Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1692 Appearance Theory

When Fei Qian heard that Zheng Xuan had arrived, he couldn't help but feel a little more emotional. This emotion is not about Zheng Xuan as a person, but about something that Zheng Xuan represents.

In the history of China, there are many literate people who have become the backbone of China. The spiritual outlook they persisted in and displayed has been sung by future generations. However, there are also many literate people whose words and deeds are looked down upon by others.

In the final analysis, educated people are actually no different from ordinary people. They all have human nature, so naturally there will be some who are brave, some who are timid, some who are loyal, and some who are selfish.

As for the various senses of superiority displayed among educated people, it is actually the same as the behavior of insiders in some industries making fun of outsiders. However, people in other industries may rely on utensils, while in knowledge In this aspect, we rely on our own academics.

Self-pleasure and private goods are not unique to the cultural industry. Such phenomena can also be found in many industries, just like the insurance industry in later generations. How long have you been talking about sunrise industries and the golden decade? Therefore, only when a person has a higher stance and a broader vision, many things and many things will not be affected by the words of some people in front of him, will he not be blinded, and will he be able to have his own understanding and judgment.

It is a terrible thing to follow what others say.

Zheng Xuan is almost an important landmark in Eastern Han literature. Undoubtedly, Zheng Xuan is naturally richer in knowledge than Fei Qian, but in terms of world view and epistemology, Fei Qian has his own unique advantages due to later generations. He does not blindly worship, does not follow blankly, and has independent thinking ability and Judgment is what makes Fei Qian so different from ordinary Confucian scholars and noblemen in the Han Dynasty.

Good Mr. Sima Hui heard that Zheng Xuan was coming. Although he didn't say anything on the surface, he was actually very worried. Knowing that Fei Qian was going to visit Zheng Xuan, he hurriedly volunteered to follow him. In fact, he was naturally worried about the advantage he had finally gained. , was abducted by Zheng Xuan in a few words.

Scholars look down upon each other. Well, strictly speaking, people in the same industry look down upon each other. However, there are two types of contempt within the industry. One is to belittle the other party, and then bring oneself down as well, and the other is to praise. High opponents, and then say that they are better than their opponents.

Fei Qian took a strange look at Sima Hui and wondered which method Sima Hui would choose now.

The current scholars of the Han Dynasty are very contradictory. They admire ancient learning, desire breakthroughs, pursue inner spiritual aspects, and also value purely material things. Especially now, Fei Qian feels that it can be said to be a very important node in Chinese literature...

Because of the hindsight of many things, Fei Qian can naturally see further and deeper than Sima Hui, Zheng Xuan, and even everyone else currently. From a historical perspective, if you climb high enough, you will find that the development of Chinese culture and literature actually spiraled up from the bottom, slightly thinner at the bottom, slightly thicker at the top, spreading out like a spring. Also like a spiral nebula.

For example, in poetry, from the Spring and Autumn Period, the awkward words in the Book of Songs were not deliberately used by poets at that time, but were very normal words at that time, like "Guan". "Guan" is also very straightforward, like a vernacular poem, but in the Han Dynasty, it gradually began to change. Five-character poetry became the current trend, and Liu Bang's three-axe style of poetry was slowly withdrawing from the cultural circle.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, metrical poetry became the mainstream, and even various rhymes, various flat formats and requirements appeared. In the Song Dynasty, the format was destroyed and called long and short sentences. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was a further breakthrough and The development became even more divergent in the Ming Dynasty. As for the Qing Dynasty, uh, it was so divergent that even the Eight-Power Allied Forces came.

Generally speaking, the Han Dynasty, which can be said to be the restrictive direction for the development of the entire Chinese culture, was established at this point in time. After more than a thousand years of Chinese literature, even if it diverged, it did not break away from this The scope of the constraint...

Zheng Xuan's disciple Xi Lu and others greeted him from a distance outside the post house. Fei Qian stepped forward to greet him, then exchanged a few words and then headed to the post house under the guidance of Xi Lu and others.

Although there were push carts along the way, it was not an easy task for Zheng Xuan at his age. After arriving in Pingyang, he spent two days repairing and finally recovered. Now he seems to be in good spirits. Yes, he was standing at the door of the post house, and when he saw Fei Qian, he was about to pay his respects, but he was stopped by Fei Qian. He said that he was a junior scholar and came in to pay homage to the great scholar. This was considered to have given Zheng Xuan enough face, and he won it by showing humility to each other at the door of the post house. After a round of praise, he entered the gate and isolated the melon-eating crowd.

