“Jiang Ye, this… What kind of immortal is this little brother, and what is the situation of the Zhang family?”

“How do I feel that you are quite polite to him, and… Qilin… You…”

Huba pulled Jiang Nan aside and asked suspiciously.

This mysterious little brother doesn’t know where the Zhang family comes from.

In short, every time Huba looks at the little brother, he always feels a sense of danger from the bottom of his heart.

This made him very uneasy.

In the past, this feeling was only felt in Jiangnan.

“Rest assured, our purpose should not conflict with him, as he said, he probably just strayed here.” ”

“Zhang family, Zhang Qiling, 81 … Kind of interesting…”

“Okay, Lao Hu, and Shirley, Fatty, Chuyi and A Xiang, you are the same, don’t think about it, just be the little brother does not exist.” ”

Jiang Nan glanced at the little brother meaningfully, the corners of his mouth curled up in a subtle arc, and patted Hu Bayi’s shoulder.

In fact… If it weren’t for the little brother’s own aura, everyone would probably ignore him unconsciously.

After all, the little brother is really too silent.

So silent that as long as no one paid attention to him, he couldn’t say half a word all day.



After all, the little brother is not a group with Jiang Nan and the others, and he only has the most basic curiosity about the sacrificial site in front of him.

Perhaps, there is not even the most basic curiosity about unrelated things.

Jiang Nan swore that when he pretended to browse the mural, the little brother’s eyes kept hovering on him.

If he hadn’t known about the little brother’s situation, I am afraid that he would really wonder if the little brother had some kind of unspeakable caution towards him.

After all, it seems that the favorite of the little brother, the innocent comrade, at the beginning of the story, seems to be the kind of… Gassed type.

“Jiangnan, I figured out this ritual. ”

“According to the above, if you want to cut off several of us from the ghost cave and stop the ghost cave from absorbing hemoglobin, just reverse the sacrificial ritual, this is very simple. ”


Saying that, Shirley pursed his lips and said tangledly.

“But you still need a pair of eyeballs as a sacrifice and throw them into the ‘Dragon Pill’ together with the dust beads to terminate this sacrificial ceremony, right?”

Jiang Nan shrugged his shoulders and said something that Shirley couldn’t let go.

“Yes, if you can’t help it… Just use my eyes, after all, if I hadn’t insisted on going to the Exquisite Ancient City to find out, Lao Hu and them would not have been infected with this vicious curse. ”

“If I want to lift the curse and cause you to lose a pair of eyes, I am afraid that I will never be able to forgive myself in this life.” ”

Shirley smiled wryly and said.

The mural already makes it clear that tying a slave cursed by a ghost hole in a large indentation on the ground, pulling out his eyes, and throwing it into the dragon pill with the dust beads can end everything.

But the question arises, whose eyes are gouged?

Gangnam himself wasn’t confused by the Ghosteye curse, didn’t follow the rules, and Shirley would never allow it.

Shirley? Gangnam is absolutely not allowed.

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Lao Hu, Fatty, Chuyi, A Xiang?

“Jiang Ye, or we…”

The fat man bit fiercely, his eyes flashed with fierceness, and he looked unkindly at the little brother who held his chest with his hands and did not fluctuate with expression.

In this sacrificial space, except for the little brother whose intentions are unknown, the rest are acquaintances.

How to choose, for fat people, this is not a difficult choice.

“Give up, let’s not talk about how difficult it is to rip out the little brother’s eyes, that is…”

“Little brother, like me, has a special situation, and the ghost eye curse can not affect little brother. ”

Jiang Nan shook his head, reached into his backpack with one hand, and pulled out a pair of crystal clear beads from the carry-on space.

“So what to do, we can’t always take advantage of our own people, right?

Hearing this, the fat man grinned for a while, somewhat unable to sit still, and a little irritable in his heart.

For Shan Jiucheng, they fell short of their achievements and were stumped by this last rush, which was not what they wanted.

At this time, A Xiang was startled by the fat man, and instinctively jumped behind Jiang Nan to seek protection.

A Xiang knows this in his heart, the people here, although Chuyi and Jiangnan have not intersected for a long time, they have a really good relationship.

If there really is no way back, I am afraid that she is the only choice…


Huba glared at the fat man.

Listen, is this human speech?

No wonder the fat man is in his thirties, he can’t get his daughter-in-law dead or alive, and he has been playing singles, which is not unreasonable.

But Huba seems to have forgotten that he himself is also a bachelor…

“I have stayed in Western Xinjiang for a short time, and I have heard some rumors in the Western Xinjiang region, and I know a little about the ancient demon country and the glacier crystal corpse. ”

“Jiangnan, the pair of beads in your hand, I think it should be a pair of moves of the glacier crystal corpse, right?”

“According to rumors, the glacier crystal corpse buried in the nine-story demon tower of the Kunlun Glacier is the original ghost mother of the Demon Kingdom, and her eyes definitely meet the sacrificial rituals you need. ”

Looking at the pair of beads in Jiang Nan’s hand like a handicraft, the little brother uncharacteristically spoke, and said a lot in one breath.

Everyone who listened to this looked confused.

It’s not to wonder why the little brother knows so much.

It’s that since the little brother appeared, he gave the impression of being silent and indifferent, and suddenly said so much in one breath, and they were really a little uncomfortable.

“I’m very curious about you, maybe I will have an unexpected gain when I come to Kunlun this time, and I want to talk to you after you are done.” ”

“Talk about something about me, you seem to know something about me. ”

The little brother ignored the consternation of others, and still looked at Jiang Nan indifferently.

“Ha, I thought you would be silent to the end, little brother… But it may disappoint you, I don’t know much about your past. ”

“But little brother, there is no free lunch in this world, and the ghost thing that will come out soon is going to come out next, I’m afraid you have to take the handle.” ”

Hearing this, Jiang Nan grinned, and the two eyes in his hand kept tossing up and down.

I have also heard legends about it, judging by your appearance, should you have confirmed its existence? ”

The little brother did not have the slightest hesitation, but after simple thinking, he glanced back at the passage where Jiang Nan and the others came, and nodded expressionlessly.

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