Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 470 469, the Yamaguchi-gumi has a new heir!

Naoki Yongshan was frying bacon in the kitchen, and the rich aroma of oil wafted out of his nostrils, making Taro beside him drooling.

After the bacon is slightly curled and golden on both sides, the bacon is taken out and the oil is slightly controlled.

After cleaning the frying pan, Naoki Naoyama melted a little butter and put the toast slices and eggs into the frying pan. Hearing the sizzling sound, he could already imagine the burnt aroma and delicate taste in his mouth .

The weather is fine, the mood is good, and the simple American breakfast looks like a five-star chef in the eyes of Naoki Yongshan. incorrect confidence.

"How about it, Nyotaro, Nyantaro, have you never eaten such delicious bacon~"

The two little ones buried their heads in the food bowl naturally had no place to refute.

"Hey Taro, Meow Taro, take a look, is the cherry blossom tree in the yard sprouting again?"

The cherry blossoms in Yamazakura Garden always bloom in two seasons, once in April and once in October. And now, it's time for the cherry blossoms to bloom again.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor of the corridor, biting the toast cut into triangles, Naoki Naoyama felt the breeze gently blowing on his face, breathed the fresh air in the morning, only felt that the hangover from last night had completely disappeared, life was so beautiful~


But in this peaceful time, the phone in the living room rang unexpectedly.

"What's the matter?" Naoki Naoyama walked over and answered the phone, "Moshi Moshi, this is Yamazakura-in!"


It was my mother on the phone! Calling so early. Could it be something happened at home?

"Ogasang, what happened? The tone sounds a little strange."

"Ah, Naoki, your eldest brother Aoki's child is born!" The voice in the microphone was a little excited, "It's a boy."

"Huh? I remember that the expected date of delivery is in November?" Naoki Naoyama was shocked, who would have thought that a nephew would come out suddenly.

"Because I accidentally fell down in the morning and gave birth prematurely." There was tension and fear in the mother's words, "The stairs at home are still too steep."

"." Naoki Yongshan could only comfort him, "It's good that the baby is born safely~"

After continuing to chat for a while, Naoki Yongshan promised his mother that he would take the crane home to visit in the next two days. After all, he is the first member of the fourth generation of the Yongshan family!

"It's just like this." Naoki Yongshan finished the rest of his breakfast, feeling unreal.

On the way to the studio, it was the rush hour for school, and Naoki Naoyama saw many high school students in uniform on the street.

Sometimes while waiting for traffic lights, you can still hear sentences such as Lily of the Valley Overlord, Serizawa Legion.

Before I knew it, "Hot-Blooded High School" had been released for almost a month. There is no doubt that the most outstanding and eye-catching movie in the second half of the year is this bad movie that combines youth, passion, rebellion and other elements.

It spread like a virus among young people, coupled with the continuous smearing by some unknown opposition forces on the media side, Shuyou Films also counterattacked through newspapers, making the movie popular and almost becoming a national topic. attracts a large portion of the adult audience.

Whether it is controversy or slander, nothing can stop the explosion of "Hot-Blooded High School". According to the current trend, the box office of this movie should reach 3 billion in the first month, and the final box office will move towards 5 billion or 6 billion.

"Naoki-san, good morning!"

Xing Jiahua at the front desk showed a bright smile on his face, which made Naoki Yongshan feel better. Sure enough, the lady at the front desk should find someone with good looks.

"Hi, morning Huajiang~"

There were already a lot of people coming to the studio, and it felt a little bustling. Naoki Yongshan walked through a group of staff, and all the voices greeted him were greetings.

After finally walking into the office door, I couldn't help exhaling:

"Otomo-san, do we have more people than before?"

"?" Otomo Fangcun looked at Naoki Yongshan suspiciously.

"It's just that when I came in today, I greeted you more frequently."

"Naoki-san, do you actually judge the number of people in the company by the frequency of greetings?" Itou Shuichi asked with a smile from the side, "Actually, today is the time for casting, and we have already invited some people who signed up."

"No wonder~" Yongshan Naoki vaguely felt that there were a few faces that he didn't remember.

"So we start casting today?"