Fei Qian found it quite interesting.

Zheng Xuan seemed to be dim-sighted and only talked to Fei Qian, turning a blind eye to Sima Hui who followed him in. Sima Hui didn't come forward to say hello, but just stayed aside with a smile.

As for Zheng Xuan's disciples such as Xi Lu, they seemed to recognize Sima Hui, and they didn't hide it, and they actually glared at Sima Hui...

It seems like there are some good shows to watch.

Fei Qian thought maliciously, and when they arrived at the main hall, they gave in to each other again, and then Fei Qian pulled Zheng Xuan and asked him to sit down, and he stood aside. Sima Hui was not polite and went straight to the other side. After sitting in the guest seat, he laughed twice and said, "Well, Mr. Zheng is as healthy as ever. I'm glad, I'm glad!"

Fei Qian smiled slightly: "Are you two old acquaintances?" Why does Sima Hui's "gratification" sound a bit like "a pity"? Or maybe it was originally "a pity", but Fei Qian changed it to "a joy"?

"Haha..." Zheng Xuan seemed to have just seen Sima Hui at this moment. He cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Shui Jing, are you okay?"

Wow, what you said is really interesting.

Fei Qian really regretted not asking for a melon from the melon-eating people around the post house just now...

These two old men, have they torn up the "beep" before...

Sima Hui did not hide it, and said to Fei Qian: "Xiao Qi, I and Kang Cheng can be regarded as old friends. They had arguments and each had their own opinions. The stalemate ended unhappily..." He turned to Zheng Xuan again. He said, "Now that Qiao Qi is in front of you, it is clear that my theory is even reasonable. I wonder if Kang Cheng accepts it?"

Zheng Xuan also first raised his hands to Fei Qian and said: "Let the Qiaoqi laugh..." Then he turned his head and kissed Sima Hui, "You are a fallacy. The way of a master is to teach without distinction. How can we judge based on bones and faces?" ?!”

Sima Hui expressed his disdain (ˉ▽ ̄~)

Zheng Xuan explained to Fei Qian: "Mr. Shui Jing's theory of Shang Wang Zhongren said that wealth and poverty are all fixed numbers, and conduct is clear and turbid. Human life is shaped on the outside, and bones are formed on the body, so we can observe the root, bone, and skin. , then we can know the fate of that person...Isn't this a big fallacy? People have hundreds of faces and thousands of bones, how can we generalize them?"

Sima Hui shook his head and said: "The method of joints and the principle of skin are the expression of life on the outside, just like the seeds of all things, and the constant of trees! Looking at the appearance of trees, we can know the weather, and looking at the state of bones and skin, we can know the numerology. ! What’s wrong with that?”

"Haha..." Zheng Xuan shook his head and said, "Working in the countryside has the appearance of being exposed to the sun, but fighting on the battlefield has the appearance of wind and sand. It is not because of the bones and skin in front, but because of the different places and the outside. How can we argue the opposite? "

"No, no!" Sima Hui said, "When I first saw the Hussar, I felt that it was extraordinary. He was noble inside and had magnanimity in his bones, so he gave the Hussar the nickname 'Yinkun'. Now... haha , doesn’t it support my method of observing bones? Furthermore..."

Fei Qian glanced at Sima Hui, oh, so that's it, Qianqian came here just to give you a voucher?

When recommending talents in the Han Dynasty, many officials may not necessarily know all the talents in counties and counties under their control, but annual performance tasks must always be completed, so the so-called appreciation of appearance has naturally become a criterion for assessment. If he looks really bad, he won't get any good comments.

Although Sima Hui was arguing endlessly with Zheng Xuan, Fei Qian's thinking was somewhat divergent. It seemed that some mysteries in history had been solved...

In terms of talent appreciation, except for the Yue Dan comment that was overturned by Cao Cao, Mr. Shui Jing Sima Hui is considered to be a more outstanding representative in the future. The reason is for no other reason than recommending Wolong Kongming to Liu Bei, thus confirming the three-legged alliance. There are also some Sima conspiracy theories in later generations, but now it seems that, in addition to the outlook on life that some normal gentry families tend to favor their own family interests, Mr. Sima Hui's methodology of making judgments based on people's bones may be This was also the reason why he recommended talents to Liu Bei at that time.

Of course, from a certain perspective, Sima Hui was not necessarily convinced of the correctness of the root method deep down in his heart, so he did not post it himself at that time, but recommended Kong Ming, and did not let the Sima family Several of his nephews, some of them were considering Jing Xiang's problem, but among them, Sima Hui may not have some uncertainties in his heart...

