To My Sunflower

Chapter 62 - ★-Captain's Log-★

This chapter is for non story notes and updates that are to big to put on Twitter. Realised this was handy after all. Goes at back of the bus, not to derail the flow of the story. Although, probably would for this occasion if you have chapter updates on. 

[Happy Holidays]

I'm taking a break from writing for Christmas and end of the year holidays. I've had a hell of a year. Been on/off work. Now I'm a NEET. No idea what tomorrow brings. I have no routine set for my life now. I just need to find a way to survive. Padded my car for the season just in case. 

Hey, thanks for reading to date.  I'll be back in the new year with content to finish. And maybe even earlier if I can't tear myself away.

Hope everyone has a safe, happy and kick-ass end of year and start of new year.

Cheers to 2020

[Explicit Scene Removal]

I removed the explicit scene that was between Akira and Hinata from the book as I felt it wasn't necessary and broke the flow.  If anyone is curious, it can be found at my Love One Shot's book.

[It's Back]

This story was moved to Tapread a while back, but was keen to contract it.

It's back by 's demand!

I'll be adding in new ones to completion.

The story is half-way done, with intentions to complete by middle of next year.

Thank you for giving this story a chance.

I hope all goes well.

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