Three Kingdoms

Chapter 662: advance by retreat

  Chapter 662 Retreat as Advance

  Actually, for the past two days, Fei Qian has been thinking about whether it is good or bad to get Shangdang.

  Shangdang and Taiyuan are a good place, and they also have a strong temptation, but Shangdang is different from Pingyang after all. Under the leadership of the Linghu family, Huguan, which Zhang Yang hadn't conquered with life and death, was easily opened.

   What does this indicate?

   It shows that Fei Qian's prestige is far and wide, and the soldiers are pointed at, and the people are convinced wherever the king's teacher goes?


  Why was Cao Cao able to quickly gain a foothold in Dongjun, but why not Wang Gong? Both of them were appointed by the local separatist forces, one was appointed by Yuan Shao and the other was appointed by Liu Dai. Neither of them was recognized by the court. In a sense, the starting line of the two people is the same.

  But the treatment and results received by the two people in Dongjun are completely different.

the reason is simple.

  Because Cao Cao got the support of the nobles and rightists in the countryside of Dongjun.

  Cao Cao has the foundation of being in power in Jinan, and has a good reputation in Yanzhou. Now that he has come to Yanzhou again, he is naturally accepted by these rural nobles in Dongjun.

   What does Fei Qian have in Shangdang?

  Besides making good friends with the Linghu family, what kind of friendships have the other rural Haoyou obtained from Fei Qian?


  So from this aspect, what is the difference between Fei Qian and Wang Gong?

  Before, the Linghu family helped Fei Qian to pry open the gate of Huguan, so when the new governor of Bingzhou came, would other people cooperate with the governor of Bingzhou to pry open the gate of Shangdang?

You know, Hongnong Yang is standing behind the newly appointed governor of Bingzhou Yang Zan. Although well-informed people know that Hongnong Yang suffered a lot under Dong Zhuo's hands and suffered heavy casualties, but these perennial activities of the Shangdang The range is five miles and ten miles to the right of the local tyrants, how many visual angles can there be to look at the world?

   Therefore, Shangdang had to take it, but could not stay for long.

To take Shangdang is to break the connection between Shangdang and Taiyuan counties, and to isolate Shangdang from the control of Taiyuan people. Naturally, this is something that is extremely supported by Shangdang and the rural rightists. Cooperating extremely well with the official caliber, he also made up a lot of small jokes, almost portraying the former prefect Wen Hao and the county magistrate Guo Chang as hungry ghosts, scraping land, fish and meat, doing all kinds of evil, with good looks, nose and eyes.

   As a result, the Wen family in Taiyuan didn't even dare to say a word, and pinched their noses to admit it.

  What does this mean?

  Shangdang people are no longer willing to serve as vassals of Taiyuan people, but began to fight for their own right to speak.

  Then, the Shangdang people successfully expelled Wen Hao, and after tasting the sweetness of victory, will they willingly become Fei Qian's new vassals again?

  The fact that the Linghu family has a reputation in Huguan does not mean that it can be echoed in the entire Shangdang. But having said that, if the Linghu family had such a high prestige in Shangdang, Fei Qian would need to be careful when using it.

  So now I can only make such a choice, quit Shangdang and stay in Huguan.

"General Jianyi fought against Hu because of greed, and died at the hands of the rebellious army; Lord Wen of the Shangdang fought against the people because of greed, and was expelled by the resentful people; greed hurts people..." Fei Qian did not answer Linghu directly. Instead of talking about Cong's question, he spoke with a serious face.

   "..." Linghu Cong was silent.

   Feiqian continued: "Being an official, benefiting one side, maintaining a clean government, being diligent and thrifty, loving the people, recuperating, paying attention to the hometown, and educating the people, is good."

   "..." Linghu Cong blinked and continued to remain silent.

"Since there is an order from the imperial court, as the people of the Han family, you should obey it; if the people in the north are in trouble, you should protect it as a minister of the land. You need to know that there is no king's land in the world. On the shore of the land, Could it be that the prince..." Fei Qian looked at Linghu Cong and said slowly.

   Ah, I see.

  Linghu Cong is not stupid, when Fei Qian finished saying this sentence, he understood what Fei Qian meant.

   "Under the whole world, could it be the king's land. On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers."

  It seems to be very wonderful, what a good image of a loyal courtier jumps out, but the sentence that Fei Qian didn't say later is the most important: "Doctors are not equal, I work as a single virtuous."

  General Jianyi’s greed led to chaos among the barbarians, and he was eventually defeated and killed; the prefect of Shangdang was greedy, which led to resentment among the people and was finally expelled by the people;

According to the official caliber, Fei Qian did not do anything out of the ordinary, obeyed the will of the Son of Heaven, pacified the hearts of the people, and took the initiative to provoke the important task of defending against the barbarians and black bandits. Can such an official be called a "virtuous man" "What?

  Currently, the standard implemented by the Shangdang in Feiqian can be said to be the most favorable policy, because Feiqian has the support of Pingyang, so how much money and food the Shangdang can get in a short period of time is not the most important thing.

On the contrary, when the governor of Bingzhou came to form his own army, one of them must be for people and the other for money. Even if he directly pulled the team from Hongnong Yang's side, it would still consume money and food, and these money and food had to come from Where are you from?

  Naturally, we still need to reach out to Shangdang Taiyuan and other gentry and local tyrants to ask for it, so comparing the top and bottom, the gap naturally comes out...

   Then the next thing is not a matter of course?

What's more, in Feiqian's hands, in the name of barbarian rebellion and Heishan thieves, he held on to Huguan, a priority area. On the one hand, it is to continue to control the southern gate of the Shangdang.

  As the general in charge of guarding and guarding the entire northern region, even the governor of Bingzhou has no right to interfere in military affairs, and being stuck in Huguan is like choking Shangdang's throat...

   Seeing that Linghu Cong understood, Fei Qian nodded and stopped talking.

Xu Shu arched his hands and said, "So, I will arrange the recruitment of soldiers. There is a little money, food and equipment in the warehouse, and I will use it first..." Collected the sources of soldiers that could be recruited on the market first, and waited for the governor of Bingzhou to come. It can only be either picking up the leftovers from Feiqian, or reaching out to these local tyrants to beg for private soldiers...

Jia Qu said: "Qu has started to mobilize soldiers from various counties and counties here today... If any scribes are willing to go to the North, they will also be transferred away..." Train a group of strong and strong soldiers to join Feiqian's queue, and the old and weak will naturally stay. As a gift to the newly appointed governor of Bingzhou.

Linghu Cong also said with a smile: "Since Zhonglang has already made an arrangement, Cong will naturally follow it...From today onwards, it is not for Zhonglang's caravan, and it will not be sold..." If the caravan passes through the Huguan gate in the south of Shangdang, it must It is necessary to cooperate with Feiqian, otherwise, we can only take a detour to Taiyuan, which will increase the cost and take time.

  The four of them looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

  Come on, Bingzhou Governor Yang Zan welcomes you on behalf of the people of Shangdang...

   Every morning when I wake up, I am taken aback...

who am I…

I was there…







   Then I thought of coding today...




  (end of this chapter)

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