Today I Am a Hostage Again

Chapter 10: The tenth day of being a hostage


He hummed a song that he heard from Yamada Yosaki, with a decent tune, Aizawa walked into the school with brisk small steps and a happy smile on his face.

"Good morning, Aizawa-kun." When Suzuki Soonko saw Aizawa enter the classroom, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said hello to Aizawa.

What is there to say?

Falling in love should start with a doll!

Take a look at Kudo and Xiaolan, that is a good example, young tame dye! Given their ‘sliminess’, it’s almost impossible to be a boyfriend and girlfriend in the future!

Suzuki Yuanzi, who has liked handsome guys since childhood, and has some **** attributes, also wants to fall in love early.

It's just that Shinichi Kudo is standing by for comparison, and there is a wealthy eldest at home, Suzuki Sonoko's vision is still quite high, not to mention, at least looks handsome!

In their entire grade, there is also a newly transferred Aizawa Sora who meets Suzuki Garden's requirements in particular.

In the future, I don’t think about whether I can develop into a boy and girl friend, at least I must first become a friend!

"Good morning~" Aizawa replied with a smile.

The moment he saw Aizawa's smile, Sonoko Suzuki had only one thought: Aizawa-kun is abnormal today!

Suzuki Soonko stared at Aizawa for a while, and asked cautiously, "What happy things happened to Aizawa-kun?"

"Huh?" Aizawa was taken aback, then nodded, "Huh!"

The magnitude of the nod and the strength of strength are enough to show it.

In the past, Aizawa Sora's expression was not tepid and angry, like a mouthless boy, as if nothing had been taken care of by him. Even if he had encountered such a dangerous thing as a robber hijacked before, there was no fear and excitement in Aizawa Sora.

But today...

It's like a different person.

Could it be that Aizawa-kun’s family is actually a pair of twins? Like the twins from the Changluin family, they have the same evil taste for people to guess who they are?

Today is Aizawa Sora’s brother, Aizawa X replaced?

Suzuki Sonoko, who had a realistic reference, started to race in his head, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized it was possible.

Seeing Suzuki Sonoko didn't speak, but instead looked at him in a daze, Aizawa thought that Suzuki Sonoko hadn't heard him, and said bluntly: "I did encounter a good thing this morning, a good thing that can last until tomorrow."

Aizawa Sora is just an ordinary and ordinary teenager. He also thought about an ordinary childhood, such as catching unicorns and playing games with his friends...

However, these activities that are too ordinary for others are extravagant to Aizawa, because some criminals may take him away anytime and anywhere.

The scenery on the farthest journey that Aizawa Sora has ever seen was from the window when he was kidnapped and taken away by others.

It is also very sad.

Coupled with the previous experience in the school, Aizawa Sora has developed a habit that he always has to worry about the safety of the school this day as long as there is no accident in the morning.

With such a heavy burden on his body, how could he easily get up?

But not today! His brother Aizawa has already sent today's person to the police station, so~


What should I do to take advantage of today~

"Did you find your wallet today?" Kudo Shinichi's seat was not far away from Aizawa, Xiaolan was in his front seat, and Suzuki Sonoko was talking to the two of them just now.

"Is there anything to be happy about picking up a wallet?" Aizawa hung up his schoolbag while looking back, "but it's happier than picking up a bag of unnamed money."

Aizawa began to keep silent about what it was.

"What were you discussing just now?" Aizawa put away the textbooks used in the first lesson, turned sideways, and asked the three Suzuki Sonoko who were discussing what they were discussing before.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" After hearing the first half of the sentence, Shin Kudo wanted to interrupt Aizawa Sora, but it was still a bit slow.

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot." Suzuki Soonko was reminded by Aizawa, remembering what they had talked about before.

Kudo Shinichi sighed, "Oh..." His face was unlovable.

"Aizawa-kun, you can also help me refer to it." Suzuki Soonko looked at Aizawa Sora with the idea of ​​one more person and one more thought.

