Shen Ningning couldn't believe what she heard.

She looked at Qi Xiuwei in astonishment and broke down crying in front of her. Qi Xiuwei's eyes were filled with hatred and tears.

Perhaps because he was afraid that she would suddenly hurt someone, Xie Mingan had already walked up to Shen Ningning calmly.

He completely protected his sister behind him.

Master Qi looked at her daughter with a complex expression: " are really cruel."

But Mrs. Qi cried and rushed over and hugged Qi Xiuwei.

"She didn't do it, it was me. I did everything."

Mr. Qi was angry: "Shut up! You are still protecting her now. It is precisely because you did not teach her well that you made the child make a huge mistake!"

In terms of blood relationship, Mrs. Qi is Qi Xiuwei's grandmother.

According to the laws of Cangyun Kingdom, killing a clan relative within three generations, especially an elder, is a serious crime, ranging from exile to beheading!

Qi Xiuwei choked with tears, her eyes were a little hollow and numb.

"Dad, you have seen it all the time. You know how my grandmother oppressed my mother and I."

"If she were left awake, she would continue to force me to marry someone I didn't like. Only after she became ill did I feel that life was so free and beautiful."

"I no longer have to worry about saying the wrong thing or showing an inappropriate look, which will result in a beating or scolding. I no longer have to worry about whether I will be punished to kneel in the ancestral hall if I refuse to associate with a powerful person."

Qi Xiuwei murmured, tears falling continuously.

"She is getting better now that she is ill, and she smiles more."

Master Qi became anxious: "Then you can't kill anyone either!"

"I didn't!" Qi Xiuwei screamed, her eyes bloodshot and red.

She looked at her hands, but she couldn't convince herself.

"I didn't want her life, I just wanted her not to get better so quickly, but why is this happening..."

Shen Ningning looked through her second brother's back, turned her head slightly, and saw that on Qi Xiuwei's palm, the wound from the tiger's mouth had turned into a ferocious scar.

For a moment, the girl said she didn't feel bad, but that was a lie.

She watched her friends struggle to save themselves in such a family.

Qi Xiuwei just wanted a happy and peaceful life so much that she was forced to choose such a radical method.

After being discovered, she didn't make too many excuses.

Next, whatever Xie Mingan asked, she answered.

Qi Xiuwei has been drugging Mrs. Qi for some time.

She was very cautious and just wanted Mrs. Qi to be unconscious, so she controlled the amount every time.

Logically speaking, she has been doing this for so long, so there is no reason why she would suddenly give the wrong dose, causing Mrs. Qi's death.

Xie Mingan looked inside the room at the mother and daughter crying together, as well as Mr. Qi next to him, whose face was ashen.

He said calmly: "You should know that lily of the valley frost is a highly toxic poison. Even if you take a little bit of it, over time, it will turn into a life-threatening thing."

"But you are right about one thing. You were not the main culprit in her death."

Qi Xiuwei paused in her crying voice and raised her head, a little surprised.

"What's the meaning?"

Xie Mingan smiled: "I mean, you are not the one who wants Mrs. Qi to die. Although you poisoned her, this is only a superficial reason."

"Before that, I have a few questions that I would like to ask Mr. Qi."

Seeing her second brother's sharp gaze, Shen Ningning suddenly turned to Master Qi who was standing aside.

She was slightly stunned, and even Qi Xiuwei frowned in confusion.

Mr. Qi's expression paused and he pursed his lips.

"Master Xie, what do you mean? Do you doubt me?"

Xie Ming'an sneered, calm and composed, his eyes as dark as a fox's cunning belly.

"Routine inquiry. You are one of the family members who have been in contact with the deceased. I should check them one by one. This is the procedure. Are you feeling guilty?"

One sentence completely angered Mr. Qi: "Why should I feel guilty? She is my mother, how can I kill her?"

Xie Mingan walked to the corpse and his eyes turned cold: "Have you ever noticed that corpses can talk?"

As he spoke, he began to ask.

"Based on the condition of the corpse, the time of death should be within four hours. According to the speed of death from poison, even the maximum dose of Lily of the Valley Frost would take about two hours from swallowing to death."