"Well, after all, we already have the main character~" Shuichi Ido sorted out the materials in his hand, "The "Midnight Ring" mainly depends on Sadako!"

"Well, other people are also very important!" Naoki Naoyama added, after all, he still wanted to choose a supporting role for "Love Letter".

Yi Tangxiu glanced blankly: "Okay, you are the boss, you are right in whatever you say~"

I don't know when, Shuichi Ido also learned such strange words.

Otomo Fangcun saw that the conversation between the two was finally over, and said to Naoki Nagayama:

"Naoki-san, why do you feel in a good mood today?"

"Huh? Can you see this?" As expected of a veteran in the workplace who is good at observing words and expressions, "I just found out this morning that I have a nephew."

"Oh? This is really~" The other two said a few words of congratulations. In this day and age, it is of course a good thing for a family to flourish.

"The Yamaguchi-gumi has a new heir!"


Xiu Yisang, if you are so emotional, do you want to organize a congratulation?

After entering the working state, the order of the studio began to be orderly. Other employees worked hard at their workstations, and the applicants entered the meeting room in an orderly manner under the guidance of the front desk.

Since it passed the preliminary screening this time, and it was an invitation-only invitation, not many people actually came.

"Mr. Yoshikawa Teruyuki, you want to play the role of Takayama Ryuji, what do you think about the role, and where are your advantages?"

Teruyuki Yoshikawa, who was in his thirties, said nervously: "Based on the available information, Takayama Ryuji is a husband who cares about his ex and his son, and I myself am a divorced husband with a similar age. son of

Is this a role fit?

Naoki Naoyama did not expect the first person to sign up to be so bizarre, not to mention that Teruyoshi Yoshikawa had experience in stage plays.

Among the following applicants, there are not many professional actors, and most of them are amateurs, but Naoki Naoyama did not dislike it. After all, some supporting roles in horror movies do not need much acting skills to be honest.

"Private Marseille, I'm Yasumi Nishida, and this time I hope to audition for the role of Sadako."

Yasumi Nishida is a very pretty woman, which surprised both Naoki Nagayama and Shuichi Ido.

"Are you here to play the role of Sadako? Please explain in advance, this character has very little frontal face, and basically does not show his face." Itou Shuichi raised a few words.

"Stupid tape, I just want to try it."

Naoki Nagayama asked: "So, Ms. Nishida, do you have any advantages for playing the role of Sadako?"

"Hi, I'm a mechanical dancer, and I have some experience in body control~"


The following applicants were even more bizarre, but Naoki Yongshan and the others did find a lot of suitable supporting roles.

"Xiu Yisang, everything else is fine, but the children among them still need to think of a way." Because it was an external call, no children signed up.

Yi Tangxiu nodded: "I'll look for child stars in the industry. It's not too difficult."


During the lunch break, Yoshimura Otomo chatted with Naoki Nagayama while eating,

"Naoki-san, do you still remember the reporter at the last press conference?"

Naoki Yongshan took a while: "Ah, that reporter who kept asking sharp questions, what happened to him?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his voice slightly: "Dayou-san, you didn't find someone to beat him up, did you?"

"What! Naoki-san, do you think we are some kind of extreme organization?!" Fangcun Otomo couldn't laugh or cry, Shuyou Yinghua is a regular film and television production company, "I just asked him to drink flower wine!"


Naoki Yongshan was a little bit emotional, facing such an obviously hostile guy, he actually invited him to drink, it was too shameless!

"So, any news?"

"Hey, that guy said after he was drunk that the agent who asked him to ask questions temporarily belonged to Watanabe's office."

Naoki Yongshan stopped the chopsticks for chopping rice: "Watanabe?"

This was the former leader of Johnny's and the Burning department, and it is also the oldest and most powerful firm up to now.

"When did we offend Watanabe \u0026 Associates?" Let others smear Naoki Naoyama on the front page of the newspaper.

Fangcun Otomo was helpless: "Actually, it's not aimed at Naoki-san and Shuyou's filming."

"I inquired again. That Watanabe's manager is Ito Tsukiko's manager."

Yongshan Naoki was confused: "Ito Tsukiko? Who is it again?"

