Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 442 441, Is this an early meeting with mother-in-law?

The cool breeze blowing from the car window did not cool Naoki Naoki's slightly hot head. Ever since he hung up the phone, he felt anxious as if there was an invisible hand that was always kneading lightly or heavily. with your heart.

"Driver Sang, can you hurry up?" the uncle couldn't help urging the taxi, "I'm in a hurry~"

"Passenger Sang, it's already the speed limit!" The driver uncle comforted, "Don't worry, I'm famous for driving a taxi in Tokyo! I'm sure I'll get you there in the fastest time! The whole of Tokyo may not Found a faster taxi than mine!"

So confident? Is it still hidden? Naoki Yongshan couldn't help asking carefully:

"Could it be that when uncle was young, he brought tofu to the family?"

The driver uncle thought that there might be something wrong with this passenger: "Don't be ridiculous, brother, I think I used to drive a taxi when I was young!"

".You might as well not say it"

"Hahaha, I have more than 20 years of driving experience, brother, don't worry!" The driver uncle seems to like to chat with passengers during the night shift, "It's so late, is my brother rushing to meet important people?"

"You can say that." Under the stimulation of alcohol, Naoki Yongshan also let go a little bit, "It's my girlfriend~"

The uncle driver glanced at Naoki Yongshan, with inexplicable approval in his eyes:

"Oh, it's nice to be young!"

"When the uncle was young, there were people he desperately wanted to meet, right?"

"Ah~ Of course." The driver seemed to be chatting happily,

"I still have it now. Every time I make money, I go to Kabukicho without thinking about my own life~"

"." Naoki Yongshan was speechless, and looked at the uncle driver, it was almost half a hundred, right?

real life

There weren't many vehicles at night, and the original 20-minute journey was shortened to more than ten minutes. Although the driver was chatty, he was still capable.

As the taxi stopped, the apartment in Nakano Ward was ahead.

After Naoki Yongshan gave the rent to the driver uncle, his heart suddenly moved:

"Uncle, the taxi night shift will work until tomorrow morning, right?"

"The night shift is until three o'clock in the morning."

"Then can you trouble uncle to wait for me here?" Naoki Yongshan felt that he was here to comfort Mingcai, and he probably wouldn't spend the night with Mingcai for the time being. It might be troublesome to call a car then, "I can charter a car."

"Oh? One night, that's very expensive. About 50,000 yen!" The uncle driver can earn about 40,000 yen a night, so he raised it slightly.

"Hey, that's 50,000 yen." Naoki Yongshan didn't even blink, "Uncle, I'll be down in about two hours!"

"Ah" you don't even want to bargain, the driver uncle was startled, "Then I'll stop over there and wait for you~"

The uncle driver pointed to the side of the road not far away. If he stopped at the door of the apartment, he would be questioned by the security guard.

"Thank you."

The taxi driver started the car, still muttering: "Young people nowadays are really rich~"

But looking at Naoki Naoki's leaving back, the driver laughed at the corner of his mouth,

"Two hours? I bet you can't last two minutes!"

After contacting the residents, Naoki Yongshan walked up the elevator under the scrutiny of the night guard, and soon arrived at the door of the single apartment.

After ringing the doorbell, Ming Cai's small face appeared in front of her, with tiredness and worry between her brows, her eyes were still a little red and swollen, and her plain face without makeup looked haggard.


Seeing Mingcai's fragile appearance, Naoki Yongshan opened his arms and held her in his arms, patted her trembling body gently, and comforted her softly:

"It's okay, I'll be with you."

Mingcai also hugged her boyfriend, feeling worried for several days, finally relieved.

After a while, she let go of her arms, and got her head into Naoki Yongshan's arms a few times before breaking free from her boyfriend's arms:

"Naoki-san, I told you a joke. You're actually at the entrance all the time."

Naoki Yongshan was led into the bedroom by Akina, and it can be found that many things in the room have been packed, and only a few necessities are left.

"After tomorrow, the moving company will move all these to the new apartment. It's a very high-end apartment in Taito District." Akina introduced Naoki Yongshan.

