Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1114 The Hollow World

Zhu Youxing always felt a sense of familiarity when he saw the young man with afro who came onto the stage.

But for a while, he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

What is certain is that this must be someone I have seen recently.

The young man with afro-hair looked a little reserved when he first came on stage. He had obviously never seen such a big scene, but the light in his eyes was very confident.

That's confidence in your own game.

Afterwards, he announced to everyone the game he and his team had painstakingly developed.

This game is a big world sandbox adventure game.

There is nothing surprising about this. Now there are many open sandbox worlds, and every game company is using their own understanding to develop different open world games.

But this... seems to be a little different.

This is an infinite world.

Each world will be randomly generated, and each randomly generated world will have different landscapes and landforms, as well as different ecosystems.

All of these benefit from the powerful AI development and computing capabilities that come with Unreal Engine.

Through this AI calculation, and a set of random ecosystems developed by the young man with afro, this game has unlimited exploration capabilities.

The moment it was just announced, people who were at the scene and watching the live broadcast, and who knew about video games, fell into a brief silence.

Then there was a very clear uproar at the scene.

It was an uproar of surprise, disbelief, and delight.

"It seems that the response is very good." Myron Keith smiled, and his investment in these young people was still very correct.

He doesn't understand the details of these games, but he can tell that the game is very good just by looking at the reactions of those who know the game.

Maybe I can rely on this game to gain enough market position.

Take a look at Yuxing Electronic Entertainment. Didn't it rely on a few games such as Super Mario to establish its status?

The director of the game department under him also said that the pioneering significance of this game is no less than Super Mario of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

On the stage, the young man with an afro started to get excited after seeing the very intense reaction from the audience, and his nervousness was swept away.

"The name of my game is Infinite World. In this infinite world, you can explore as much as you want, and you can find all new and interesting things in this infinite world. Because it is randomly generated, even if I This game creator will also feel full of novelty when playing this game, this game has endless content to explore."

Endless content to explore.

This sounds so tempting to many players.

At this time, people have not been completely impatient with formulaic games.

Many people still like the open world quite a lot.

During this period of time, some companies have developed a lot of games that are the same as Ubisoft cans in the previous life, but the sales are still quite good. Even if the ratings are accused of serious homogeneity of such games, it does not affect the profitability of these games.

Now that players see such a game, they are more happy as if they have found a treasure.

"Random AI generated world, this is really a pretty good idea, why didn't I think of it before?"

"Yes, this kind of random generation is indeed very promising. Is it difficult for Unreal Engine to create such a random world?"

"It's not difficult, you only need to make certain restrictions, but you definitely can't directly build an engine into the game, that would put the cart before the horse. This young man's idea is very good. He has developed a new random generation technology suite and applied it to In the game, allowing the game to generate an infinite world at any time is really amazing!"

"This young man is a game development genius!"

In the office of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, Zhu Youxing silently watched Mi Kefu's press conference.

The ministers of game development around him all showed expressions of amazement.

"Zhuyou, you don't seem to be particularly surprised or surprised? Is this kind of game not good?"

Hayazawa Airi was sitting next to Takeyuho. She herself didn't know much about the details of game development, so she just didn't understand when others were amazed.

At the same time, she noticed that Zhu Youxing didn't seem to react much, which aroused her curiosity.

Judging from other people's reactions, this game seems to be very good, but Zhu Youxing's reaction was mediocre, as if he was not surprised by the appearance of this kind of game.

"Or did this game appear before?"

Takeyuhoshi was lost in memory just now, and he came back to his senses after hearing Hayazawa Airi's words, and then turned to look at Hayazawa Airi.

"No, the technology of this game must have never appeared before."

At least not in this world.

But in the previous life... that really happened.

And it came along with the sandbox construction type of game.

This kind of random generation technology is not complicated, and it is not difficult to reproduce it.

There are too many games in the previous life, even Zhu Youxing himself can't do everything.

So, the world itself gave birth to random sandbox world games.

Even without the impetus of Zhu Youxing, the game technology in this world is constantly improving.

When Zhu Youxing saw this game, he just thought of some things from his previous life.

According to the technical route and the overall framework of the game, this game is really similar to a game from the previous life.

The game is called No Man's Sky.

The gameplay of the game is to drive a spaceship to travel in the endless universe.

The developer also uses a random generation system technology, so that the game can claim to have hundreds of millions of planets, and each planet can use its own ecological landforms, and there will be different planet cultures.

The game itself has a main mission, which is to go to the center of the universe to find the ultimate secret.

But in this process, you can go to various planets to explore, collect resources, get acquainted with cultures of different worlds, learn languages ​​and technologies of different worlds, and obtain more advanced technologies and buy more powerful ones. spaceship.

This can be regarded as a game with poor initial quality and even suspicion of fraud.

When the game was first released, the publicity was very good, coupled with the strong support from Sony Electronics, many players mistakenly thought that this would be a god-level game.

It was amazing to be able to realize such a random planet sandbox planet exploration game in that era, and Zhu Youxing was one of the early people who were fooled into buying the game.

Later, when the game was released, players discovered that it was a very empty exploration game.

The so-called hundreds of millions of planets have indeed been realized, but each one is so uniform, just some planets randomly generated according to a few fixed rules.

