Three Kingdoms

Chapter 70: Farewell, Luoyang City

  Chapter 70 Farewell, Luoyang City

The meal with Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun was so drunk at the end that Fei Qian even forgot which was the first to pour the other, anyway, it was already noon the next day when he woke up .

Fei Qian originally planned to find Li Ru, but after careful consideration, he decided to forget it. After all, it was Fei Qian's father who was kind to Li Ru, not himself. When Li Ru recommended him to Cai Yong, it could be said that he had already It can be considered that the favor has been paid off, and it would be a bit of a threat to go again.

  Besides, Lu Bu is a warrior, so it's somewhat simpler. Li Ru's detours may be self-defeating instead.

  Go to Langzhong and return Lang Guan's seal and ribbon. From then on, Fei Qian changed from a reserve court official to a commoner.

  There is nothing to clean up at home, the only valuable thing is the book. Except for the books donated by Liu Hong and Cai Yong, the fragmented copy of "Qi Lun" and several rare chapters, Feiqian packed a package of ordinary books and attached a letter, and asked Uncle Fu to deliver them On to Feimin's house.

  The so-called cousins ​​of the master Fei Min, Fei Qian really felt unbearable. In order to save trouble, I didn't even want to see Fei Min again. Anyway, the letter was very clear, and the books were also given, so I had fulfilled my promise, even if Fei Min had any objections, she couldn't say anything.

  The Cui family also gave Cui Hou a letter, which is considered farewell. Generally speaking, Cui Hou is not bad, but now that Fei Qian is going to travel to Jingxiang, Luoyang is about to decline, and no one knows what will happen to the Cui family who stay in Luoyang, and whether they can escape Dong Zhuo's ravages. So in the letter, Fei Qian only said that he would leave for Jingxiang immediately, with the brotherhood in his heart, and see you again in the future.

   People stay in one place for a long time, and it is easy to develop feelings for this place. If you want to change places for a while, you will feel a little bit reluctant in your heart...

  The same is true for Feiqian. Since he came to the Eastern Han Dynasty in later generations, he has been wandering around Luoyang City. In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed, and he has just become familiar with Luoyang City and is leaving soon.

  Farewell, Luoyang City.

   Fei Qian walked slowly on the streets of Luoyang City, looking carefully, as if he wanted to see all the scenes in front of him and keep them in his heart.

  This is Luoyang City...

  Here is the last glory of the Han Dynasty...

  This is the last majesty of the Liu family...

  Here is the deepest accumulation of a dynasty...

  Luoyang City is very grand, not only the streets are wide, but also the houses and towers, and even the banners of the shops on the street.

  Luoyang city is very fine, not only the blue bricks and Han tiles, but also the clothes of pedestrians, even some Hu people are trying their best to learn to dress like Han people.

  Luoyang City is very mellow, not only the palaces and palaces, but also Tingguanyuan Temple, and there are even countless cultural deposits such as Yuanqiu, Lingtai, Piyong, and Huangnvtai.

  This is Luoyang, it is the product of hundreds of years of continuous accumulation of the Han Dynasty, and it is the country in the world that holds its head high and shouts the iron-blooded slogan that offenders will be punished even if they are far away.

   Hello, Luoyang.

I am coming.

   Hello, Luoyang.

I'm leaving.

   Fei Qian suddenly felt so painful in his heart that he was almost on the verge of tears.

   Next, Dong Zhuo will burn this place completely with a big fire, and there will be no more Han Luoyang...

  Fei Qian would rather he didn’t know these things at all, and didn’t understand the future at all, so that he wouldn’t feel guilty when he saw the children playing on the side of the street, the energetic young people, and the leisurely old people.

  Is this the historical pain that a traveler has to bear?

  Why me?

  Why is it not a cat or a dog, it has to be me...

  Fei Qian returned home and looked at the slightly old courtyard again, the mottled courtyard walls, the wooden windows pasted by himself, and the repaired roof tiles...

   "...Mr. Shaolang, everything...has been packed..." Uncle Fu also choked up as he spoke.

   "..." Fei Qian turned his head, looked from left to right, then from right to left, remained silent for a long time, and finally said, "...Let's go."

  Besides the two carriages outside the gate, there was also a commander and his armor sent by Zhang Liao.

  The Shichang’s name is Zhang Zhao, and he can be regarded as Zhang Liao’s junior in his family. After joining the army with Zhang Liao, he became Zhang Liao’s guard.

  Zhang Liao was careful, and when he learned that Fei Qian was going to Jingxiang, he found a small errand for Jingxiang, and asked Zhang Zhao to handle it, and he happened to be able to protect Fei Qian along the way.

   In this way, Feiqian also saves the cost of hiring guards, and it is also safer and more at ease.

  Fei Qian and his party went out of the east gate, and after a short walk, they saw a group of people standing in a small roadside kiosk. Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun, and Cui Hou stood a little behind the three of them.

   Cui Hou felt that his worth was not as good as that of Marquis Wen of the current dynasty, so he said a few words of farewell, gave Fei Qian some things commonly used for the journey, and then left, leaving more time for Lu Bu and the others.

  Fei Qian watched Lu Bu come over with another jar of wine, and couldn't help but lamented, "Mr. Wen, you still drink it. The headache from drinking it two days ago still hasn't healed..."

  Lv Bu glared, pretending to be very vicious and said: "Of course I want to drink! Brother, you are leaving, who do you want me to go to drink?"

  Fei Qian pointed to Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, and said, "You can find them both, Marquis Wen."

  Lu Bu curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "Look for them two, one will grab me for a drink, and the other doesn't like to drink, it's meaningless..."

  Zhang Liao interjected: "Who made Marquis Wen's wine better...Ziyuan, the journey here is not very peaceful, so you need to be more careful." After speaking, he went to explain to Zhang Zhao, telling him to protect Fei Qian Yunyun.

  Gao Shun didn't say anything, just handed the poured wine to Fei Qian—

   Fei Qian saw that Gao Shun was a man of action, so he took the wine bowl and drank it with Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun.

   That's it, I drank the farewell wine and took my heart away, Fei Qian solemnly saluted and said goodbye to the three of them one by one.

  Fei Qian actually hoped that someone would come in his heart at this moment, but he didn’t...

  Before leaving, at this moment, the complicated mood in my heart is difficult to control, Fei Qian couldn't help singing:

  “Luoyang Chengdong Road,

  Cold and dusty.

  Friends give wine,

   According to the description, I am heartfelt.

  Autumn leaves fall from the ground,

   White dew turns to frost.

   and go thousands of miles,

   This feeling is hidden in my heart.

  May it last,

   Never forget each other.

  Stay until the spring is warm,

   Come again to drink the fragrance of flowers. "

Fei Qian bowed his hands to Lu Bu and the others, and looked back at Luoyang City once again, as if he had imprinted the city, including the people in it, on his heart, then turned his head and embarked on a journey, gradually going away …

  In the Cai Mansion, Cai Yong could not help but shake his head when he heard the chaotic sound of the piano in the backyard, and sighed...

   The first volume is finished. Feiqian left the warm nest and started a new journey... The author Jun also left the new book list. If you don't give a lot of recommendation tickets and collections, it is estimated that it will be on the street list...



  (end of this chapter)

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