"Tsukiko Ito! It's The Peanuts group, one of the Peanut sisters!" Fangcun Otomo's voice broke out suddenly, "Haven't Naoki-san heard of "Desert of Love" (Desert of Passion)? "

"A private race, I don't care about Momoe Yamaguchi's former idols at all." Naoki Naoyama's memories of the past in the entertainment industry are all inherited, and before Momoe Yamaguchi, the lonely guy really didn't pay much attention.

Fangcun Dayu is a little bit of a horse, but the Peanut sisters are idols he has chased after!

"That's right. My enthusiasm is like a pot of fire, burning the whole desert"

Otomo Fangcun hummed a few lines of the lyrics, which immediately aroused the memory of Naoki Nagayama. It turned out to be Harlem Yu's "A Fire"! However, this is not the same as "A Fire in Winter".

"Ah, I remember!" Yongshan Naoki nodded, "But, what does this have to do with us?"

"Ito Tsukiko is the wife of Sawada Kenji!" Yoshimura Otomo said the important point, "And Tanaka Yuko, had an affair with Sawada Kenji before!"

When Naoki Yongshan heard about this relationship, he instantly understood: "So, it was really aimed at Yuko Tanaka, and I just suffered an innocent disaster?"

"Hey, after all, The Peanuts has a very important position in the Watanabe office." Yoshimura Otomo said, "And the two sisters also have a lot of connections in the music world."

"Perhaps linking Yuko Tanaka with Naoki Naoki would be a blow to Yuko Tanaka."


Fangcun Dayou, don't think that I can't tell that this is yin and yang! The Peanuts are your idols, so just speak up for them?

Naoki Yongshan thought for a while: "However, if it is purely because of personal grievances, Watanabe will not try to offend us, right? That is the headline of the media."

"That reporter is from Watanabe." Yoshimura Otomo said, "As for the previous behavior, it seems that many hands were pushing, but more information points to one——Toho!"

"? Dongbao?"

"Yes, it seems to be to combat "Hot-Blooded High School." Fangcun Otomo said, "Dongbao is also very active in promoting negative news about "Hot-Blooded High School."

"It's the same old thing again, why do these old guys like to suppress newcomers so much?!"

"It's not that they will suppress them casually, it's just because Shuyou Yinghua has the ability to threaten them." Fangcun Dayu finished his lunch, "Dongbao's "Antarctic Story" is currently in theaters, and this year, the only one who can fight against him is Our "Hot-Blooded High School" is now!"

"Oh," Naoki Naoyama sighed, "Otomo-san, the four major film studios in Japan, Toei, Shochiku, and now Toho, except for Kadokawa who is related to us, everyone else has offended us!"

"Hahaha, yes, is Naoki-san stressed?"

"Whatever!" Naoki Yongshan threw the bento box into the trash can, "I'm used to it anyway!"

In the afternoon, Naoki Naoyama did not stay in the company too much, and the subsequent interviews were handed over to Shuichi Itou and Masataka Komori. Although there was no pressure, they still needed to relax a little.

The Sanmaiju in Ginza has already vacated seats, but this time it is not in the box.

On the second floor near the window, Naoki Naoyama made an appointment with Genta Nakai to drink tea.

"Qianxia-san, please give me a pot of Shuiyun tea today." Naoki Naoyama said to Qianxia Sakakibara, "I'm a little irritable today."


Naturally, Chinatsu Sakakibara has no doubts. The so-called Shuiyun tea is cold-brewed tea. Since it is a teahouse, it naturally has such a drink.

Not long after, while Naoki Naoyama was sipping slowly, Genta Nakai came up under the leadership of Katsuo Yasui,

"Naoki-san!" Nakai Yuanta smiled and sat across from him, then looked, "Ah, herbal tea, I just happen to be thirsty!"

After speaking, he unceremoniously poured himself a glass, and drank it like a cow chewing a peony.

"Yuan Tae-sang should be on vacation now, right?"

"Well, after the assignment came back, the company gave me a one-week vacation." Yuantai Nakai smiled, "It is said that the assignment is too hard, let me spend time with my family."

