Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 427 426, Naoki-san, are you back? !

A beam of golden light passed through the glass windows of the Yamazakura Garden, slipped into the gap between the curtains, brushed the face of the young man on the bed, and woke up the sleeping people.

A gust of wind blows the gauze curtain, and light and darkness play on the still closed eyelids, like a child's play, which will never stop until the sleeping person is woken up.

Open your eyes, another sunny day~

Naoki Naoyama breathed in the slightly cool morning air, stretched his waist, opened the curtains and looked around, only to realize that he had indeed returned to Tokyo.

"Woof!" The big dog beside the bed saw that his master didn't respond, and quickly showed his existence.

"Oh, Taro!" Naoki Yongshan touched Gouzi's head and hurriedly washed it.

I don't know if the Yongshan family has any genes. It seems that the family members are very good at drinking. After Yongshan Naoki washed up, Yongshan Feng and Yongshan Hezi also got up.

Breakfast is simple bread, bacon and milk, and up to two fried eggs. It is simple but nutritious.

"Brother Feng, are you going to Nagano first today?" Naoki Yongshan asked while eating breakfast.

"In the morning, I shouldn't have a part in the show, so let's go in the afternoon~" Yong Shanfeng, who was munching on bacon, said cheerfully, "I have to go back to the sumo hall in the morning, it's been a long time, I have to deal with business. "

"Does Brother Feng also have business in Tokyo?" Tsuruko asked curiously while biting a piece of bread. She didn't know when this cousin also had a business in Tokyo.

"No, it's those new recruits. If you haven't seen me for a long time, your hearts will be lost!"

Yong Shanfeng said that not all of the younger brothers he took in could participate in the filming of "Hot-Blooded High School", and there were still some crooked people who stayed to watch the scene.

Naoki Naoyama is a little worried: "Brother Feng, if you are in Tokyo, you should not develop too much. I heard that the two factions in the Yamaguchi-gumi are fighting very hard. Tokyo is also fighting openly and secretly."

"Yeah, it's just some younger brothers from before, and I won't charge more in the future!

I know, you want to enter the entertainment world~"

Yong Shanfeng finished his breakfast quickly, then stood up very freely,

"I'm done eating! Let's go first~ Naoki, see you in the afternoon~ Tsuruko has a chance to visit me!"

After only two brothers and sisters were left, Naoki Yongshan continued to ask: "How is Crane today?"

"Go back to Waseda's apartment and clean up~"

Tsuruko sighed, the owner of Yamazakura Yard is back, he can no longer occupy this small bungalow, as well as the cats and dogs at home.

After speaking, he glanced at the big dog who was cooking rice: "I said Yingtaro, your sister Hezi is leaving, don't you look sad?"

Seeing that the dog didn't respond, he put down the bread and ravaged the dog's head, and began to harass Yutaro for dinner.

Seeing Taro continue to cook as usual, Naoki Nagayama sighed, it seems that the cranes have been tossing their dogs a lot these days!

"Where's Ni Jiang?" He Zi asked after returning to the dinner table.

"There are a lot of things to do in the morning. I have to give away some souvenirs, and then I have to go to the Xiaoshokan." Naoki Yongshan snapped his fingers. "In the afternoon, I have to go to the studio to direct, and in the evening... I have to have dinner with people."

Who are you eating with? Couples in love, who do you say they are with?

"Hey, it's really busy."

Just as he was talking, the doorbell of Yamazakura-in rang, and then Takeda Yisa, who was wearing a sports summer suit, opened the door and walked in.

A female college student wearing a baseball cap, with long hair tied in a ponytail and tied behind her head, with a youthful face and a slender and straight figure, like a gardenia flower blooming in summer, with a faint fragrance floating in her pure green.

Why do you feel that girls are so beautiful nowadays? Is it because the summer is too hot?

"This is Yongshan-san?" Zhutian Yisha originally wanted to say hello to Yongshan Hezi, but he saw Yongshan Zhishu at a glance, "Yongshan-san, are you back?"

"Hi, just arrived yesterday."

Naoki Naoyama drank the milk in one go, stood up and thanked slightly, "Miss Takeda, thank you for taking care of Taro during this time, but I can slip by Taro by myself~"

As I said that, I was about to take out the change from the drawer in the living room, but when I opened the drawer, I saw only an empty box. Where is the money I put here? There are at least 20,000 to 300,000 yen left!

When Naoki Yongshan turned his head and saw the forced calm expression on Hezi's face, he immediately understood. This sister-in-law actually spent all of my change jar!

Alas. Sighing in his heart, Naoki Naoyama went to the bedroom to get the wallet, then stuffed the remuneration for this period of time into an envelope, and handed it to Yisa Taketa.

"Thank you for taking care~"

"Arigado!" Zhutian Yisha took the envelope happily, and he knew by the feel that there would be a lot of thanks in it, "Then Yongshan-san, do you need me to sneak out to Taro one last time today?"

