason why Xia Houyuan was able to successfully block the entire encirclement this time...

For Xia Houyuan, perhaps the sound of war drums and the blowing of horns were the most beautiful music in the world. He rushed out with his men and horses crazily, like an Erha who had taken off the reins, screaming wildly. He shouted: "Kill! Kill!"

Two thousand Cao Jun's cavalry, who had already finished their story, followed Xia Houyuan like a big net and rushed towards the place where Zhang He was. The yellow dust rushed straight away.

Normally, when the general army is engaged in battle, the commander will definitely leave some reserves around him, so that he can deal with some emergencies. If he wins, he can use them to expand the results, and if he loses, he can use them to expand the results. After the break, there were not many troops left around Zhang He today.

Sometimes Zhang He is careless, or Zhang He does not understand the rules on the battlefield, but because Zhang He is too eager to defeat Cao Cao, and the longer the delay, the higher the risk for Zhang He, so in the face of When the extremely tempting Cao Cao became a big fat man, Zhang He finally left less than 300 personal soldiers behind, and the rest of his troops were devoted to attacking Cao Cao's array on the slope, striving to attack Cao Cao as quickly as possible. Break through Cao Cao's line quickly and achieve the final result.

So when the smoke rose and Xia Houyuan rushed out from the southwest, Zhang He didn't have many soldiers at hand. And when he saw Xia Houyuan's deployed front, Zhang He realized that he was trying to outflank Xia Houyuan and swallow them all. Zhang He was shocked and angry. He felt that Xia Houyuan was too arrogant, and his soldiers were about to attack the slope. Cao Cao's head was right in front of him. It would be a pity to give up on this matter, and From another perspective, if Cao Cao can really beheaded, what will happen even if Xia Houyuan completes the siege? As the morale of both sides waxes and wanes, the winner must still be you!

"Guard Battalion, attack!" Zhang He shouted and led the Guard Battalion of less than 300 people to meet them. The soldiers in the personal guard camp are all the most elite soldiers who have followed him for many years. Even if there are not many in number, they can still block the enemy's momentum, attack Cao Cao's own troops, and buy a certain amount of time.

However, Zhang He's calculation failed. He did not give up his plan to kill or capture Cao Cao, which eventually became a shackle that hindered his escape and an important factor in his final defeat.

Everyone knows that in relatively flat areas, once the cavalry wants to break through and escape, it is easier and simpler than the initial pawns, and it is also harder to defend. However, most of Zhang He's troops have to besiege the slopes, so they have Some of the soldiers dismounted to fight on foot, and after most of the cavalry dismounted, their combat effectiveness was often reduced by more than one level. At the same time, even if Zhang He led his own troops to fight against Xiahou Yuan, for the soldiers and horses on the slopes, It is impossible to have no impact at all... : :

Xia Houyuan roared and led his guards towards Zhang He. At any moment when the two sides approached, they all threw their throwing weapons. Zhang He's cavalry threw small halberds, while Xia Houyuan threw small halberds. What was thrown out by his men was a short spear...

From the perspective of preciousness and gorgeousness, the short halberd is naturally superior, but in terms of lethality, the short spear is actually more suitable for the battlefield. In addition, Xiahou Yuan gathered more soldiers than Zhang He and threw more short spears. Therefore, in the first wave of fighting between the two sides, Zhang He lost more men and horses than Xia Houyuan.

Zhang He's force was stronger than Xia Houyuan's, but it was not overwhelmingly powerful. Therefore, although Zhang He broke into Xia Houyuan's cavalry array, he swept them away in one breath and killed seven or eight of them. Cao Cao's cavalry had almost no enemy, but Xia Houyuan also rushed in on the other side, creating a gap.

When the cavalry on both sides circled smaller and smaller, and when the two generals finally faced each other, Zhang He discovered that although he could suppress Xia Houyuan and attack, he could not kill Xia Houyuan in a short time, and this delayed time The longer it went on, the more dangerous the situation became. Zhang He even saw from the corner of his eye that Xia Houyuan's two wing troops were gradually approaching and were about to complete the encirclement...

At this time, Zhang He wanted to retreat, but it was already too late. Smoke and dust were also rising even from the north. It seemed that Cao Jun's troops came up from the direction of Luoyang and blocked Zhang He's road to the north.

When a group of people are all heroes, there is often no need to consider any options. But when a group of people are prisoners, subconsciously choosing a decision that is more beneficial to themselves seems to be the choice of most people. When the first person feels that he has to step back and let others step up to support him, he will be surprised to find that a large group of people who have done the same thing have gathered around him, and there are people who have already run faster than him. It's going to be faster!

