Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1084 What kind of fairy cartoon is this

In the animation, there are two most critical climax episodes, one of which is the death of the mercenary boss.

That was the middle stage of the animated story.

The story begins when the mercenary group that the male protagonist belongs to accepts a new mission. The goal of the mission is to extract data information from the brain of a high-level Arasaka group.

Naturally, it was the Arasaka Group's hostile company Military Technology that issued this mission. They heard that the Arasaka Group seemed to be conducting a research project on a powerful weapon, so they wanted to use this method to find out what this technology was.

The hero's mercenary group took over the task and successfully captured the high-level executives of the Arasaka Group.

It's just that the mercenary boss at this moment is in a trance.

Sensitive veteran players have recognized this as a sign of becoming a cyber maniac.

Damn it, this animation is going to be a knife!

Veteran players want to close this animation immediately after seeing this scene.

But... I really want to keep reading.

Because this animation is really pretty good.

The picture is excellent, the action special effects and so on are also very high quality.

This is an excellent animation work that has been quite rare in recent years.

It's really a pity to miss a good animation because you don't want to accept a certain plot.

Forget it, keep reading.

Not surprisingly, the mercenary boss finally turned into a cyber lunatic, and watched his favorite woman die with his own eyes in a state of madness.

This also became the last straw that overwhelmed the mercenary boss.

After the hero came to the scene, he could only watch helplessly as the mercenary boss went crazy.

But before the final madness came, the mercenary boss still used his last rationality to get the male protagonist to leave here.

"David, you have to live."

"Now, run."

After the boss of the mercenary said this, just as the violent mobile team rushed in from the outside, the boss of the mercenary shot and exploded the explosives prepared in advance, killing everyone in the entire building.

The hero David escaped quickly through his special prosthetic body. He tightly hugged one of the mechanical prosthetic arms of the mercenary boss, his eyes were empty, and no matter how Lucy called, he did not respond.

Since then, the story has come to the next scene, and the protagonist has also completed the second emotional change.

"Asami Shinji is really amazing, this story is really well done."

This animation is simply a classic game adaptation anime.

The plot of the scene just now has raised the overall style of the story to a higher level.

The original style of cartoons is slightly lower than that of ordinary film and television dramas, which is a fact that most people must admit.

But the overall style and story connotation of this cartoon are not inferior to those well-known film and television works at all.

It is quite rare for animation to do this level.

The key point of the story in the middle is full of stamina, comparable to the part where Jack died when he played Cyberpunk 2077.

All of them have been very well prepared to cultivate the feelings of the audience and players, and then there will be a wave of ruthlessness to kill all the characters.

Although the story is very tragic, it makes people have the desire to continue watching.

This feeling of being abused to death is really fascinating.

Then, the story of the next animation entered a period of gentle transition.

The previous mercenary boss has died, but some of his subordinates are still alive. David seems to intend to inherit the will of this mercenary boss, become the new mercenary boss himself, and install the mechanical arm of the former mercenary boss , to fight for the future of this mercenary.

At the same time, David also really lives with Lucy. The two are obviously already a very close couple, which can somewhat comfort the audience.

At least the person I love the most is still there, so it won't be so miserable.

But the development speed of the second half of the story is obviously much faster than the previous one.

Before the audience recovered from the previous climax, David also began to show signs of mental breakdown during a mission.

Players who have played Cyberpunk 2077 obviously already understand what will happen next when they see this.

I am afraid that the protagonist David will also experience the same ending as the previous mercenary boss.

Become a cyber maniac, and finally go crazy until death.

But the protagonist still has the aura of the protagonist after all.

Even if it is really the worst result, David can still explode more violently than the mercenary boss.

The cool point of the plot also broke out at this moment, or the last abuse point.

The large company of the Arasaka Group found the protagonist and found that the protagonist's physical fitness is different from ordinary people, or his mental resistance is different from ordinary people.

If ordinary people use military-grade prosthetic bodies without special training, they should quickly break down.

But the male protagonist David has lived to this day, obviously a very talented existence.

Then such a talented existence deserves to be taken seriously by big companies.

So they set up a trap, and the same underground intermediary in Night City cooperated internally and externally to let the male protagonist test a powerful prosthetic machine.

The final result was successful, and the Arasaka Group successfully obtained the test data they wanted.

David escaped from the Arasaka Mansion with his beloved girlfriend, and flew into the air in a state of madness. At this moment, David's only remaining consciousness is at least protecting his favorite woman.

At this time, the senior player had unknowingly burst into tears.

Accompanied by the long piece of music, the hero and the heroine draw a beautiful arc across the sky.

"David, David, wake up!"

In front of the camera, the heroine and the hero David came to the position of the moon. With the moon as the background, the heroine Lucy kissed the hero David deeply.

This last kiss seems to have awakened the male protagonist's last trace of consciousness, allowing him to regain his sobriety for a short time.

Then the hero David uttered a line that senior players think is the most classic in animation.

"I can't protect my mother, but I want to protect you. I live for you. As long as I can realize your dream, I will do anything at all."

This line is accompanied by dubbing, and the emotional value is already full, and the senior players are just staring at the screen with red eyes.

But then, another very lovable character in the plot suddenly died suddenly in the process, without any warning.

The powerful Adam's hammer fell from the sky and killed the cute and very contrasting Rebecca directly, without any room for turning around.

Seeing this, the senior player subconsciously shouted: "No!"

But no matter how he yelled, Rebecca in the animation still died.

The male protagonist also completely collapsed at this moment, using his last will to let his lover Lucy leave, and at the same time had a decisive battle with the final opponent Adam.

It's just that the players all know what the result of this decisive battle will be.

It is absolutely impossible for David to win. If he wins, there will be nothing wrong with the protagonist V in the game.

Finally, under the lens of David being headshot, the picture came to the moon, and a spaceship rowed across the sky.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the heroine Lucy is on the spaceship like dead ashes.

After all, she came to the moon of her dreams.

But now she can't be happy because she has lost the person she loves the most.

Standing on the desolate surface of the moon, she seemed to vaguely hear David's voice when he was still very young.

"Wow! It's amazing, the sun is so hot!"

The music sounded, and the story of the whole animation ended here.

The senior player, on the other hand, stared at the screen with a dull gaze, and he gradually recovered until the entire screen turned black.

If he is asked to rate this animation now, he thinks he will definitely give a full score.

What kind of fairy cartoon is this? On this quality is the animation of the game adaptation?

If all anime or film and television works adapted from games can reach this level, then it will be the happiest thing for players!

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