"Isn't that closer to me?" Naoki Yongshan said, "After you come back, won't you come back here?"

"Hey, I'll just go there when the time comes, it's really close to Yamazakura-in~"

After pulling her boyfriend to sit down, Akina poured Naoki Naoki a glass of lemonade, but this time, her little nose wrinkled:

"Sure enough, Naoki-san is drinking."

"I've taken a shower, can Mingcai still smell it?"

Naoki Yongshan picked up the collar of his shirt and smelled it. It was obviously the fresh smell of washing powder.

"As for the smell of alcohol, I know it immediately!" Nakamori Akina laughed, the talent of the little alcoholic is beyond doubt, "Did Naoki-san come here after drinking?"

"Well, today is the wrap-up banquet of "Hot-Blooded High School", so I had a little drink with everyone."

Akina was very touched, she must be tired after the dinner, and seeing Naoki's appearance, she must have drunk a lot.

However, in the middle of the night, I went to the apartment here to comfort myself.

Sitting down against Naoki Yongshan on the small sofa, he was obviously very moved, but he said in his mouth: "It's really cunning to use this excuse to eat and drink."

"It's an affirmation of everyone's hard work! A lot of things happened at the finale!"

Wrapping Mingna in his arms with one arm, Naoki Naoyama talked softly about the daily routine during the day, in fact, to let Mingna get rid of his sad mood.

And Mingcai also showed a smile on her face when she heard the story of her boyfriend, especially about being interrogated by the police.

"Hahaha, what an exaggeration! Was the policeman Sangdu attracted?"

"We were also shocked at that time." Naoki Yongshan thought about the faces of everyone in the restaurant, "Everyone looks like they don't know anything."

"In the end, what happened?"

"Afterwards, we had to play the trailer again to convince the policeman that we were part of the film crew." Naoki Naoyama laughed, "Haha, both Toshihiko Tahara and Hiroyuki Sanada were recognized."


It is common for celebrities to be recognized, and Akina Nakamori has also been recognized several times, but most fans will not be too entangled, and a signature is usually enough.

"In the future, Mingcai's chances of being recognized will be even greater! After this national tour."

Naoki Nagayama recalled it, it seems that Akina Nakamori became popular in 1983 and 1984, and entered its heyday after 1985.


It seems that in memory, there was a time when Mingcai held back tears because of his grandfather's death and still wanted to be on the show. It's a pity that he didn't see the last side of his grandfather before his death.

Could it be this time?

"Akina. If you go to the concert this time, how many days will you have to leave Tokyo?"

"Go to Fukushima Prefecture tomorrow, and then go around the coastline. It may take more than a month."

Akina thought that Naoki Naoyama was worried that he would not see her,

"But between the concerts, I will return to Tokyo in the middle."


Naoki Naoyama is a little sure, it should be this concert, and her grandfather is seriously ill at this time.

"Then Mingcai won't be able to see Grandpa for at least two to three days, right?"

".Mmm." Mingcai was lost again upon hearing this.

Naoki Yongshan sat up straight and looked into Mingcai's eyes: "Mingcai, let's go see grandpa now!"


Seeing Nakamori Akina's surprised expression, Naoki Naoyama continued: "It takes about an hour to get to Kiyose from here. Does Akina know the address of the hospital?"

"Hi but"

"Although it's early morning when we get there, Akina can spend the night with grandpa." Naoki Naoyama said, "I'll go to the concert tomorrow."

"But, Fang Zesang will pick me up at about 5 o'clock"

"It's okay, I'll send Mingcai to Fukushima directly!" Naoki Naoyama said, "We will meet there then."

"However... Mingcai can't sleep at night, so I can only make up for it on the way to Futian."

"It's okay to sleep~" Nakamori Akina was confused by her boyfriend's proposal, but she was also very moved: "But what do you say to the office?"

"Call me in the morning!" Naoki Naoyama was very decisive at this time, "Is there anything Akina-san wants to bring to Fukushima?"

