Three Kingdoms

Chapter 36: Liu Hong's show off

  Chapter 36 Liu Hong's Show Off

   Who is Liu Hong?

  The leader of the academic circle who is tied for the first place with Cai Yong, actually said that he would accept himself as an apprentice. It was like a huge pie suddenly fell from the sky and hit him in front of him.

  Fei Qian just subconsciously opened his mouth, then quickly closed it again, um, why does this scene feel a little familiar? Later generations seem to have encountered this kind of situation in the leader's office-it happened that the head of another department came over to do something, and it happened that you did it smoothly, praised you for your ability, and asked if you would like to work at my place...

  If you agree, then everyone will have a good meal, and then you can only laugh...

   Besides, this was still in the Han Dynasty, a dynasty that paid great attention to the inheritance of teachers. The older you are, the more you pay attention to the inheritance of teachers. Unlike modern times, everyone has experienced countless teachers since childhood, including elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, university teachers, Chinese teachers, math teachers, etc., not counting the sports teachers. Music or some kind of substitute teacher, so for modern people, there are too many teachers, so they don’t feel too much. On the contrary, in ancient times, a person may only have one or two teachers in a lifetime , This difference leads to different levels of emphasis on teachers.

   "Almost fell into a pit," Fei Qian slandered, "Liu Hong looks very handsome, but he didn't expect to dig such a big hole for me..."

   So Fei Qian bowed his hands as a salute, and said: "I thank everyone Liu for your kindness, but I already have a teacher."

Liu Hong actually didn't want to dig a hole for Fei Qian, but he was a little excited just now, so he said it casually, but he regretted it as soon as he blurted it out, openly poaching a corner in front of the victim, even if he is an old friend with Cai Yong, it is a bit embarrassing Fortunately, Fei Qian did not agree, otherwise it would be really difficult.

  Seeing what Fei Qian said, Liu Hong just followed suit and pretended to be a fool, "Oh, I don't know where the teacher came from?"

  At this moment, Cai Yong coughed twice—Okay, you Liu Hongmo is acting, just now I told you that Fei Qian is all my registered disciples, or I called here, where do you think you will learn from?

  You think Fei Qian is good, and I think so too, so don't think about it. Before Fei Qian could answer, Cai Yong said, "Ziyuan was recommended by an old friend, and he accepted me as a disciple because of his fate."—Cai Yong intentionally skipped two words this time, and upgraded from a registered disciple to a disciple up.

It doesn’t matter if no one snatches it. If someone snatches it up, Cai Yong feels that Feiqian is actually pretty good. Although he is not as handsome as me, he is still pretty. His knowledge is naturally not as good as mine, but he can get something in the scriptures. Coming out can actually impress this old fellow Liu Hong—Speaking of which, Liu Hong used to show off how strong his calculations are, but now my disciples are all better than him, this kind of feeling should not be too good...

  As long as you are a human being, you have some small thoughts, the ancients and the present are the same.

  Liu Hong suddenly slapped his forehead, and said to Cai Yong: "Ah, I almost forgot, this time I want to bid farewell to you, and I will leave Luoyang soon!"

   "Why? Didn't you just come back not long ago, what's going on?" Cai Yong felt very surprised.

  Liu Hong said: "Hong Bucai, the prefect of Qianshanyang County, no, the seal and ribbon have been sent." After speaking, he took out the prefect's seal and ribbon from his bosom and showed it to Cai Yong.

The prefect of the county is also a local official who is more than two thousand shi. Although Shanyang County is not a big county, it is not bad. Cai Yong was relieved and asked: "So, when will you leave? Let me give you Practice."

"Okay, let's stay for a few days." Liu Hong was not polite, agreed, and then took out a square wooden box from his arms, which was about a little bigger than a palm, and gave it to Cai Yong, "Come on." Come, take a look." The tone of the speech was quite like cherishing a treasure and letting Cai Yong learn a lot.

  Cai Yong took it and saw that the wooden box was made of ebony, with a layer of paint painted on the outside.

Under Liu Hong's gesture, Cai Yong opened the box and saw that the inside of the box is divided into three horizontal layers, the top layer is the smallest, and the middle and bottom layers are larger. The box is divided into nine vertical columns, which form ninety small grids together with the horizontal laminates, and there are circles of corresponding colors between each small grid of the black and red laminates. There are nine wooden beads, nine black beads, and thirty-six red beads, but the white laminate grid in the middle of the box is empty.

   "What is this?" Cai Yong frowned. Although he didn't know what the box was for, there was still a sense of familiarity for some reason, but he couldn't grasp the familiarity for a while...

  Liu Hong stroked his beard triumphantly, and enjoyed watching Cai Yong's hard thinking—how could you guess the wonderful thing that I have worked so hard to come up with so much effort, how could you guess it in a short while?

Fei Qian watched from the sidelines, and also felt that this form seemed to have been seen somewhere, and he was also guessing what Liu Hong was used for - but what was certain was that this thing must be related to mathematics, and a person like Liu Hong would definitely not I'm so bored that any toy comes to offer treasure at will.

While thinking, Cai Yong casually picked up a black bead from the grid on the top layer and put it in the middle of the grid in the white paint area in the middle. He looked left and right, but he still couldn't guess it. Then he took a red bead and put it in the white paint area. grid...

  Fei concentrating on thinking suddenly, black beads and red beads, layered up and down, placed in the middle... What does this pattern seem to be similar to? Fei Qian had a flash of inspiration and blurted out: "Abacus!"

  Liu Hong, who was stroking his beard proudly, was startled when he heard this, and couldn't help but use a lot of strength, even pulling down two beards. He turned to Fei Qian and asked, "How do you know?!"

"Abacus?" Cai Yong murmured, and immediately realized that this is not changing the long abacus into beads, and then putting it in a box, like a plate, "Haha, that's it, it's just an abacus, I guessed it a long time ago..."—Of course I still tried to save face, but I was really impressed by Liu Hong's whimsy.

  Most people in the Han Dynasty still used counting chips to count and calculate. The so-called "chip" for strategizing in ancient times refers to calculating chips.

A counting chip is actually a small wooden stick. According to personal habits, it can be divided into two counting modes. One is horizontal counting, and the other is vertical counting. Whether the chip is placed horizontally or vertically.

However, calculation chips have inherent defects after all, such as inconvenient to carry, easy to lose, half of the calculation accidentally bumps into each other, and there may be times when the calculation is halfway stopped to do something, and when you come back, you forget yourself Is it calculated according to horizontal or vertical, but I have to start from scratch again...

Liu Hong himself is a master of arithmetic, and he is very sensitive to these problems. Therefore, after thinking twice, he invented this tool, which simplifies the counting chips into beads. The red beads represent one, the black beads represent five, and the white beads represent five. The area is used for calculation, and each column represents a single digit. The nine columns can be calculated to the level of hundreds of millions to meet the needs of counting to the greatest extent.

  Today, it was the first time to show off the finished product to Cai Yong. Unexpectedly, Cai Yong failed to recognize it, but was told by Fei Qian next to him. How could Liu Hong not be surprised by this?

Liu Hong was revered as a fortune-telling saint in later generations, and it is inseparable from the abacus he invented. Unfortunately, such characters are rarely mentioned in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms...after all, the can pick Du Niang's clothes if you are interested...It is not easy for newcomers, Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection...



  (end of this chapter)

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