What are players looking forward to?

What players expect is a colorful endless planet.

Each planet can have its own civilization, and these civilizations may develop different levels of civilization, and each planet will have some very novel cultural experiences.

But after actually playing it in their hands, the players discovered that these infinite worlds are bare planets.

These planets are uninhabited, only the occasional randomly generated ancient buildings guide the player to play the main story.

Nothing else.

Random ecology and random civilization are all nonsense.

With the ability of that team, it simply couldn't be done at the beginning.

To achieve this level, in addition to technical skills, it is the test of multiple costs such as capital, manpower, and time.

If I really want to make the No Man's Sky game that the players imagined, I am afraid that it is not something that people of that era can handle.

Zhu Youxing felt that even with the level of technology in this era, it was impossible to do it.

If you want to do it, study the technology for a few more years.

This is not because Zhuyouxing underestimated the ability of developers, but because there are many scientific and technological bottlenecks.

There are technical bottlenecks from development, as well as bottlenecks from the level of hardware technology.

After the release of No Man's Sky, the development team was bullied and accused by the Internet, and even Sony suffered. Who made them praise No Man's Sky in the first place?

But the development team is not useless.

They were bullied by the Internet and spread rumors, but they were very calm.

Even if they encounter countless people's verbal criticism, they will bear it, and continue to invest manpower and material resources in the development of No Man's Sky.

After all, it is impossible for a person to hold on to one thing all the time, especially something like entertainment. This game is terrible, so just play other games.

The game sucks and people don't die.

Then, in the few years since No Man's Sky was released, the team settled down and continued to update more content for No Man's Sky.

These contents are all free, perhaps to compensate for the mistakes I have made, or to realize what I once promised to the players.

They have been working hard, working hard.

A few years later, this game that had been gradually forgotten by players in the corner suddenly seemed not so bad.

Players picked up this game again and found that the content in this game is richer than before, even so rich that it no longer looks like a game, but more like a new game.

In the follow-up, No Man's Sky launched a construction mode, a more diverse ecosystem, an online mode, a combat mode, and so on.

Every time a new feature is released, the experience of players returning to play will be better.

Later, because of the persistence of these developers, the word-of-mouth of this game reversed, and it later became a positive example in the mouths of many players.

A bad game through continuous efforts to improve, and finally achieved word-of-mouth reversal, which is really a bit of a cool foundation.

Zhu Youxing also admires this group of developers. They can continue to make games despite the pressure, instead of choosing to disband and go their separate ways, burying the dark history of No Man's Sky in the past.

This group of people can be called a group of ideal people.

Air Hayazawa said incomprehensibly, "You said that this technology has not yet appeared, so this technology should pose a threat to us, aren't you worried?"

"Threat? It's not really a game, it's just a game." Zhu Youxing smiled and shook his head.

"President, do you see something wrong?" He Dongzhilang of the sixth development team on the side was keenly aware of Zhu Youxing's reaction, so he also came over to ask Zhu Youxing's opinion.

His sixth development team is usually best at researching the latest and most cutting-edge technologies of various games.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment can also provide help and support for many problems in game development. Although they are not as powerful as the Stanford Legion, they still have a stronger understanding of the game itself than the Stanford Legion.

The Stanford Legion is better at simply solving a problem, but can't think of how to combine a problem with the game itself. It belongs to a purely technical team.

The sixth development group is more inclined to a practical technical team.

Zhu Youxing said: "From the perspective of your technical development, what is the form of this game?"

After a moment of contemplation, He Dongzhiro said: "It's very novel. The development of sandbox games will make the world very open and have infinite possibilities."

"Then what?"


Zhu Youxing said: "Then what? The game has become open and has infinite possibilities. Then what? What can players get?"

"This...players will have countless content to play, and will have novel experiences all the time...I guess."

You He Dongzhilang said uncertainly while thinking, and he seemed to understand something while talking.

"The experience of the game can be quantified, what kind of game can bring fun to which players, these are things that can be determined, but in this infinite world game, can you find where the fun is? Just exploring? But exploring After all, when you get tired, this infinite world can only bring players the fun of exploration, which is meaningless in itself.”

You He Dongzhilang was silent.

At this time, the ministers of several other departments also recovered from the admiration just now, and also vaguely heard Zhu Youxing's conversation, and then fell into a state of contemplation.

"There is a more obvious place in this game, that is, it is empty and empty."

"What is it about our games like Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda that players like?"

"That is a desire to explore derived from human instinct."

To explore novel things one by one, every time you find something interesting, you will feel delighted.

But this infinite world, at least in the way they are showing now, I can't see that they have anything other than infinity that can make players feel happy.


Yes, it is empty.

Several people's eyes widened slightly.

They seem to have understood what Zhu Youxing said.

Zhu Youxing continued: "But I'm not saying that this technique is not good, I just think it's a bit empty now, but you can study how this game can not be empty."

"Come, come, let's study and study." Several ministers immediately got together, and they didn't even bother to watch the live broadcast.

In their opinion, this infinite world this time is already very gimmicky, enough for them to study it for a while.

And in the process of research, they also came to a conclusion.

That is the problem that this technique cannot solve the void.

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