Tom Stark-Malfoy

Chapter 2 - 6- The Real Beginning

/recap- the last chapter. . . last paragraphs/

All around me, the dark neon colours start to merge and brighten more than a few shades. What's going on? I could fell the temperature rising, the air around me becomes thicker with each passing second and I feel as if I am being squeezed into a tube. Similar to the feeling that apparition gives but the process is slower.

I close my eyes and endure the nauseating feeling rising from my stomach. Why does this always happen to me?

I wait a few seconds that turned into minutes and maybe hours before everything finally let up. Opening my eyes, I scan the area for any threats but am surprised to find a very familiar view. Somewhat. . . nostalgic.

Wait isn't this?

"You, *heave* call my husband. Now!"

"Y-yes milady, right away milady."

I turned to face the scene of my very pregnant mother yelling at the house elf who was apparating away. Most likely to call my father. She looks younger than I remember, but why hasn't she noticed me yet?

Am I in a pensive? I raise my hand and looked at it, paling at the see-through glowing hand that greets me. That's not right. I look back at my. . . younger mother and examine her face.

She looks pale, like she has lost a lot of blood. She's perspiring quite a lot as well. I glanced over at the calendar at a far corner in the room. 5th of June, 1980. It was, or should I say, is the day I was born. The spell was supposed to bring me back to the beginning. If that is so, then it brought me back to my beginning.

But what is the point if I myself am not 'reborn'. Am I damned into a life of hovering a few feet above ground, whispering words of guidance into the ears of the child me? *sigh* I knew anything 'golden trio' related would just bring me into trouble.

I glide over to where my mother now lays down with her eyes shut firmly, and look downwards onto her w.o.m.b. So that is me in there. As odd as it may seem but I felt a warmth growing in my c.h.e.s.t, and was. . . happy. I never really thought about me being this small. I mean, I knew everyone was a child once but you never really integrate it into your awareness of exactly how small you really are. I never really saw any pictures either.

All the pictures I had seen, were of when I had already been educated as a 'proper heir of a most noble and ancient house'. Well. . . I guess most purebloods wont really have much or any pictures taken when they were infants. The cause of that may lie in the belief and tradition that all purebloods must be able to carry themselves with discipline and etiquette to a certain degree, before they may present themselves before an audience. Inability to act as such would be viewed as blasphemy to the family and their name; he/she will also be marked as an uneducated and uncultured individual unbefitting of the status of a true noble.

That. . . I have to admit, had been repeated to me countless times when I was young that I now and forever will have it memorized word by word.

But something's strange. . . for a while now, I have been feeling my strength leaving me bit by bit. I also feel as though something is off. I check all of the belongings I have with me and find what was there or, what wasn't there. The seal limiter was gone! It was a small charmed chain that I has wrapped around my left wrist to reduce the pain the dark mark gives me.

So that was the something off, but that couldn't be why I am feeling weaker by the minute.

Just as I was once again examining for any peculiars, the doors slam open, and footsteps hastily make their way into the room. Turning my head to the right, I saw my father with his brows furrowed. His eyes listened with worry, pulling his grey eyes down, his expression wilting before flaring into rage.

He spun on his heel and swiftly made his way over to the fireplace. Grabbing a fistful of floo powder.

"Cresswell Healing office"

The green fire rose and swallowed my father into this 'Cresswell's' office. However, it did not take long before the fire came to life once more and a slightly pudgy short woman came stumbling in with my father striding behind her.

"Suzzane you indolent fool. You were tasked to stay by my wife's side to assist her immediately while she gives birth to my first son. If anything were to happen to either of them I will hold you responsible for negligence during service."

"O-of course Lord Malfoy. Please forgive me Lord Malfoy."

This, Suzzane (who seems to be a healer - with her lime green robe), levitated my mother over to her bed with care and spread out her materials onto a makeshift table. I watch as my father hesitantly leaves the room and wait. . .

If I'm still here and my mother is giving birth now. Does that mean I will have to spend the rest of my life as an invisible ghost whispering words of advice into my own ears?! Watching myself grow up and. . . if they can't see me does that mean they wont be able to hear me as well!? Bollocks!

This was not what I signed up for! I want a refund!


My attention was called back to my mother and the healer, to see the girl holding her hand close to her c.h.e.s.t and my mother's stomach glowing red. . . . Did this happen the last time I was born as well? Suzzane quickly applied some gel onto the palm of her hand and seemed to examine the state of my mother or, to be exact, her w.o.m.b.

