Tokyo Police

Chapter 29: Invitation to Ishihara

"As of now, I have nothing to hide! Mr. Police, Nakamura was killed by me, and Nakamura and I also committed those thefts..."

Just after Ishihara ate the lunch specially prepared by Lin Xiuyi with tears in his eyes, he was finally willing to confess his crime to the police. Lin Xiuyi was just on a whim and wanted to test how much influence the mysterious package had on Ishihara. Unexpectedly, Ishihara's heart was suddenly opened.

"I originally ran a clothing store in Yokohama. Although I can't say how good the business is, it's completely enough for my life. But later, I accidentally got into the Tsurumi group, and my whole life was spent. On the road of irreversibility.”

"I remember that at that time I was having a headache because I could not sell a batch of goods. One day, a group of beasts broke into my shop. They took a few items of unknown origin and said that they were stored here and asked me to help them. Sell ​​it! I was in a bad mood at the time. I wanted to drive them away, but I didn't want to have a conflict with them. Since then, their people have come to my store to make trouble every day, and now the business is even worse. ."

"It goes without saying that you know what happened after that. I had no choice but to join the Tsurumi Group and help them deal with the stolen goods. Later, I was arrested by the police and put in jail."

Lin Xiuyi and Ishihara sat face to face, listening attentively to Ishihara telling about his experience. To be honest, he has no sense of accomplishment in solving the case at all now. In the profession of police, Lin Xiuyi, who has been a man of two lives, has experienced too many things. Although some of these criminals who violated the criminal law really deserved what they deserved, they deserved more than they deserved. However, there are quite a few examples of ordinary people walking on the road of no return because of a momentary evil thought. Back then, Lin Xiuyi was engaged in anti-drug work in China. Many college students risked their lives to commit crimes because of poverty in their families, serious illnesses of their relatives, and even for a love they thought they were pure.

"After I was released from prison, I came to Tokyo! I plan to find a job here to earn some money, and then go back to my hometown to reopen the store! But I encountered even more trouble. I was trapped by a friend from the past and inexplicably became his loan shark. I owed a lot of money to my guarantor. I was desperate, so I wanted to find a way to make a quick buck. I also owe a lot of money to usury, so I can’t live anymore! So we two discussed it, and we embarked on the road of burglary.”

"I have seen them burglary in the Tsurumi group, and I know some basic methods and places to pay attention. And my job with Nakamura is to deliver advertisements door-to-door in various districts of Tokyo. Our company has regulations. If there are some households' advertisements It has not been cleaned up, indicating that the residents have not been at home for a long time, and the company asked us not to waste resources and energy on these residents. But we happened to target these people.”

"After we set our action goals during the day, we came over to work at night, because I used to work in the clothing business, I knew some knowledge about brands, and I knew that kind of thing was the easiest to sell, so we quickly made a lot of money. But I never dared to spend the money, so I hid it with Nakamura in the locker of the Bunkyo-ku gymnasium."

"Until one day, I found out that Nakamura had taken all the money privately and took it for himself, so I asked him for a theory. As a result, I hit him with a wrench for repairing the car in a fit of rage. After that, you guys I know it all..."

Hearing this, Lin Xiuyi took the initiative to ask: "Ishihara-san, can you tell me how you attacked Nakamura and where the wrench hit him? Please be as specific as possible."

"I attacked him from behind with a wrench and hit him in the back of the head. I was so angry that I killed him all at once. He had a big hole in his head and he was bleeding. I was terrified, so I hurriedly disposed of his body. Wrapped him in plastic and threw it into the trash.”

When Lin Xiu heard this answer, he compared it with the existing evidence in his mind. Ishihara's statement is a good explanation for the source of the housefly eggs in Nakamura's wound. This statement should be basically true. So Lin Xiuyi continued to ask: "Ishihara-sang, please tell us the detailed location of the crime?"

"In an abandoned construction site near Kuromedo Sanmachime in the Minato District, where did we put all the stolen items?"

The Shenmu Police Department, who had been observing the situation through the single-sided mirror glass, heard the prisoner confessed the location of the crime, and immediately ordered his subordinates to notify the forensics department to investigate the scene. The frown he had been frowning was finally relaxed, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"Ishihara-san, I would like to ask again where is the wrench that you attacked Nakamura?" Lin Xiuyi knew that his confession was enough to bring Ishihara to court. However, such things as testimony are unreliable. If Ishihara revokes his confession in court, the police will have to re-investigate. So the safest thing is to find the murder weapon at the same time. As long as you have the murder the entire chain of evidence will be much more complete. At that time, even if he goes to court, it will not be so easy for the suspect's defense to question the police's findings.

"That wrench, I threw it in the pond of Koishikawa Park near the company..."

"Where's the money? Where is the money now?"

"I didn't find it either, and Nakamura never told me about it until he died!"

"There is another question. I think the success rate of your theft cases is outrageous. How did you do it?" Lin Xiuyi has basically recognized the authenticity of Ishihara's confession in his heart, but he still has no idea about Ishihara's continuous crimes. Feeling a little concerned about not letting go. Anyway, now that Ishihara has admitted the most difficult murder case to admit, Lin Xiuyi simply raised his doubts directly.

"We carefully step on the site before each theft operation. Generally, we need to select the most reliable target from several candidate targets, and then observe for several days in a row to confirm that the owner really does not live in it before starting. And I made an agreement with Nakamura that we will only take those things that we can take but cannot take away at the scene, no matter how valuable we are, we will not touch them..." Ishihara can now say that he knows everything and says everything. He opened his heart to Lin Xiuyi without reservation.

"The last question, I want to know who sent that package to you?" Lin Xiuyi continued to ask.

"Is this package? I asked my high school classmates to send it to me. My mother died very early. When I was young, she took me to Tokyo for a visit, where I ate Yugatayaki and Daifuku for the first time. Bread. I still remember the taste of that time..."

After the interrogation, Miki showed Hayato Ishihara the completed transcript of the confession, and Ishihara pressed his fingerprint on it without hesitation.

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