Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1645: Hurt Tianhe (Add more to pay off the debt)

Lu Bu in the Western Regions was like a wolf king, patrolling his territory, and Cao Cao, who was at the junction of Yanzhou and Jizhou, was also like a wolf. After defeating his opponent, he licked his wounds and roared to the sky. , demonstrating the sovereignty of the territory.

Speaking of which, Cao Cao's reputation in Yanzhou was quite good. He also served as a local official in Chenliu County for a period of time and left a little reputation, but it was always not as good as the constant conquests and mobilization of money and food over the years. Naturally, the relationship between the wealthy noble families was getting worse and worse. Coupled with the side concessions, it became even more infamous.

But now, Yanzhou's originally agitated mood seems to have been suppressed again.

In the battle between Yuan and Cao, Cao Cao actually won?

In this battle, there were three battlefields from east to west, left, center and right, and more than ten battles of different sizes. The total number of soldiers and farmers invested by both sides exceeded 200,000. The Heluo area alone was two major battles, not to mention the middle battlefield. Above, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were facing each other.

In addition to the number of human lives, there are other consumptions, which are also quite astonishing.

Both sides have built camps that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and there are more than one. The confrontation spans autumn and winter. It is a long time. It is not only the needs of the buildings, but also the needs of life. It also destroys the vegetation and ecology of the entire war zone. , are all amazing.

The trees are gone. The trees that used to be on both sides of the road, on the small slopes, on the edges of the fields, as far as the eye can see, are now either turned into various tools or ashes in the fire.

Zhuang He was also naked. The cultivated fields were abandoned. In order to prevent the crops from becoming enemies' trophies or hiding places, they were either chopped down or set on fire. Now, the fields that should have been full of crops are now covered with crops. Barnyard grass. This kind of barnyard grass is quite good for raising cattle and sheep, but it is inedible by humans. More importantly, Cao Cao himself does not have many cattle and sheep...

Even the fish and shrimps in rivers and lakes have been fished out. The big fish were all eaten, the small ones were eaten, and the small ones were fished out for shells. Everything that could be eaten was eaten. Many of these indigenous people who had been leisurely wagging their tails in the mud of the river and living freely for decades or even hundreds of years were completely extinct in this disaster.

It can be said that throughout the long and continuous war, although Cao Cao won, he was also bruised and bruised, especially the fruits of victory turned out to be poisonous!

Although Cao Cao discovered that something was wrong from the beginning and took isolation measures almost immediately, many soldiers were still infected with the plague. In the following days, they continued to fall ill in the mainland, which scared Cao Cao to the point where he almost did not dare to go out. If Yuan Shao stayed in the old camp for a while longer, it would be completely burned by a fire, and there would be no recycling or utilization.

After trapping and killing Yuan Jun's soldiers and civilians, there were always some voices rising, which is actually normal if you think about it. These Yanzhou nobles were already very reluctant to give out money and food, and their flesh ached to death. But now they see that after winning the battle, they will get nothing in return, not even a hair. It is almost equivalent to losing more than ten years or several years of savings. Ten years of wealth was thrown into the water, and it just made a noise. How can these wealthy people in Yanzhou accept this result with peace of mind?

Cao Cao is a scammer. He not only cheated the seed round, the angel round, but also the A round. He even cheated the B round. Now he wants to get the C round with a shameful face!

Who can bear this?

Complaints naturally arise, but they cannot be expressed openly.

As a result, it became more popular to attack Cao Cao's personal character, saying that Cao Cao was not benevolent enough, killed too much, and hindered the harmony of heaven. After all, who wouldn't seize the moral high ground? What happened to the two sentences bb? Do you understand that the mouth of Fang Min is better than Fang Chuan?

at night.

"Hey, let me tell you, do you know why there is an epidemic this time?" someone said in the military tent.

"Why?" Another soldier said that he could talk to him for five baht.

In the temporary camp of Cao Jun, after the soldiers had eaten the preserved meat, they huddled in the tent and prepared to sleep. Before they fell asleep, they couldn't help but chat with each other. After all, they finally won and climbed out of the hell of life and death. , now returning to Yuzhou, feeling somewhat relaxed.