Counting the time, that is, early in the morning, when the sky was dark, someone gave Mrs. Qi something to eat.

In order to avoid trouble, Xie Mingan directly told what he had just investigated.

"Before I came in, I casually asked the maids here in the yard. Mrs. Qi takes medicine once in the morning, noon and evening every day."

"According to this situation, there must be something wrong with the medicine I took in the morning."

Mr. Qi was a little irritated: "Then you can call all the people who prepare the medicine and deliver it for a thorough investigation. Why do you ask me? I was busy at the government office last night and never came back."

"That's not necessarily true." Xie Mingan smiled.

He pointed at Mr. Qi's shoes: "They were exposed last night and it rained heavily for a while. But Mr. Qi, the soles of your shoes are clean. You must have never been out."

Master Qi looked down and his face suddenly darkened.

Xie Mingan added: "But I found something more interesting. Why are there wine stains on your sleeves?"

Shen Ningning looked at Master Qi's cuffs and saw that there was actually a mass of brown on the inside of the very inconspicuous cuffs.

If you don't pay careful attention, you will never find it.

She began to look at her second brother with admiration.

No wonder he was reused by the emperor's uncle. Everyone said that there was no case that Xie Mingan could not solve.

Seeing how well he observes the details, you can tell that he is really powerful.

Mrs. Qi was confused and then realized.

"Yes, sir, why are you still wearing the clothes you used to accompany Weier to the Su Mansion for a banquet?"

If it weren't for Xie Mingan's reminder, she wouldn't have reacted yet.

Mr. Qi did not go home last night. He sent his servant back to convey a message, saying that he was busy with something in the government office.

However, even if he doesn't come back, there is still a room for Mr. Qi in the government office, which contains clean clothes that can be changed when needed.

Xie Mingan raised his eyebrows: "So Mr. Qi also went to Su Mansion?"

Shen Ningning was surprised: "I didn't notice it."

Qi Xiuwei frowned and recalled, "But as soon as I arrived at the Su Mansion yesterday, my father said there was something urgent and left in a hurry."

Xie Mingan smiled and said with a faint look in his eyes: "Did he really leave, or was he hiding in the dark for convenience? Mr. Qi, what do you think?"

He crossed his arms and said, "No wonder I find it strange that Caiyun, a loyal servant, suddenly betrayed his master. He still suffered unspeakably and chose to commit suicide. It seems that he was bribed by a bigger master like you, right?"

Mr. Qi's face turned livid: "Xie Ming'an! Don't talk nonsense! Although you are older than me in official position, in terms of qualifications, I am your elder. I am only one year older than your father. How dare you talk to me like this."

Xie Mingan's handsome face was cold.

He sneered with thin lips: "I'll give you some face, you really treat yourself as a dish. If it weren't for my sister's sake, you would be a suspect now. I will take you to Dali Temple for interrogation and torture." .”

"Are you using your age to hold me down? It's ridiculous! Among the prisoners I brought to justice, there are many who are older than you. Now they all go to Naihe Bridge to drink soup. Who do you think is the oldest!"

After saying that, he took out the token. The imperial order from Dali Temple was specially issued by the emperor.

Seeing this token is equivalent to seeing the emperor himself.

"The suspect obeys my order and comes with me back to Dali Temple to plead guilty and commit suicide. If he resists, he will bear the consequences."

Disobeying the imperial order is tantamount to treason.

Most people, no matter how serious their crimes are, would not dare to touch the token after seeing it.

However, when Lord Qi saw him taking out the imperial order, his expression changed with shock, and then he suddenly rushed towards Shen Ningning.

He actually took out a dagger hidden in his sleeve!

Mrs. Qi screamed, and Qi Xiuwei hurriedly stood in front of Shen Ningning.

"Dad! Don't do this!"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Qi was upset and raised his hand to push Qi Xiuwei aside.

The sharp blade cut Qi Xiuwei's palm.

Shen Ningning also fell down.

There was a crisp "clang" sound, and the jade ring on Shen Ningning fell out.

It was the piece given by Hideki and the others.

The blood on Qi Xiuwei's palm spread out and was stained with the jade ring. (End of chapter)

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