Tokyo Police

Vol 3 Chapter 9: the identity of the deceased

"I got it, Lin!"

An hour later, Sean found Lin Xiuyi with Natalie's credit card consumption record, and the two immediately analyzed the consumption record.

Supermarkets, gas stations, motels, department stores, baby stores…

"Lin, did you see anything?"

"What's going on with this baby product store?" Lin Xiu always asked Sean rhetorically.

"I don't know, what's the matter, is there anything wrong?" Sean asked suspiciously.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to call to confirm something!" Lin Xiu immediately picked up the phone and walked out. He found Melanie's contact information on the phone, and then called Melanie's number.

"Lin, what's up, have you found Natalie?" The phone was connected as soon as it rang three times, and Melanie's expectant voice came from the other end.

"I'm sorry, Melanie, we haven't found Natalie yet! But there is one thing I want to confirm with you. Was Natalie pregnant when she ran away from home?" Lin Xiuyi asked impatiently.

"This, should... should not be!" Melanie seemed to be stunned by Lin Xiuyi's question, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Please make sure to confirm, this question is very important!" Lin Xiuyi said anxiously.

"Lin, I'm sorry, I really... really can't confirm, the relationship between our mother and daughter has been very bad in recent years, she didn't tell me anything, if you hadn't asked me, I wouldn't have thought of it at all. This question..." Melanie on the other side of the phone began to cry again.

Lin Xiu reluctantly hung up the phone after comforting Melanie.

"How is it?" As soon as he returned to the room, Sean couldn't wait to find out about Lin Xiu.

"I don't know, but! I think we should go to this baby product store!" Lin Xiu shook his head and said helplessly to Sean.

"Let's go now!" Sean said decisively.


Because Lin Xiuyi's car needs an engine upgrade, he can no longer drive his beloved GTR these days. Sean and Lin Xiuyi quickly found the baby shop where Natalie's credit card had been used. After Sean showed his FBI account, the clerk was very cooperative and provided necessary assistance to Sean.

"Have you seen this girl in the store?"

Lin Xiuyi first showed Natalie's photo to the shop clerks. Several shop clerks in the baby product store shared the photo with each other, but in the end they all said they were not impressed.

"Then, do you still have the surveillance video from a month ago?" Sean immediately asked.

"Sorry, our surveillance here can only be kept for one month!"

"I see that there are discounts for members in your store. Can you provide us with the membership records of the past six months!" Lin Xiuyi suddenly asked, and he noticed that this baby products store was an encouragement from the beginning. consumed by members. The members of the baby products store have a very different place from the members of other ordinary stores, that is, the consumption of the members has a certain timeliness. After all, if there is no child, who will come here to consume?

Luckily this time, Lin Xiuyi got the membership record of this baby products store for the past six months. Sean and Lin Xiuyi quickly found the membership card holder's signature in the records.

"Mary Bridget Rice, that's him!" Sean said, pointing to a name on the membership record.

Lin Xiuyi paid attention to the age of the member named Mary, which was 22 years old. At this age... it seems to be very close to the murdered woman I saw yesterday.


After leaving the baby store, Sean immediately informed his FBI colleagues of Mary Bridget Rice's name, and within five minutes, Sean received a call from Director Musk.

"Sean, your guess is correct. One of the three victims is indeed Mary Bridget Rice! What else do you know?" Chief Musk asked impatiently.

"I'm sorry sir, we only know so much at the moment!"

"Shawn, you may not know it yet, the Directorate just raised the Green River Killer's bounty from $1 million to $2 million! Now our Seattle precinct's most important task is to catch this bastard, Sean, work harder. …”

Sean was on the speakerphone, and Lin Xiuyi sat next to him and listened to what Director Musk had just said. The $2 million reward was more than 200 million yen.

"Where are we going next?" After the call ended, Sean asked in high spirits. Sean knew in his heart that from this morning until now, all the discoveries were led by Lin Xiuyi. Sean has now recognized Lin Xiuyi's ability to handle the case in his heart. At least this RB person does have a set. He just heard about the $2 million general gold, which made Sean have a great interest in this case.

"Go to Route 90 and ask about this Mary!"

"Dude, if you want to find out where this Mary is, you'd better go later, do you remember her throwing a condom in front of the video? If I guess This Mary is probably a... You know!"

Lin Xiu nodded understandingly, he knew what Sean meant. Since this Mary stole condoms on Route 90 and used other people's credit cards, I'm afraid she's not a good woman. That being the case, it is very likely that other street girls on Route 90 have seen this Mary. But most of the street girls work at night, which is still very early.

"Does Mary have any family here?" Lin Xiu thought for a while, since he couldn't investigate on Route 90. Then do something else first and get to know the victim's family background.

"Yes, this Mary is a local, and his parents live in this area now!"


Lin Xiuyi and Sean drove to the house of Mary, the victim of the Green River case. But when they arrived here, Lin Xiuyi and Sean couldn't believe their eyes.

"Oh! This is where the rich live!" Sean stood in front of Mary's house and introduced Lin Xiuyi.

"I see, how can the people living here steal other people's credit cards and steal condoms at the gas station?" Lin Xiu shook his head and asked in confusion.

Lin Xiuyi and Sean got out of the car, tidied up their clothes, and then gently pressed the visitor video call system on the courtyard wall.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

The guest system heard the questioning voice of the hostess in the house.

"Does Mary Bridget Rice live here? We have a few questions about her that we want to ask her relatives." Sean explained his purpose through the visitor system.

"Sorry, I think you must be mistaken, we don't have a guy named Mary Bridget Rice here."

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