Having said that, good looks do give you an advantage. This is true both in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, but judging people by their appearance is not a good idea.

Seeing that the two old men were quarreling more and more fiercely, and seemed to be throwing Fei Qian aside, Fei Qian felt a little angry and funny, and couldn't help coughing twice, saying that labor and management are still sitting here, you two are fighting over a hammer. Oh... Fei Qian can understand Sima Hui's intention, but now Sima Hui seems to have gone too far. It seems that he wants to give Sima Hui a little warning before arguing with Zheng Xuan...

Sima Hui received the signal and apologized to Fei Qiangong. After all, now it is basically equivalent to working lowly for the big boss Fei Qian. When the mood comes, he will put the boss aside and go on his own. It is a bit inappropriate no matter how you say it.

Zheng Xuan was also a little embarrassed, and quickly raised his hands and said, "I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..." Fei Qian chuckled and said, "As the saying goes, academic disputes are common, so you two don't have to mind... But today's dispute, I have some shallow opinions... "

Zheng Xuan said: "I am all ears."

Sima Hui also said: "Please give me advice."

Although Zheng Xuan and Sima Hui can outstrip Fei Qian by more than a dozen streets in terms of classics, poems and songs, Fei Qian now has the blessing of the aura of the Han hussar general and is in charge of a huge territory, so his words and deeds are natural. We should not take it lightly, nor should we treat Fei Qian as just a young boy who is not good at studying.

"Heaven has yin and yang, and water has three states. How can we say one and ignore the others?" Fei Qian said, "Mr. Shui Jing has a knack for observing people. He uses the bones and skin to see the big things in the subtleties. It is also a good way to inspect and recommend. One method..."

Sima Hui smiled slightly, nodded, and stroked his beard.

"...However, there are many mediocre people in the world, and there are even more corrupt officials. If Mr. Shui Jing's method becomes a regular rule and is used in counties and counties, he may be lost in the hands of a silverfish. He will judge people by appearance, lose their original intention, and bury talented people..." Fei Qian The topic changed, "If you judge a person by his appearance, Master was born with his head on the top of the polder, so he was named Qiu Yun... Isn't that right, hehehe..."

In the portraits of later generations, Confucius seems to look graceful and noble, with long eyebrows, long beard, wide robes and big sleeves, like an immortal. But in fact, Confucius looks... quite distinctive. It is recorded in "Historical Records" that Confucius "He was born with his head on the top of the polder, so he was named Qiu Yun. His courtesy name was Zhongni and his surname was Kong." In other words, the reason why Confucius was named Qiu and Zhongni was because he was "born with his head on the top of the polder", that is, he was named after his physiological characteristics after birth.

Many people in later generations thought that Sima Qian was just slandering Confucius, saying that Sima Qian was Confucius' natural inferiority. However, in fact, judging from the historical records as a whole and the time period when the historical records were written, Sima Qian should not go out of his way to vilify Confucius. After all, Sima Qian studied under Kong Anguo and Dong Zhongshu in his early years, and he was of Confucian origin. In addition, Sima Qian's corruption had nothing to do with Confucianism, but because he was implicated in Li Ling's affairs, so Sima Qian would not vent his anger on Confucius. body, so basically speaking, the descriptions in historical records have relatively high credibility.

So what does Confucius look like in history...

Anyway, it's not as ideal as the myth of later generations.

Of course, another person described something like that. According to "Xunzi", Zhongni's appearance was like a veiled face. Is this vague...

So as soon as Fei Qian said this, Zheng Xuan put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "Exactly, exactly!"

Sima Hui was still a bit stubborn and refused to admit defeat, because this meant that his previous theories were in vain, so he argued: "Confucius was born with different characteristics, and he inherently behaved abnormally, just like Chong Er, different pupils, and parallel threats. Zhao Zhengfeng’s eyes are almost always the same!”

Everyone is familiar with Chong'er, and Zhao Zheng, also known as Zhao Zheng, is Qin Shihuang. It is said that this guy is also different. Lieutenant Liao, who worked under Qin Shihuang for a period of time, said that the King of Qin was a man who was accurate as a bee, had long eyes, was fond of birds, had the sound of jackals, was kind in a small way but had the heart of a tiger and a wolf...

Fei Qian laughed, shook his head and said: "Mr. Shui Jing, King Chong'er and Qin are all extraordinary people. I have no objection to this, but if we weigh it... I'm afraid... it's not like this. You two sit down for a while, and I will come as soon as I go." , then you will know..."

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