"No, no need~" Naoki Yongshan smiled and refused, "I happen to be going to do something nearby."

"Hi! Then I'll take my leave!"

Just when Zhutian Yisha was about to say goodbye, Yongshan Hezi immediately seized the opportunity, she didn't want to stay and be reprimanded by her elder brother, so she can take the things in the bedroom when her elder brother is away!

"Ah, Isa-chan, I'm going out too! Let's go together!"

"Eh? That's fine~"

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Takeda Yisa, who was already familiar with Hezi, didn't say much, and walked out side by side with Hezi.

Naoki Nagayama was a little speechless. After finishing the rest of the breakfast quickly, he took Taro by the hand and went out with a backpack containing souvenirs.

When the sun was not very strong, one person and one dog walked quickly, and quickly walked to the nearby Qingshan shop.

In the small flower garden outside the store, clumps of women's cherry blossoms are in full bloom, white, purple and red, clusters of flowers, both lovely and gorgeous.

Seeing the water drops on the flowers, as expected, Mr. Aoyama Nobu was already in the shop.

"Master Qingshan!"

The old man turned his head: "It's Naoki, you boy! Have you returned yet?"

Walking into the store, Naoki Yongshan smiled and greeted Nobu Aoyama: "Yes, I came back yesterday. Haha, I have said this sentence many times in the past two days!"

"Someone should have said welcome back to you!" Aoyama Shin didn't keep a straight face, after all, he hadn't seen this Wangnian friend for a long time, "Is Europe fun?"

Naoki Naoyama chatted with the old man while taking out souvenirs from his backpack: "Yes, the weather over there is cooler than Tokyo, and the scenery is also very different."

"If Tokyo is small and beautiful, the European side is majestic and gorgeous. Whether it is in terms of architectural style or art and culture."

Nobuo Aoyama nodded. As a handicraft maker, he naturally knew something about foreign art.

"So how many places have you been to?"

"Ah, I went to Paris and Rome." Naoki Naoyama handed the souvenir to the old man, then sat down and chatted with him about the journey of these days, inadvertently rambling on for half an hour.

But in return, Aoyama Shin's dislike is true: "Are you actually following other teams all the time? Isn't that rude~"

"What's the matter, we are all acquaintances!" This point is justified.

"Oh, young man, I don't understand!" Nobuo Aoyama sighed, but he was curious about another thing, "You really won the Naoki Award this time, right?"

"Hey, although I haven't won the medal yet, I have already received the award live." Naoki Yongshan said, "I plan to go and get it after seeing Mr. Qingshan, and it's in the elementary school not far from here."

Aoyama Shin stood up a little excitedly, and couldn't stop waving his hands to drive Naoki Naoki out: "Then hurry up! This is the Naoki Award!"


Being robbed by the old man, such as the upper-class circle, the reputation of the writer, the improvement of the status, etc., Naoki Naoyama was a little bit dumbfounded, but he also knew that the old man was really thinking about him.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll go get the prize first!" Naoki Naoyama said to Aoyama's shop before leaving, "By the way, don't forget to give Chikako the souvenir! Long time no see, I miss you so much!"

"You bastard! Don't try to trick Chikako!" Old Master Aoyama broke his defense~

It is only ten minutes away from the small store in Qingshan to the Xiaoxiaoguan. At this time, the Xiaoxiaoguan has already gone to work.

Naoki Nagayama pushed open the glass front door, and Reki Nozawa, the lady with glasses at the front desk, recognized him at a glance:

"Ms. Naoki! You're back!"

It's this sentence again.

"Well, I came back yesterday~" Naoki Yongshan gave a souvenir as usual, it was just a small European-style pendant, "Lingxi-san, this is a souvenir. Where is Mitsuko-san? There is also one for Mitsuko-san."

"Arigado!" Nozawa Lingxi accepted it happily, "Mitsuko-chan is sorting out the books, I will tell her when she comes back!"

"Did Naoki-sensei come to see the editor Morikawa?"

"Hey, there is something on his side~" Naoki Yongshan nodded.

"Ah! By the way, I haven't congratulated Mr. Naoki for winning the Naoki Award yet!" Reiki Nozawa remembered that Naoki Naoyama's award notice and medal were received by Editor Morikawa on his behalf.

"Ha, thank you Ling Xisan. Is editor Morikawa here?"

"Yes, I'll take you there right away!" Reiki Nozawa even temporarily put down the work at the front desk, and took Naoki Nagayama directly to Kuniji Morikawa's office.

"Dong Dong" symbolically knocked twice, and then pushed the door open, "Morikawa-san, Mr. Naoki is here!"

In the office, apart from Morikawa Kuniji, there was also a thin man wearing glasses, black, and his hair was a little gray.