"Hahaha, hard work?" Naoki Yongshan laughed, "Won Tae-sang shouldn't be too chic in America!"

"Where is it?! They are all working hard!"

"Work in a bar!"

After a few jokes, the atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed. After chatting for a while, Genta Nakai took out the information in the briefcase,

"Naoki-san, here are the relevant documents for your apartment in New York. It is currently under the custody of the property company. If you want to live in it, you can ask the company to prepare supplies and so on in advance."

Naoki Yongshan took it and saw that it was indeed near the Central Park, and it looked very delicate from the photo.

"It's really nice! Next time I go to New York, I can live here!"

After looking at it for a while, Naoki Yongshan closed the document. Most of the current real estate is for investment. If you don't put your mind to it, it is no different from a hotel.

"By the way, Yuan Taisang." Yongshan Naoki suddenly remembered, "Last time I said that my eldest brother's child will also be born in November, but he was born this morning."

"Huh? Did you give birth prematurely?" Genta Nakai immediately asked concerned, "Are you all right?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem, and my sister-in-law is also safe." Naoki Yongshan said, "But I still have to observe it in the hospital for a while."

"Be more careful when you get to the back."

Perhaps it was because he was going to be a father, Genta Nakai said with a sigh in his tone, "I hope I can grow up safely forever."

"Well, I should go back to my hometown to visit tomorrow."

The two big men sighed for a while before moving on to the next topic.

"Naoki-san, the investment in the United States has been earned back." The new billionaire Genta Nakai was a little emotional, "I have fulfilled my lifelong dream ahead of schedule."

"Is this the only part of Yuan Taisang's dream?" Naoki Yongshan laughed, "Could it be that he will lie flat for the rest of his life?"

"Haha, I really haven't thought about what to do for the time being. The past few months have been like a dream, and the money seems to be endless."

Genta Nakai remembered that during the few months in the United States, he spent extravagantly and extravagantly, but he didn't spend much money.

"Of course it will be spent!" Now Nakai Genta is like a beggar who begs with a golden rice bowl after suddenly becoming rich, "As long as Yuan Taisang buys a few houses and a few cars"

"However, let's buy a house. This is an appreciation asset."

Before I knew it, I fell into the mentality of persuading people to buy a house.

"Haha, Naoki-san really likes real estate!"

"Yes, it will give people a sense of solidity."

The two laughed for a while, and Yongshan Naoki said seriously: "Yuan Taisang, if you want to expand your property, it is the most cost-effective for ordinary people to buy real estate."

"However, if Yuan Tae-sang wants to truly leapfrog class...then, he still needs to own an estate."

Genta Nakai also became serious when he heard this: "What does Naoki-san mean?"

"Yuan Taisang, I want to establish an investment company. Not that kind of leather bag company, but a real investment company." Naoki Yongshan looked at the high-rise buildings in Ginza outside, "Although there is not a lot of funds now, I I hope that one day, I can buy an entire floor of a financial building like the one outside.”

"It's hard, Naoki-san."

"Ha, what's the problem? I already have so much money in just over two years." Naoki Naoyama said with arrogance in his words now, "After this movie, I don't think it's a big problem to exceed 5 billion. It’s not a consortium, but it shouldn’t be a problem to start a small investment company.”

"Won Tae-san, in the next five years, Tokyo will undergo earth-shaking changes, and we are standing at a turning point in history!"

Nakai Genta was shocked by Naoki Naoki's words: "Naoki-san"

"Ha, that's what I said!" Naoki Yongshan's tone was fleeting, "In short, I think the future is promising, Yuan Taisang, do you want to start this investment company with me?"

"This Naoki-san, I need to think about it."

In a tenured society like Japan, if you want to give up a high-quality position like Bankman, you need to be cautious.

"Hahaha, of course, such a big event will not start until next year at least, and there is plenty of time." Yongshan Naoki laughed awkwardly,

"However, after the child is born, Yuan Taisang will realize how expensive the money for milk powder is!"


There is still a chapter still being written, if you say more, add more! Even if I was drunk, I still have to write it with tears in my eyes!

Also, The Hangover. I'm going to arrange for Naoki-san to film The Hangover!

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