Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1104 The Benefits of Crowdfunding


"Is it crowdfunding like the popular crowdfunding platforms on the Internet?"

Before the game development competition started, Zhu Youxing told the organizers of the competition what he thought was a good strategy.

Right now, indie games still lack exposure. has tried its best to recommend some good games.

But in the end there will still be the possibility of omissions.

It is impossible for all excellent games to be discovered in the first place.

And if a good enough game doesn't get the best publicity, then the developer should be very disheartened.

So after a few days of serious thinking, Zhu Youxing thought of crowdfunding.

Sometimes, the development of some games still requires the efforts of the developers themselves.

Excavation by outsiders alone will still be very difficult after all.

But now there are not many platforms that are conducive to the early promotion of the game.

Many game developers can't stand loneliness.

Not everyone has the same patience as the former Stardew Valley producers, who can make games for several years and finally become a blockbuster.

In fact, the producer of Stardew Valley's last blockbuster was also appreciated by a publisher by chance.

Without their discovery, the explosion of Stardew Valley may have been delayed for a long time.

Zhu Youxing looked at several people and said, "That's right, it's the kind of crowdfunding that is similar to the popular crowdfunding platforms now, but this time I plan to set up a crowdfunding platform for video games, but I don't want this crowdfunding platform to The crowdfunding platform is the same as other types of crowdfunding. I want to use this crowdfunding platform as a promotional channel and a channel for recruiting like-minded people. On this crowdfunding platform, sometimes only one idea that looks good is needed. Attracting the attention of players with an idea that looks interesting will also attract some developers who are willing to develop games with the person who proposed the idea. I would like to call it a comprehensive service platform.”

"Then Mr. Takeyou, what do you want us to do? Support you on the crowdfunding platform?"

"Yes, and at the end I will announce that all participating games can log on to the crowdfunding platform for crowdfunding. At this time, we can see what kind of games players like, instead of simply relying on We judge the games."

Winning a game development contest is an honor.

But this is not absolute, Zhu Youxing understands that it is impossible for one person or a few people to fully understand all games.

Everyone will have their own different preferences.

Zhuyouxing also has game types that are completely unplayable, such as pure horror games, such as escape and silent hill.

He really can't play this kind of game with a strong horror atmosphere. Resident Evil is his limit.

But Zhu Youxing knows that there will definitely be players who like this type, and there are players who will like all kinds of weird types.

And the weirder the game type, the harder it is for developers to get attention.

Zhuyouxing hopes to give these independent games a chance to shine.

Commercial large-scale game works can be homogenized, because it represents the apex of game industrialization, just like traditional movie blockbusters.

Independent games need to be rich enough.

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw something in their eyes.

"I won't let you help in vain. Crowdfunding platforms need mature enough operations and management. Now I have enough management scope, and I am not short of the economic value of crowdfunding. I just want to see more Fun game, so this crowdfunding platform will be managed by you and the entire game development alliance."

The Game Development Alliance is also a group that has just been established in recent years. It is a world-class industry organization. It is also led by Zhu Youxing, and has personally served as the chairman of the alliance for half a year.

The formation of this alliance is also to make the entire game industry more standardized.

But just standardize the expenses of a federation association that the industry cannot sustain.

They also have to figure out how to generate income themselves.

The game crowdfunding project in front of us seems to be a good direction.

And it is very in line with the tonality of the Game Development Alliance.

Everything is for the better development of video games.

A well-run crowdfunding platform can also make the game industry thrive.

At the same time, this also has the opportunity to allow the league to develop into a world social organization similar to the Olympic Organizing Committee or FIFA.

"No problem, Mr. Takeyou, we will promote it personally when it's over."

Seeing that it seems to be profitable, they are obviously more active, and the prosperity of the world is all about profit, and Zhu Youxing knows this well.

And that's enough.

With enough and good independent games, the top-tier game distribution on the PC system of the platform will also get more benefits. It is a win-win situation for all parties and no losers.

"Okay, then I'll look forward to tomorrow's game developer contest."

The purpose of coming here seems to have been achieved, so the rest is to enjoy being a game judge.

Oh, by the way, he still needs to prepare a copy of the game he has made in the past few days.

After the whole game is over, he plans to release the game.

Hmm... before that, let's play for ourselves.


Just like that, Zhu Youxing once again chose to stay alone in the hotel room all night, his employees were very confused, not knowing what their president was doing.

They were curious and wanted to ask, but they were worried that it would affect some of the boss's plans and the like.

Only Zhu Youxing knew what he was doing in the room, and that was to have a good time playing The Binding of Isaac.

I think he played this game for hundreds of hours in his previous life.

He was even thinking about why he only thought of making this game now, he should have made it a long time ago.

At the same time, he is still on the side of the game content while playing.

"Well, more random effects should be added here, so as to make the game more uncertain and add some elements of gambling."

"This special effect is a bit eye-catching, it is better to change it to a more suitable one. It seems that the special effects of the original game cannot be changed casually. The original game does have the advantages of the original game."

The energetic Zhu Youxing passed the night without any fatigue, and was still full of energy the next day.

Then just one hour before the game was about to start, Zhu Youxing walked out of his room and went to the game site with his staff.

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