Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 803 Notoriety spread far and wide (seeking recommendation ticket)

Viken's laughter was undisguised. The two cardinals standing outside the study looked at each other. They didn't understand why the live broadcast of the Magic Council made the Pope laugh so exaggeratedly. Could it be that after Douglas became a god-like, his head suddenly broke? Alright, publicly declaring surrender to the church in the live broadcast?

Except for this kind of thing, they really didn't expect that the live broadcast of the Magic Council could make the Pope happy instead of angry.

Of course, they also clearly know that this is absolutely impossible.

After laughing a few times, Viken regained his composure and restrained his expression. After all, this is an experiment completed by Douglas, and the result cannot be trusted 100%. What if he deliberately deceived himself? It's better to wait for myself to repeat it several times and confirm the truth before considering the next plan.

The experimental design this time is not complicated, the difficulty lies in the subtle control and production, which is not too complicated for Pope Viken, who is also a god, has a profound alchemy foundation, and has been paying attention to and learning arcane arts for a long time , the biggest difference between him and the great arcanist is not in his hands-on ability, but in the way of thinking cultivated by the arcane system, so he has no way to design such an experiment, and can only rely on paying attention to the research progress of Douglas, Lucien and others .


In the square, as Douglas repeated the experiment, "This is impossible" sounded one after another. Ordinary people who have listened to "Voice of Mystery" and watched "Sky TV" for a long time have been more or less popularized the most simple arcane art. Based on common sense and logic, how could this "thing that the result in turn determines the process" not make them feel inexplicably horrified, and it completely violated their experience summed up in their daily life and their instincts as intelligent creatures!

But as the experimental results were confirmed again and again, they gradually calmed down their panic. After all, magic is something beyond their imagination, and it is also unimaginable in their hearts. Therefore, the destruction of the "law of cause and effect" has not completely subverted their three views, anyway. Their three views have long been destroyed under magic.

"Magic is amazing!" said an elderly gentleman excitedly. "It can prolong life, slow down aging, and reverse the past!"

A magician who happened to be passing by next to him, so he was watching the live broadcast in this square gave him a "sorrowful" look. Can these three be juxtaposed?

This magician's head was swollen, his eyes were bloodshot, and he felt that his understanding of the world, life, and value had all been subverted. The world became illusory, life became illusory, and value also became illusory. Anyway, the decision now will change the past!

In the past, magicians all had the idea that the past remains unchanged and the future is uncertain, but now, even the past will change?

His ears were buzzing, as if there were bursts of thunder, and he turned his head from side to side blankly to make sure he was not in a dream.

Another old man wearing a soft hat said equally excitedly: "Yes, magic is amazing. I heard that a high-level magician can extend his life for hundreds of thousands of years, and still maintain youthful vitality!"

Their attention to this aspect seems to be stronger than the experimental results of "changing the past now" which is almost sleepwalking.

Many bards and playwrights around were distorted with excitement and excitement after their panic calmed down. Such "magic" experimental results gave them inspiration for creation, and they couldn't wait to weave wonderful and shocking stories one after another. For a person killed by a "strong observer", all traces of his past will be erased and replaced by other people or things. Therefore, no one will remember him, and no one will know that such a person existed in the world...

The more they thought about it, the more excited they became, and some simply squatted down, took out the "simple fountain pen" or "pen" they carried with them, and recorded their inspirations.

It can be predicted that in the future, the weirdness and peculiarity of the microscopic field will support batches of playwrights and bards.

Compared with their "simple happiness", the students in general schools and aristocratic schools are in much more pain. The experiments completed by Mr. Speaker and Mr. Evans have overturned their most basic common sense and violated their most basic logic. They are holding their heads, having a splitting headache. On one side is the normal world, the knowledge they usually learn, and on the other side is the unbelievable world revealed by the experiment just now. The two are like angels and devils, fighting fiercely in their heads.

At this moment, they realized what pain is, what subversion of the three views is, and for the first time in their lives, they regretted why they had to learn so much arcane knowledge!

Why, why did I come to see the experiment that Lord Evans participated in?

Is this courting death?

Ali wondered dazedly: "Am I real now? Is every thought changing my past self?"

"No, no, there must be another explanation. No, there is no mathematical basis to describe it..." Lang Man tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't stop the muttering in his mouth.