One thing that Suzuki Soonko worries about is one birthday present.

"Do Suzuki-kun's friends get together for birthdays?" Aizawa looked at Suzuki Sonoko in surprise.

Suzuki Sonoko waved his hand again and again, "No, it's brother Hitachi."

The twins' birthdays were on June 9th, and there were only three days left.

"Didn't their gifts have been selected?" Aizawa thought of the two expensive brooches. He clearly remembered that when Suzuki Garden took him into the jewelry store, he mentioned the surname of Changluin. .

Suzuki Sonoko nodded, but said in a rather painful tone: "Yes, I did choose two that day, but I also encountered a robbery. It is not very good to give it out as a birthday present."

It's not that she is too particular, but she has to be particular.

"Sigh..." Kudo Shinichi sighed again, "Yuanzi, this kind of meaning would be better. The brooch that survived the robbers and was not taken away represents luck, not very good."

That day the robbers also wondered why there were four more children in the jewelry store, and did not go into it. After that, all their minds were put in the jeweler, and Suzuki Sonoko held the brooch that was ready to pay for it. They were ignored.

This kind of listening is just to end this topic quickly, and the reason for forcibly pulling it out, sounds surprisingly interesting.

Sora Aizawa gave Kudo Shinichi a thumbs up secretly. This little partner saw that he had developed a good habit in peacetime.

"It does make sense to hear that." Suzuki Sonoko nodded, "but dismissed!"

Aizawa Sora, a young man who "doesn't go out of the door, nor step forward," couldn't help with any reference. He could only listen to Moriran and Kudo Shinichi giving opinions to Suzuki Sonoko.

Maorilan tilted her head to think about it, and said, "Yuanzi, you about the clothes?"

Suzuki Sonoko shook his head and said, "The Hitachi-in family manages more than half of Japan's fashionable clothing." Going to buy clothes as a gift to the brothers, it is nothing more than putting money from the left pocket into the right pocket, but they still can't enter them The kind in the pockets of the brothers.

"Then what kind of star do they like? Baseball, football, basketball? It would be better to give a signed ball." Kudo Shinichi's gift has always been perfunctory and can no longer be perfunctory.

"No." Suzuki Sonoko denied without even thinking about it.

Mo Lilan fell into contemplation again. Suzuki Soonko looked at Aizawa Sora and asked, "Does Aizawa-kun have any suggestions?"

Sora Aizawa grows so big, gifts have always been vegetables or fruits produced in his own space, after all...poor.

The salary of a hero is not low, otherwise there will not be so many people who want to become a hero. But the really rich heroes are those who are at the top of the hero list.

Apart from hero activities, there are also TV shows, magazines, interviews, and various peripheral copyright income.

Elimination hero Eraser·Head has also been one of the famous figures who have risen in recent years. Unfortunately, except for the heroes who act together, everyone else does not know what Eraser·Head looks like, or even his name. It is completely one. Hidden characters.

In this case, all the income of Aizawa's family is only the salary of the hero.

Tuition fees, the expenses of the two brothers, housing, transportation and other expenses...the remaining money is not too much.

So he will have to work hard to make money in the future and take on the important task of supporting his family!


"Ah, sorry." Aizawa returned to his senses and apologized to Suzuki Sonoko, "I just wandered."

"Gift..." Aizawa's brain turned quickly, "Send them the signature of the hero they like?"


Kudo Shinichi glanced at Aizawa, waiting for the new student's proposal to be rejected.

Who knows, Suzuki Yuanzi didn't follow the routine, "This is also a good proposal, but I don't know who their heroes are."

"Hey." Kudo Shinichi twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a little weak to vomit.

This is a different treatment, right? Why is it that all the signatures are also submitted, so Aizawa can pass it so easily?

"It should be nothing more than Ormite or Andeva." For details, please refer to Suzuki Garden.

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