Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 97: Developed...

   Although the takoyaki tastes almost the same everywhere, when it comes to festivals, a serving of takoyaki is really necessary.

   "Brother, do you want to buy something to go back?" Yukino leaned in front of Morinka, so that he wouldn't be afraid that others would hear the two talking.

"Although it's a pity, I think it's better not to do this for the time being." Morinka looked around and found that Musashino and Tokyo are incomparable. There is actually nothing worth starting at the scene, so he finally said, " Just have fun, if you really want a souvenir, the shrine should be better."

   As they spoke, the two had already arrived in front of a small shop, which was a small shop for goldfish.

   Well, it is still a repertoire in anime.

   Speaking of it, Japan’s daily life style seems to be the same forever, swimwear, festivals and hot springs...

"Two little girls, do you want to try it~" At this moment, the owner of a shop next to him raised his toy gun and smiled at Morinka and Yukino, "As long as I knock down the gift with this, You can take it home!"

   The two smiled and waved their hands, and declined each other.

   "By the way, how about the game you played, brother?" Xue Na suddenly asked this question again.

"Ah? You said the Witch's House." Morinka didn't know what to say, because this game did not cause a sensation, and the sales in the same-person store were only average, "It's okay for the time being. "

   In fact, Moriha has not been online for these two days, and only a few people use Email. I want to know the feedback, the cycle will be longer.

   Whatever it is, this game is not their focus anyway. Compared to the Witch’s House, what Moriha is going to do is actually other aspects of the game.

   "Why do you want to ask this?" Senxia asked strangely.

   "No, I just saw that game, and then I naturally think of the game that brother you made." Yukino said, looking at the sky.

"Oh, ours is a video game, which is very different from this kind of game." Morinya sighed, "but the influence of fan games is really not enough. In fact, if I can, I always want to make a game. Commercialized games."

   "Well, brother, come on!" Yukino encouraged Morinatsu.

   Although it is a summer festival, in this small place, Musashino, the place is actually not big, so the two of them went around this place twice.

   "Brother, do we want to buy two fox masks?" At this time Yukino walked to the front of a mask shop.

   "As you like."

   You are in charge of the financial power anyway, Yukino-chan!

   "Hey, by the way, time is almost up, we should go." Senxia checked the time, and it was almost now.

   "It's a pity that I can't go to the fireworks festival." Yukino had already bought two fox masks at this time. After hearing Morinka's words, she sighed, then turned and walked towards Morinka. But she didn't know, she didn't stand firm at once, and almost fell off, and the two masks in her hands were even thrown out. Morinya hurriedly caught Yukino in front.

   "What's wrong?!" Senxia asked quickly.

   "Shoes are broken..." Yukino just walked a little anxiously, but the **** the clogs broke.

"Let me see."

   After correcting Yukino, Morika squatted down without even thinking.

   The strap of the shoe's right foot was broken. After taking a look, Morinka looked at Yukino's right ankle. He stretched out his hand and touched Yukino's ankle and sole: "Is your foot sprained?"

   "Well, it's okay." Yukino raised her foot while answering, "It hurts a little, but it's okay, there is no sprain."

   Mori Xia supported Yukino's feet, her feet were small and delicate, and her skin was fair, as if she could vaguely see the blood vessels on them.

   It felt very soft when pinched in the hand, and the slight body temperature leaked from the top of Yukino's feet, with Yukino's temperature.

   Morinatsu moved his head closer, his breath hovered on the soles of Yukino's feet, and Yukino's face flushed with a touch.

   "Don't look at it, it's really nothing, it's so shy..." Yukino's face turned red.

   "Oh, it's okay." Morinka is also a little grateful that she is a girl now. If she is now dressed as a men's clothing, everyone around will definitely treat us as a perverted gentleman...

   There seems to be a wonderful scent on Yukino's feet, like silky smooth milk, which makes people want to lick it.

   Looking at Yukino's white and tender feet, Morinka's mind suddenly showed the appearance of Senpai's feet.

The feet of the elder sister are also very beautiful, but Mori seldom has the opportunity to see the feet of the elder sister. Although she has lived with her for a long time, the elder sister is almost in stockings and can see The barefoot situation is very small.

   Speaking of it, I don't seem to have carefully observed Yukino's appearance in stockings.

   Morika couldn't help but compare Yukino and Chika-senpai in his head.

   It seems that each has its own merits. Yukino's feet are delicate and cute, while Chika-senpai's feet are generous and elegant.


   Yukino urged again.

   Morinatsu put down Yukino's feet a little bit unwillingly, and then put his eyes on Yukino's clogs.

   "Well, there is no way to wear this, now there is not much time, you can just change to mine." Yukino will have to go dancing later, and they have to go up the mountain now. If Yukino is barefoot at this time, it will definitely not work.

   "No! How can I let my brother walk over barefoot?" Yukino shook his head.

   "But you can't just go up like this, right? This is broken, but it's not so easy to fix." Morinka looked at Yukino worriedly.

   "This..." Yukino glanced down at her clogs, also a little embarrassed, she didn't know what to do now.

   "Ah, that's it, let me carry you!" Senxia squatted down.

   "Huh?" Xue Nao stared at Morinka in a hurry up, Xue Nao. "Sinxia urged, "Time is running out. "

   Yukino nodded, and then reached Morinka's back.

   Morinka held Yukino's thighs with both hands, and Yukino's hands wrapped Morinka's neck.

   Yukino's body is also very soft, and her body exudes a wonderful scent. This scent is different from the smell of the feet, it seems to be another kind of delicate fragrance.

   are brothers and sisters after all, although she lost her mind for a while, Morinka quickly recovered.

   "Sure enough, brother is better." Xue Nao whispered.

   "What?" Morinka asked.

"No, it's nothing." Yukino smiled and hugged Morinka tightly, her chest pressed tightly against Morinka's back. This elastic touch made Morinka shiver, and his entire back became Some are uncomfortable.

   "Xunojiang is really grown up, is this really developed..." Senxia sighed.

   "What are you talking about!" Yukino's face turned red after a while, and she wrung Senxia's neck with her hands.

   "Cough cough cough...I was wrong!" The somewhat breathless Morinka raised his hand and surrendered.

   "Hurry up, brother, don't dare!" Yukino buried his head on Morinka's shoulder.

   "Hi, hi." Mori Natsu-kun walked to the shrine with a happy face...


   There are two more updates today, and they will be on the shelves tomorrow July 1.

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