"Haha, is this..." The soldier who spoke first still wanted to show off.

"Ni Niangli, are you going to tell me?" Someone said impatiently, "Believe it or not, I got up and beat Mu Ni?! He talks in a whiny manner..."

"Okay, I said, I said..." the person from before said, "But don't tell anyone. I heard this from a friend..."

"Okay, if you fart, let it go!"

"I heard that this epidemic is caused by... ahem, it's a warning from God..."

"What do you mean? Please explain it more clearly?"

"You still don't understand this? God thought that we killed too many people and harmed the peace of heaven, so he got angry and brought a disaster to us..."


"Is this true or false? Back then, my lord..."

The soldier in the tent was about to continue talking, but was suddenly interrupted by a call...

"I've seen my lord! Why is my lord here?" Cao Chunzheng was walking, and when he looked up he saw Cao Cao standing outside a tent, he couldn't help but say hello.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes and looked at the tent beside him that was suddenly as quiet as death. He closed his eyes, exhaled a breath, then shook his head and continued to move forward, "I'm looking for Zi Lian... Zi Lian..." Where is Lian located?”

Cao Chun glanced at the tent where Cao Cao had been standing for a while with some suspicion, then he raised his hands and said: "General Zilian is inspecting the front camp... If something happens, my lord, just say hello. Why don't you go call Zilian?" General coming?"

Cao Cao waved his hand and said: "I am bored in the tent, so I came out for a walk... You and I can do what you want, you don't have to follow me..."

Cao Chun was stunned for a moment, then he said yes and waited for Cao Cao to go away before continuing to inspect the camp with his men.

The footsteps have faded away, and the tent is still as quiet as a dead zone. If it weren't for the sound of heavy breathing, one might think that everyone in the tent is dead...

...Here is the dividing line that makes people anxious...

The battlefield between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao has come to an end, but the favorable situation on the battlefield has not only failed to alleviate the tension in the Xu County market, but has actually become more intense.

Since the war between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao last year, the price of food has skyrocketed, from more than a thousand yuan per pill to twenty thousand yuan per pill in an instant. After the New Year, the price of grain rose even more rapidly. Like a tiger emerging from the cage, it was out of control. In a short period of time, it rose to 50,000 yuan per pill. At this time of the recession, all the grain shops in Xu County were simply closed. The gate was only open for an hour in three days. In Xu County, even those who had money could not buy food...

The more food prices rise, the more large households that still have some food and grass in their hands are holding on to it and are unwilling to put it into the market. Just like the stock market, the higher the price rises, the more people rush to buy it, and the higher the price rises, the more reluctant they are to sell, because everyone believes that it will rise tomorrow and continue to rise...

Therefore, the prices of all items in the entire market have almost skyrocketed. Even ordinary firewood costs thousands of dollars per load! Under such a situation, the court officials who were originally holding on to their salaries discovered almost overnight that the salary money they received was worthless, and their lives were not as good as that of an ordinary farmer in the countryside. At least these farmers could go to nearby They dig wild vegetables and pick wild fruits in the mountains and forests, but they don’t even know where to dig and pick wild fruits...

What, there is real rice in the salary?

Don't think too much. In this situation, who are the people who can receive physical rice? Just like the time when prices skyrocketed for Brother 2 in later generations, a small part of the area still received subsidies. As for the officials and people in other areas, haha, just look happy...

There is nothing fair or unfair about this, it is just the way everything in the world is. They were born in different places and grew up in different places. This is the biggest injustice in the first place. How can there be fairness?

"The current situation... was caused by you, right?" Guo Jia slowly opened a pod and threw the beans into his mouth.

Xun Yu was silent for a while and then said: "Have you guessed? Your Majesty is eager to hold a celebration of foreign contributions... but the treasury has no money..."

"So you gave His Majesty this bad idea?" Guo Jia said, and after listening for a moment, he said, "Well, you didn't come forward to say it, who? Let me think about it, Da Sinong?"

Xun Yu was silent.