Kuniji Morikawa was surprised to see Naoki Naoyama outside the door. Before he could ask, Naoki Naoyama answered directly:

"Hi, Bunji-san, I came back yesterday!"

"Hahaha, it's good to be back, it's good to be back!" Kuniji Morikawa answered a few words happily, and suddenly remembered another person in the room, "By the way, Naoki-san, this is our editor-in-chief, Matsui Editor-in-chief Matsui, this is Naoki Nagayama, the latest recipient of the Naoki Award."

Matsui Toshi carefully looked at the young man in front of him:

"It turns out that you are Naoki Nagayama. I have heard the name for a long time, and I have a special relationship. I am the editor-in-chief of the Shogakukan, Matsui Tsushi, please give me your advice!"

Bow is already a subconscious reaction: "Hi, I am Naoki Naoyama, please give me your advice in the future."

Perhaps knowing that Naoki Nagayama came to Kuniji Morikawa for something, Matsui Toshi said a few words on the scene and left the office.

Kuniji Morikawa breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Naoki Nagayama: "Finally gone. Naoki-san, do you know? The recent literary circles are talking about you!"

"? Why?" Naoki Naoyama took out an exquisite feather pen decoration and gave it to Kuniji Morikawa. "This is a souvenir, handmade, and it can really be used for writing!"

"What a shame."

He said so, but the joy in his eyes was not fake. Kuniji Morikawa found an empty ink bottle, inserted a quill pen in it, and placed it on the desk.

"It's really surprising what Naoki-san said when accepting the award." Kuniji Morikawa turned around, "Not to mention that after the media reports, some authors actually advised readers not to buy their own novels. Even the editor-in-chief Matsui I was surprised for a long time."

"However, what is even more incomprehensible is that after that report, the sales of your novel, Naoki-san, have actually increased by another level!"

Naoki Yongshan was also a little surprised by this news: "Another level has been raised?"

"Hey, a batch has been printed." Kuniji Morikawa took out a certificate and an envelope from the drawer, "Here you are, here are your certificates and bonuses."

Weighing it with his hands, there was only a mere 1 million in the envelope. Naoki Naoyama looked down a bit: "Bunji-san, do you know? The rent and communication fee for my live broadcast connection is almost 1 million!"

".You have the nerve to say this!" Kuniji Morikawa was speechless, "You are the first person to receive the Naoki Prize for the live broadcast! It has aroused a lot of discussion!"

"Haha, in a way, I also made history, didn't I?"


Morikawa Kuniji didn't want to answer this guy anymore, he was shameless.

After taking the certificate and bonus, Naoki Naoyama stayed here for a while, and chatted with Kuniji Morikawa about the sales of "Love in the Sky", as well as the manuscript fee and so on.

But this time Naoki Naoyama declined Morikawa Kuniji's treat, because he will go to more important places next.

After returning to Yamazakura-in again, the sun was already high and the temperature was even hotter. Eutaro was already panting heavily with his tongue out.

"Ha, the amount of exercise this time is always enough~"

Naoki Yongshan poured some water for Gouzi, and then hurried upstairs to take a shower.

When he changed his clothes and went downstairs, Euntaro was already huddled in the shade under the corridor, and Nyotaro was also lying there,

"It seems that the two of you have found a good place to escape the heat~" Naoki Yongshan reached out and touched the ground, and it was indeed several degrees lower than the outside world.

Touched the heads of Yingtaro and Meowtaro:

"Since you don't want to move, then take a good look at the house, I'm going to the studio!"

Driving a convertible, Naoki Naoyama drove towards the studio when the sun was shining.

After pushing the door open, the employees saw his first reaction:

"Naoki-san, you're back!!!"

He could only reply with a stiff smile: "Hi, Arigado."

By the way, send a copy of the special candy brought back to the people in the office.

In the office of the studio, Otomo Fangcun was sitting behind his desk, and the cool breeze blowing from the hanging air conditioner made Naoki Yongshan shudder:

"Dayou-san, I'm back!"

"Welcome back~" Yoshimura Otomo said with a smile, "Then Naoki-san should be ready to face Xiuichi-san!"

"Haha, Otomo-san, Xiu Yi-san has already been taken care of by me!"


On a film set in Nagano, Shuichi Itō, who was clean-shaven and combed his hair, was talking with a bit of a headache:

"Jia Yichan, don't read the writing on the wall! Those are all dirty words!"

"Jia Yichan, don't fight like actors, fighting is bad!"

"Don't learn to flick your tongue!!!"

Watching his daughter grow more and more crooked on the set, Shuichi Ido seemed to have foreseen his wife, Jiawei Yitang, yelling at him

"Naoki Naoyama, it's all your fault!!!"

There are a lot of things going on recently, and there is a book in addition, so the update time is a bit messy, but it will be fine next week~

By the way, after being reminded by readers today, I found that I seem to be missing a chapter. I will make up this weekend!

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