Compared to their "painful dazedness", the magic apprentices and arcanists were deathly quiet, without even the sound of breathing, which made onlookers worry that they would collectively explode their heads with a bang.

In the live broadcast room, Douglas repeated the experiment and got the same result, but he didn't stop, but continued mechanically, without any expression on his face.

It wasn't until Lucien coughed twice that he let out a long sigh, stopped the experiment, and solemnly said to all the "audience": "I think the most basic point of view of an arcanist should be to respect experiments, respect phenomena, and everything to They are based on mathematics."

His words are equivalent to announcing something. Samantha, Louise and other arcanists who participated in the live broadcast suddenly seemed unable to support their bodies with their feet, and sat softly on the ground. This is like their past knowledge and common sense And instinct can no longer support their world outlook, outlook on life and values.

Allingenne, Rentatene, wherever the live broadcast can be seen, the arcanists have performed more or less like this, especially a magician who is good at astrology, weeping silently, As if mourning the passing of determinism and the possible destruction of the "law of cause and effect".

Over the past few years, determinism has gradually come to the brink of bankruptcy, but they still refuse to admit it in their hearts. It was not until they encountered this powerful and subversive impact that they officially realized it and became extremely fragile.

Unspeakable sadness, wandering, confusion and despair enveloped Sky City and the branches of the major magic councils.

Douglas looked around the live broadcast room, seeing a few legendary magicians such as Brooke and Fernando thinking about the problem solemnly, and other arcanists showed fragile and blank expressions, so he thought for a while and said: "The most important thing for us now is To find out why this result occurs, to know that microscopic particles are matter that can permeate anywhere, maybe we can get explanations from other directions, instead of forcing ourselves to believe that the present can change the past."

His words reinjected "vitality" into each arcanist who had been impacted, allowing them to recover gradually.

At the end of the live broadcast, watching Samantha and other arcanists leave with sadness on their faces, Douglas sighed slightly: "No matter what, they should face up to the issue of determinism. In the era of great arcane development, apart from glory and brilliance, Joy, excitement, excitement, etc., must be accompanied by negative words such as sadness, pain, despair, etc. This is an era full of smiles and tears."

"But after today, if there is no breakthrough in the theory, the strength of most of the arcanists in the council will stagnate for at least ten years, and the subversion of basic concepts will directly cause instability in the cognitive world." Brooke, who has experience in shattering and solidification, said with emotion walked over.

Fernando fixed his eyes on the experimental device, and said with a vicious tongue: "The current stagnation will be later than the future stagnation. At that time, even life will be stagnant. At present, we have a god-like, four legendary pinnacles, who can protect them through the reshaping Three things."

The sound of stomping footsteps sounded, and Lucien's students, including Annick, Splinter, and Heidi, came outside the live broadcast room. After watching the experiment, they couldn't control themselves and couldn't wait to ask the teacher.

Seeing this scene, Douglas smiled wryly and said: "These two thought experiments were proposed by you, Evans, so after this live broadcast, I think that most arcanists, magic apprentices and ordinary people with basic arcane common sense , you will feel scared when you mention it."

"I'm notorious..." Lucien rubbed his chin and smiled helplessly.

"Teacher, does this really violate the law of causality? I don't think so..." The introverted and shy Annick has an unusually stubborn attitude when facing arcane issues, so after saying hello to everyone, he stopped talking nonsense and asked Talk to the teacher and express your own views.

Hearing his question, the eyes of Douglas, Hathaway, Oliver and others also shifted to Lucien's face. They also wanted to know Lucien's opinion on this experiment.

Lucien seemed to have expected that Annick would ask this question, and replied without thinking: "The speaker's statement just now is also possible. Electrons permeate the space and come from all paths. Only when we choose what we need to see After the result, it collapses to one or two paths, which is not changing the past now, but before that, the electrons have not yet collapsed, and there is no problem determining the path."

Before we choose... Annick's eyes widened: "Observer effect?"

Although there is no contradiction in the law of causality in this explanation, it also highlights the observer effect!

The corners of Lucien's mouth curled up, he looked at Annick and smiled, and didn't answer any more.

Fernando and the others shook their heads. They still couldn't accept the observer effect, so they each left and went home to think hard, trying to find an explanation that neither emphasized the observer effect nor violated the law of time causality.

In the last two or three weeks, can everyone give a few recommendation tickets?

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