Tom Stark-Malfoy

Chapter 22 - The American Wizarding world part 2-III

*December 24 3:00am*

I woke up with a jolt, a thin layer of cold sweat blanketed my forehead and completely dampened my shirt. Shaking the blanket off and getting out of bed, the cold floors of December crept through my toes spreading to the rest of my body.


I rub off the sleepiness from my eyes, only to notice the damp state of my cheeks as well.

I cried? Shite, I cried.

A hot bubbling feeling rose from my stomach and I darted to the bathroom, regurgitating the contents of last night into the toilet bowl. I heaved before an acidic smell entered and burnt my nose. Quickly flushing it, I pull myself up and lean over the sink. Rinsing my mouth, I accidentally look up into the mirror and see my horrible looking face.

My hair stuck to my head, damp from sweat. Eye bags that were terribly dark and surrounded my eyes like a panda's. Chapped lips and ghostly pale skin, I could pass as a ghost in Hogwarts.

After showering and putting on some decent clothes that I found ready for me in the armoire (A house elf probably got it ready), I looked outside noticing that the sun has yet to come up.

Samuel says that his people are looking for my dad, but I can never be too sure unless I do it myself.

Before leaving I should prepare. . . I can't leave so empty-handed like last time. I have my

phone, though it died out a couple hours ago and there's no way I could charge here. I doubt there would be an outlet o a charger laying around in an old Victorian-styled house. Money, I should have a couple galleons or dollars. . . Though the house elf may not mind me moving around before dawn he would certainly alert the Potters if I were to 'borrow' a couple galleons.

I can't ask for money since I don't want them to know I'm leaving. For sure I wouldn't be able to roam around the house to look for things I might need lest I alert their elf with my 'suspicious' behavior. . .

Straight to the fireplace it is for me then. Knowing that as soon as I step out the guestroom door, it may be a race against time so I raise my hand and wave it over myself.

[Silencio minima]

This was my noise (footsteps) would be minimized but would leave just enough sound for me to use the fireplace. I rush down the hallway and down the stairs to arrive at the fireplace in the living room.

Jumping in, I grab a handful of floo powder and proceeded to say the name of a bȧrėly noticeable dark alley I caught a glimpse of while we were walking towards the MACUSA office.

If I'm right, then that place would be the Malibu (or someplace in California) version of Knockturn alley and they wouldn't really care about a not yet 10 year old boy roaming around.

"Amorr Alley."

I could feel a pull from my navel which immediately rekindles the nausea I had finally gotten over. I should work on getting used to it soon. Stepping out of the fireplace, the old floorboards bellow me feet creak under my weight, and greeted by the dead silence of the night, could have just been as loud as a train.

"A customer?"

I look up to see a bald wrinkly old man, glaring at me with his permanent sneer. .

"No. . . Pardon me, I just came to use the floo."

His face scrunches up into an unappealing scowl. He looks a lot like a pug, a big, ancient, severely misshapen pug.


Before I realized it, the back of my collar was gripped fiercely and I was thrown out of his inn, landing with my behind first, falling on the cold, dirty, and slightly wet ground. So much for not caring, he didn't even blink before throwing out a child into the streets! Well, at least this is more convenient when maintaining inconspicuous. People who would care would probably report me as a missing child to the nearest government office.

I stand up, rubbing my sore body part. But still. . .

How dare he be that rude! I could buy his entire inn if I wanted to!

"The Motley Minotaur"

Where do I go now? I severely underestimated my situation. I doubt that man would give me directions if I were to return. I should have taken a few coins from Potter! . . . wait, there's Gringotts!

Maybe I could get a few Galleons. . . I have no vault, and there's no way they would loan without a huge interest. I'd rather stay penniless for a few days than get on their bad side or get labeled as an easy target.

Where to go. . . Left or right?

On the left, at the end of the street is a brick wall, there are probably more shops around the corner. On the right is an arch and a bright street lit with flashing christmas lights and late carousers returning from their night before christmas parties.

If this were a couple years ago I would certainly go left, but considering my current age and lack of money. . . right it shall be.

The closer I got to the bright and active street, the more unnerved and anxious I was becoming.

Why though? It's not like there is danger lurking around the corner. . . Alright, maybe there is, but it isn't the first time I was alone walking in unfamiliar streets. Might it be because I haven't a penny or a map on me? . . . Well that certainly is plausible.

. . .

I shook my head to get rid of any lingering nerves and strode towards the bright street. I wouldn't get anything done by dawdling around. I need to get my head straight.

First I return to muggle Malibu, or muggle where ever I am right now, and to do so I have to find the place that serves as the connection point between the muggle and wizarding worlds. In London it was a pub and a train station so here it must be a similar place. A place where people could disappear without anyone noticing.

There is no shortcut to finding it, but my greatest chance is in finding someone who still hasn't worn his/her cloak or robes after entering which is highly unlikely unless that person is rushing.

As my feet monotonously drag my fatigued body down the shadowed parts of the street, my eyes actively scan for any clues as to where I was and where the transition area/building is. Could it be in central hall? or through an old brick wall?

It has been about 15 minutes of so since I passed the MACUSA district office and the small shops have vanished and in their place are large buildings- each several stories high with a couple of meters between them.

Just as I was about to turn around and head back to Amorr Alley where I might find an opening wall (The wall I saw at the left end of Amorr Alley is starting to look much more suspicious and inviting in my memory compared to my current fruitless attempt at observing the random passersby and buildings). I saw just the person I was looking for. A middle-aged woman who held a parcel in one hand and her wand on the other. What was truly significant about her was the fact that she was wearing normal jeans, trainers, and a parka, before magically casting on a long black wizarding cloak with a wave of her wand.

How much luck have I been saving up for this moment to happen?!

I look up and read the letters above the double doors of the large building before taking back my words. I am not lucky at all!

Are you meaning to tell me, that the building which connects the muggle and wizarding communities is the main MACUSA building?! Barmy Barnabas' Trolls, How am I supposed to pass by unnoticed in a high security government building?!

Just how much bad karma have I pilled up in my past life to receive this much retribution now? Salazar, I swear to you, if I manage to slip through undetected, I will never badmouth another Potter. Unless they deserve it.

I can't risk to wear any disillusionment charms so my greatest chance at passing by unnoticed is to hide my face with a hood. Rather than a child, pretending to be a dwarf would bring much less attention since pretending to be a goblin or an elf is out of question.

Still my stature is too slim compared to dwarves, I should stuff my arms and torso with clothes to look broader.

I hide around the corner of a nearby building and remove my scarf. Waving my hand over the green wool, I whisper a bȧrėly audible word.


A faint icy blue light follows after my hand, falling onto the fabric. Within a second, the article of clothing expands to almost thrice the size it was before. Taking off my cloak, I wrap it around by arms and torso, smoothing out any bumps that would make it look unnatural and put by cloak back on. Just in case, I secure the front slit of my cloak with a sticking charm so I wont easily get busted.


There are too less people at 3 in the morning. But if I wait till 6, the Potters may have already noticed my absence and take action.

There's no other way. I have to do this now.

I take one step out of the shadows and take a deep breath.

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