"...only a change of laundry."

All other things were placed in the agent's car, after all, he was going to move to a new home after returning this time.

"Then hurry up and pack up, we'll go right away!"

"But at this time. Taxi." Ming Cai was still a little at a loss.

"Already waiting downstairs!"


The uncle driver who opened the window and was smoking leisurely, saw the figure of Naoki Naoyama walking out of the apartment building suddenly, and waved his hand in this direction.

"Tch, it really is a young man! I haven't even finished a cigarette~" The driver uncle started the engine, "Including the warm-up, two minutes at most!"

It wasn't until the car stopped at the door of the apartment that he realized that this handsome passenger actually brought the girl down!

"O guest Sang, do you want to go back?"

"No!" Naoki Naoyama pulled Nakamori Akina into the car, "Uncle, let's go to the Central Hospital of Kiyose City!"

"Kyose? Is it Kiyose City outside Nerima District?"


The uncle driver was a little surprised: "That's not close, it may take more than an hour!"

"Well, we are going to visit my grandfather who is seriously ill." Naoki Yongshan said, "Uncle, I will still give you the money for the chartered car!"

"Okay then~" The rich is the uncle!

Seeing the car start, Naoki Naoyama held Akina's hand in the back row: "Akina, take a rest first, I'll call you when I get to Kiyose."


The girl next to him hugged Naoki Nagayama's arm, leaned her head on her shoulder, and closed her eyes.

The night wind in the early morning brought a burst of coolness, blowing away the clouds and mists covering the sky, revealing the cold moonlight and the brilliant starry sky.

The highway in the suburbs, the silver yarn paved on the cement road, silently greets the passing vehicles one after another, and the headlights pull out strips of psychedelic colored light, tying a red and white strip on the quiet night. Alternating drawstrings.

Mingcai next to him was resting with his eyes closed, and the uncle driver naturally stopped his previous nagging, and the space of the whole car seemed very quiet.

The night wind blowing in through the window made Yongshan Naoki's feverish head cool down, and the alcohol in his body was rapidly digested, making him sober up a lot.

With more and more residential buildings and street lights, taxis drove into the urban area again.

Kiyose City. Arrived!

The uncle driver is indeed an old driver with twenty years of driving experience. He even knows a little about such a remote town. The address of the central hospital is naturally not a problem for him.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the white building with lights on.

"Mingcai. Mingcai, we're here!"

Naoki Naoyama softly called to the girl next to him, Akina opened his eyes in a daze, and quickly regained clarity.

After more than a year of idol career, Akina has been able to fall asleep and wake up at any time in the car.

"Have you arrived yet?" Looking at the familiar building outside the window, Nakamori Akina was taken aback.

"Well, you go down first, I'll pay the money~"


Naoki Naoyama took out 5 Prince Shotoku cards from his wallet and gave them to the driver uncle, but this is not the end:

"Uncle, are you interested in making more money?"

"Huh? Are you going back?" The driver uncle was surprised.

"No, we are going to Fukushima prefecture tomorrow! We will leave at about three or four o'clock in the morning." Naoki Naoyama said, "From here we will drive all the way to Fukushima!"


Taxi drivers have never heard such a request, this is a taxi! The itinerary across the city is expensive to a certain extent!

It is more than 200 kilometers from Kiyose to Fukushima! And I am still a night shift car, and the fare is estimated to be 100,000 yen.

"Guest, the fare is estimated to be 100,000!"

Naoki Yongshan gave him a reassurance: "Don't worry, uncle, I will also compensate for the gasoline money!"

"That's okay!"

Although he is not very willing to go out of the market, he has given too much!

"Then uncle, let's fill up the gas first and take a rest here~" Naoki Yongshan closed the door, "I'll come to you again in four hours!"


When the back of Naoki Yongshan disappeared, the driver Dashu looked at the time.

It’s just past midnight, and I’ve already earned 50,000 yen tonight. I’ll be able to sleep for four hours later, and when I wake up, there’s a big order of 100,000 yen!

very nice!