I also approach and look closer at the glowing - w.o.m.b, to see a trail of pale blue glow leading away from her and into ... me. Is my being here causing this? I need to get away fast. I glide away but as soon as I am about 15 feet away, I slam into some invisible force that seems to push me closer to my mother.

With every push I make against it, I could feel it scraping at me skin. No I have to get away, I need to get stronger, I have to get away. My hands that I used to punch at it gradually turned into mere blurs of light as I shifted into clawing at it.

As i am busily trying to go against the force, the doors slam open once more and I turn back to face the horrified looks of my father and the healer. By Merlin's wrinkly hands, what did I do to deserve this?

I relax for one moment and suddenly I felt my entire being s.u.c.k.e.d into a vacuum.




Lucius P.O.V.

I heard a crash and a bang from with in my wife's room. That was the last straw, that incompetent woman is nothing but trouble!

Storming into the room I find myself face to face with something unimaginable. There was a mas of energy hovering 15 feet away from Narcisa. It was blurry; however, it unmistakably had the shape of a reptilian beast. It was clawing away, as if desperately trying to escape from a force that was pulling it.

Could it be a nautilus horned devil? These days they are thought of as almost extinct. To preserve them, the ministry had declared that no wizard shall initiate contact with them. They are the only beasts that has yet to be declared whether they are dragons, lizards, or serpents. However, for a nautilus to be strong enough to remain as a spirit on this plane after death is. . . how intriguing.

There have been legends of unborns absorbing magical or spiritual energy to assist them in adapting better to magical environments when they are born but this is the first time I have seen it. . . especially in a wizard. I believed that this phenomenon only happens with ethereal beasts like unicorns, and dragons.

This is a sign, a blessing to the Malfoy family! But no one must know, it poses far too great of a risk for my child. However, I cant obliviate her now. I have to wait till my child is born and my wife, safe.

I have to block everything, keep them a secret. I have to block all floo entrances, shut all the windows.

"Dobby! shut the windows, block all floo entrances, lock the doors and the owlry. You are never to speak of this understood! or you will wish you were dead."

"Y-yes Master, Dobby will do what master says. Dobby will do it now, he would-"

"Now! Elf"

"Y-yes master. Now, dobby will do it now."

"Suzzane. You are not to speak of this matter and you will assist my wife at any time or you would find the entire Cresswell family behind bars."

"Of-of course Lord Malfoy."

Suzzane hurriedly stumbles over to my wife's side and prepares a couple potions. Some she sets aside and one she lets fume directly bellow Narcissa's nose (an inhaled anesthesia I presume).

I walk back outside to give my wife privacy and wait.


0 0 0


6th of June, 1980 6:00 AM

I barely slept last night in anticipation and nerves over my wife and our child. Everything will fall into order soon, my son will be born today. The Dark Lord won't go for my child as the Child of Prophecy, has been told to be born as the 7th month dies.

Soon everything will be perfect. I have been hearing the cries of my wife for a few hours and now a blanket of silence covers my mansion.

The doors to our bedroom chambers open and Suzzane looks at me with her bloodshot eyes from fatigue. Probably the same as I.

"Congratulations Lord Malfoy, you have a son."

"My gratitude is yours."

I step in to find Narcissa holding onto a white angel wrapped in a layer of cloth. I peak at my son's face and see him smiling... resting. I felt something stuck at my throat as I realize something.

"I didn't hear him cry."

"Neither did I. He didn't need to, as soon as he came out he laughed."

A smile tugs at the corner of my lips as I once again rest my eyes on my son. Slowly he opens his eyelids, revealing a pair of stormy grey eyes.

"May I?"

"Of course Lucius."

I bend over and take him in my arms, and as soon as I did. His laughter filled my ears with the most pleasant sound. How can he open his eyes? How was he so white? Not pale but simply white.

"My son, Draco Lucius Malfoy, I finally have you in my arms. I will teach you everything I know, and I will give you everything I have. I promise to raise you right, to be a strong and intelligent heir."

"Don't you mean we?"

"Of course my love. We will do everything together."


* a while later *

"Suzzane, you have done your job satisfactorily. I will send your reward to your bank account."

"Thank you Lord Malfoy."

"However, I do not trust you will keep your mouth shut."

I take out my wand and aim it at the clueless woman.

Obliviate !





Draco P.O.V.

"I'm alive? I'm not a ghost? I'm alivvvveeeeee!"

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