"Shameless! Despicable! How can a person be unethical! If it were a marching law, the first one would have his head chopped off!" So, while cursing, he joined the ranks of the escapees and became the target of many people. choose.

Zhang He became more and more anxious, but Xia Houyuan clung to him so that he had no time to escape. As a result, without the control of Zhang He's personal guard formation, more and more Yuan's soldiers began to choose when they realized that the momentum was not right. The behavior of the prisoners shook the morale of the army and worsened like a snowball. Then in just one stick of incense, almost no one continued to attack Cao Cao's array, which had retreated to the top of the slope. Instead, they began to flee towards Under the slope, they fled in all directions.

If Yuan Jun can persist a little longer, if Cao Cao's formation reveals some flaws, if Yuan Jun's cavalry is summoned again to train for a longer time, if Xia Houyuan's troops arrive a little slower, etc., etc., there are many ifs, maybe The overall result will be different.

However, when the sun was about to set, the partial army of Yuan's army led by Zhang He was surrounded. Of course, a considerable number of people escaped, but that was not important, because Zhang He was finally surrounded. Most of the less than three hundred guards battalion were killed in the battle, and now there are only more than a hundred people left, trapped in the center of the battlefield.

Cao Cao changed his clothes, took water and wiped the dust and blood on his face and beard, and returned to the graceful and noble appearance of a big man Sikong. Under the protection of heavy guards, he asked the guards to spread the message loudly, preparing to persuade them to surrender. Zhang He.

"What can I do with this guy?"

Xia Houyuan muttered, somewhat dissatisfied that Cao Cao stopped Zhang He just before he was about to end his life. It was as if he was sprinting on his horse, and then the boss suddenly hit him with a fatal chain attack regardless of the time.

For Cao Cao, there are too few generals who understand cavalry. This is Cao Cao's deepest worry. Just relying on Xia Houyuan alone, or Cao Hong and Cao Ren, who is half a bucket of water, will not be enough to win certain situations in the future. He can handle it, so he recruits as many cavalry commanders as possible, which is what he should do. Although Zhang He almost forced Cao Cao to a dead end...

"Zhang He and Zhang Junyi! Come down quickly. Sikong has orders. You will not be held guilty!"

"First defeated by Heluo, and then defeated by Yangcheng! Even if you return to northern Hebei this time, no one will tolerate you!"

"A man should be in charge of the world! How can you neglect your talents?"

"Yuan Ni is unfaithful! He will be killed soon after being punished by the king's master! It would be a pity if he should be burned together with his jade!"

There were numerous calls to persuade them to surrender, as if they were besieged on all sides.

Zhang He's men looked around nervously, and then looked back at Zhang He's face...

However, Zhang He remained silent among the soldiers, neither refusing nor agreeing.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?!" Xia Houyuan muttered again.

Cao Cao glanced at Xia Houyuan and thought, if this guy wasn't a relative of his, huh...

After pondering for a moment, Cao Cao tilted his head to the guard on the side and whispered a few words. The guard nodded and accepted the order. When he came to the small circle of Zhang He and others, he shouted loudly: "Sikong is merciful! If General Zhang surrenders, The soldiers under our banner will not move! In addition, we can add 500 more troops!"

Zhang He now has less than a hundred soldiers left under his command. These soldiers are considered to be Zhang He's personal troops. They can be regarded as private troops. With such a small number, even larger military princes can reach it, let alone a school. Captain Wei and Qi, so if you just retain the position of general, but don't have enough people in the headquarters, this general will be like a company vice president in later generations who does not hold specific jurisdiction and is purely vacuous. He talks like farting. No one will pay attention at all.

Zhang He's heart moved, and he shouted loudly: "Sikong's subordinates, where are the cavalry?"

"Is this guy blind?" Xia Houyuan gestured with disdain, "Aren't these cavalry?"

Cao Cao ignored it and did not explain to Xia Houyuan. Instead, he explained a few more words with a smile. The guard sent the message again: "Let General Zhang hear about it! General Hussars of the Han Dynasty has donated three thousand troops and horses! They will arrive in Luo soon! If General Zhang wants to surrender, Sikong has something to say and can unite the troops!"


Zhang He seemed to think for a moment, without saying anything else. He separated his men and stepped out. Then he dismounted, put down his sword, and prostrated to the ground. "Thank you Sikong for not killing. He... is willing to surrender..."

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