After consulting at the front desk of the hospital, Akina Nakamori and Naoki Yongshan came to an intensive care unit.

Opening the door, under the dim light, an old man was lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on, and a middle-aged woman was half lying on the chair next to her. She was Akina's mother Chieko.

The sound of opening the door awakened the woman, and she was very surprised to see Akina Nakamori walking in:

"Mingcai? Why are you back?"

"Because grandpa is seriously ill." Nakamori Akina walked to the bedside, looked at the unconscious grandpa, his eyes were red again, "Mom, grandpa's condition."

Chieko sighed: "The doctor said it depends on the patient's willpower."

This is the most dangerous statement, either wake up, or die in a coma.


Mingcai couldn't help but shed tears, watching the grandfather on the hospital bed crying, but Chieko kept comforting her daughter, saying that when the time comes, everyone must have this test.

Gently patted Ming Cai on the back, finally calming her down.

Only then did Qian Huizi realize that there was actually another person in the ward!

"I'm sorry, this one." I didn't look carefully in the dark just now, but after a serious look, Qian Huizi recognized it, "Naoki-san?"

"Hi, greetings from Jiushu, Chieko-san." Naoki Yongshan bowed honestly and said hello.

Chieko was very surprised when she saw Naoki Yongshan. This young man had contact with her family, but she hadn't seen him for more than a year:

"Well, it's been a long time, what are you?"

Akina Nakamori interrupted at this time: "Mom, Naoki-san sent me here."

"Ah? Why is this so embarrassing? It's too much trouble for Naoki-san!"

Qian Huizi thought it was sent by the agent of the firm, so she bowed and thanked her when she heard this.

Naoki Yongshan quickly waved his hand:

"It's okay, Mingcai and I have known each other for so long and have such a good relationship, what is this!!"

We've only been dating for less than a month!

It's not time to meet the parents to announce it yet!

Naoki Yongshan can only say that they are still good friends now!

Qian Huizi looked at the handsome guy in front of him in embarrassment, and then glanced at her daughter, her eyes fixed.

There is definitely a problem here!

Naoki Yongshan said some things like grandpa will definitely wake up, Chieko-san needs to take care of his health, and then there is nothing to say all of a sudden, the whole ward fell into silence, and an awkward atmosphere slowly permeated.

Chieko and Akina Nakamori began to make eye contact, and Naoki Naoyama, who couldn't understand, was about to poke holes in the shoes with his toes.

"Ahem, Chieko-san." A few minutes later, Naoki Yongshan couldn't take it anymore, "Grandpa was sick and came in a hurry, and he didn't bring some condolences. It's really rude. I'll excuse you first."

"Ah, Naoki-san, then there's no need! Just do what you want!"

"No, no, it's still necessary!"

Naoki Yongshan exited the ward while talking, and quickly wiped off the sweat that did not exist,

"Is this considered seeing mother-in-law in advance? It's really difficult!"

After the figure of Naoki Nagayama disappeared, Chieko pulled Nakamori Akina and whispered:

"Akina, is that Naoki-san dating you?"

Mingcai's pale face suddenly flushed, a little hesitant and shy, and coyly said:


"How long have you been dating?" Chieko asked hastily, "Akina, have you ever been with Naoki-san?"

Ming Nai's face became even redder: "Mom, Naoki-san and I have only been dating for a month!!"

"I care about you!"

Chieko breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at the way Akina looked at Naoki Nagayama just now, it was obvious that she gave her heart away.

If she is not in the ward now, and grandpa is still lying beside her, she will give her a good warning!

My daughter's personality has always been very stubborn and dedicated, but she is not yet an adult, how could she be deceived by the bad boys outside like this!

But then again.

Naoki Yongshan, at any rate, is a well-known person in the Nakamori family, and he seems to be very good?

Besides, this guy seems rich!

And he looks handsome!

Seems to be very talented?

Just be polite to yourself

All of a sudden, Naoki Naoki's good news came out.

This is the mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, the more she looks at it, the more pleasing she is~

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