Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1036 The meaning of AI existence

"Trauma team staff, this is just one of the professions played by the protagonist of Cyberpunk 2077. What you just saw is just one of the small tasks of this profession. Of course, this task must have been specially arranged for performance. Yes, but making such a mission will be simpler than you imagine."

In the usual game battle level design, there are often very complex elements such as various values ​​and obstacles.

It is not easy to design a game level that makes players addicted to it.

Even a low-intensity combat mode like the turn-based system still has very sophisticated combat value calculations.

In the past, these were all crazy solutions that required huge human programmers.

However, now with the help of AI, most of the complex work can be completely handed over to AI.

The developers only need to wait for the AI ​​to create enough level scenes within a certain period of time through massive calculations and deduction, and then let the developers personally check them one by one to find the most suitable level from the levels produced through training. A few, and then screen, or simply select them all.

The quality of some levels deduced by AI through continuous simulation may reach the level that can be included in the main story, then such a level is a high-quality level, and it will be directly included in the main story without hesitation.

However, this kind of thing is rare now, and we can't fully expect such a miracle to happen, and we can't fully expect that AI can always develop that top-level level.

But it is quite easy for AI to create the level of the battle scene just now.

The first is to arrange some thugs made by AI, and then let them use weapons, and then set up several trauma team members who have already ambushed outside the house, and then use AI to continuously calculate in the form of big data to get the most effective Level battle scenes with visual effects.

Then, the scene of the battle level just now was manually screened out.

The first trauma team was caught off guard and annihilated, showing the cruelty of the city, and then used the lives of the trauma team to save the two rich men.

This form has been very well reflected in the previous Assassin's Creed and the chapters of GTA Liberty City.

But the previous two games are more like a test field. After getting the perfect answer from the experiments on these two games, they are directly applied to the development of Cyberpunk 2077, so that Cyberpunk 2077 can be used in the subsequent game development. The progress is rapid.

Originally, if the original plan was followed, the development of Cyberpunk 2077 would have to be delayed by at least one or two years before it could be fully completed.

And even if the so-called completion is complete, it still can't reach the current state.

"Youxing Electronic Entertainment has really brought AI computing to the fore."

Ueto Hayakawa was also watching the live broadcast.

The exhibition area on their side is still closed to the public for the time being, and he just has time to pay more attention to Youxing Electronic Entertainment with other people at this time.

This time, Youxing Electronic Entertainment was the first to announce all the hole cards.

However, the person who announced his hole card first started out as Wang Bo, and he came up with a game development technology that other manufacturers could not catch up with.

It's really kind of unplayable.

"Don't be discouraged, we should have expected this a long time ago, so we are more prepared, aren't we?"

Ueto Hayakawa, as the president, cheered up everyone on the scene, and finally eased everyone's emotions, and they were not so excited.

"That's right, the president is right, we should have expected this a long time ago."

"Let's quietly watch the next show of Youxing Electronic Entertainment. They probably haven't finished the show yet."

When Hayakawa Ueto said this, there was still a little bit of entanglement and bitterness in his heart.

In terms of game development, the technology gap between Youxing Electronic Entertainment and other game development companies is indeed too great.

For example, the current Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is already considered a high-performance racing car in terms of the use of AI technology.

But they are still only at the family car level.

This gap in speed will not be able to catch up in a while.

The press conference of Youxing Electronic Entertainment is still going on.

The trauma team is just one of the identities of the protagonist.

In the original game, there are three identities: company dog, street kid, and scavenger.

These three identities also correspond to the three most obvious classes in Night City.

When the three identities were announced, Zhu Youxing looked at the game trailer and what he wanted to see most was that the game would have three main stories that may lead to the same goal by different routes, but there are also obvious differences.

But after actually getting started with the game, I was disappointed to find that these three identities were only different during the initial novice guidance stage.

The main story of the game itself is exactly the same.

Obviously, the original Polish donkey CDPR was lazy, or they didn't have enough money and time to do so many complicated content.

Sometimes I think a lot, but the lack of funds and technology is also a very desperate thing.

But not in this world.

Even Zhuyouxing has made more refinements.

Next, Zhu Youxing showed the players several other identities of the protagonist in Cyberpunk 2077.

There are thug identities like those in the previous demonstration, and there are also identities that become company dogs and indulge in debauchery, and there are waste identities that only know how to immerse themselves in the so-called oasis virtual world. For the identity that can never come out in Chaomeng's world.

Each identity has a different main story.

There are tens of millions of lines just for the different main storylines and different performances of different identities.

The actors who are responsible for the voices of the male and female protagonists in the game almost suffered from work-related injuries. They either yelled into the microphone or yelled their lines loudly every day.

Needless to say, other big and small characters are not much better.

This made Zhuyouxing start to look forward to the artificial intelligence AI dubbing that may appear in the future.

Once you have this, and AI dubbing can also be emotionally rich, then you can produce dubbing in larger batches, and it won't stop much.

Artificial intelligence, automation, machinery, they were born to solve the tedious work for human beings, not to replace human beings.

Can you imagine a future video game that might have tens of millions of lines?

How many years would it take for this kind of game to be dubbed only by humans?

ten years? twenty years? fifty years?

In front of AI, these are not problems.

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