"Guo Dan, Guo Yuanyi... this idiot..." Guo Jia laughed, "Do I still want to thank you? Look at the strategy you used. Not only did you keep His Majesty in the dark, but you also tricked Guo Yuanyi. Go in... When the incident happens, Your Majesty, haha, then the last face of the Guo family will be wiped clean... Then I can naturally take over the position of the head of the Guo family..."

Guo Tu of the Guo family followed Yuan Shao, and now that Yuan Shao has been defeated, it is naturally impossible for the Guo family here to take orders from Guo Tu, and Guo Dan is the family order recommended by the Guo family members currently on Cao Cao's side. When Guo Danxin became the chief agricultural officer, he naturally wanted to do something to prove his ability, and when he encountered such a mess, he was repeatedly urged by Emperor Liu Xie. He happened to have such a crooked idea, and he rushed to the doctor in a hurry. Guo Dan thought it was good and could give it a try, so he stepped in.

First, they intentionally raise the prices, and then secretly sell the various materials they hold in their hands. Finally, they lower the prices, and then use money to buy the materials back. As time goes by, the materials in their hands are not reduced, but they can earn money from them. The price difference...

To put it simply, it is similar to certain operations in the stock market in later generations.

Will prices fall?

It will definitely happen. With Cao Cao's victory and the autumn harvest approaching, prices will eventually drop by a relatively large margin, so Guo Dan certainly feels that this plan is working.

Liu Xie doesn't understand economics either. He just knows generally that in this way, the materials in the public treasury will not be reduced much, but it will increase a lot of money, which can then be used to hold current celebrations and solve current problems. , so I agreed.

Farmers at the bottom will not suffer much loss in this plan. On the contrary, they may also benefit, because they can actually sell wild vegetables and some coarse food that they usually cannot sell for money...

These people at the top level can't even talk about any losses. They just dumped the materials every time they came and went. There may be some losses, but they made more...

So who loses?

Haha, just like the class that suffered the most from inflation in later generations, these people were naturally bleeding out.

"No, there aren't many things in the public treasury to begin with..." Guo Jia looked up at Xun Yu again, "Did you also put that one in? The Xin family? The Cui family? Or both?"

"There is no Xin family..." Xun Yu said.

"That's the Cui family..." Guo Jia nodded, "The Cui family on the Hussar side is also very powerful. I can't blame the Cui family here for not being able to sit still... Haha..."

Xun Yu fell silent again.

"But this matter..." Guo Jia raised his head and looked at the sky and said, "After all... alas... it hurt Tianhe a little bit..."

This day, of course, does not mean the sky above our heads. The sky in nature will not care about these dirty things in the human world. Even if humans do it on their own and all of them die, it will just be a repeat of what happened with the dinosaurs. They will remain gray for thousands of years before calmness returns.

Therefore, this day naturally refers to Liu Xie.

When the news of Cao Cao's victory on the front line came, Liu Xie almost went crazy, forcing everyone to hold a celebration immediately...

The reason is also very simple, anyone can figure it out.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Xun Yu was in a very difficult situation. This strategy was actually Xun Yu's final decision. On the balance between Liu Xie and Cao Cao, he chose to favor Cao Cao. In other words, at this moment, Xun Yu prefers Cao Cao...

"Your Majesty... you are young and energetic..." Xun Yu said softly, his voice was so low that even Guo Jia had difficulty listening, "... you always have to go through some ups and downs..."

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "This matter... If His Majesty can't figure it out... then His Majesty will definitely resent you in the end... If His Majesty figures it out... Hey, he will probably still resent you... Why bother... "

Xun Yu took a long breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

Guo Jia laughed, patted Xun Yu on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, I'm still here... I can understand you and support you..."

Xun Yu couldn't help but smile, and there was some warmth in the helplessness in his smile.

"So...this is your fault..." Guo Jia pointed to the dried pods on the table and stared, "Seeing as how I understand you and support you, you actually just gave me I brought some dried bean pods? Even if there is no meat, there should be a jar of wine, right? A bucket? There is always a pot, right? "

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