
Chapter 2: Family affection is actually the result of mutual comfort

   Chapter 2 Family affection is actually a process of mutual comfort


   The biggest role of a Chinese mother in giving birth to a son seems to be to show off. It is to make her face shine, just like a hen always yells after she lays an extremely large egg.

   Yun Niang is naturally the same.

   The six-year-old son is finally able to speak, and she thinks that everyone should celebrate.

   "Son, can you talk?"


   "Why don't you tell me?"

"Prefer not to say…"

   "You always have to talk to your mother, you haven't spoken all these years, mother thought you couldn't speak!"

   "I told you a lot!"


   "You fell asleep while I was talking."

   "Okay, well, when you want to talk, you will wake up as a mother. Let's talk together. In the future, if someone asks again, you will just say that mother is talking. You are not allowed to talk to a fool!"


   "Call me mother again!"


   "Oh-good son!"

   "Scream again!"


   "Keep on screaming! Waiting for this sound of Niang Pan's neck has grown, you smelly child, you have worried me for so long!"

   Yun Niang is immersed in happiness and can't extricate herself, no matter what Yun Zhao says at the moment, she believes, and Yun Zhao is also willing to give this woman who can save her life the greatest happiness.

  At the ugliest moment of this woman, he discovered the most precious mother instinct in this woman. He became the son of this woman and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

   When sitting with the wild boar in the morning watching the sunrise, he was ready to accept the world.

   In the past few years, the gap in his heart has been so great that he has been immersed in his own world, and he has little regard for the outside.

   When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had become the woman's greatest support and greatest burden.

   A proud soul cannot be a burden to others, but should be the greatest support for all those who love themselves.

This is what Yun Zhao thinks. He feels that he has the capital and ability to be the support of others. After all, this body contains a great, noble, magical, and intelligent soul full of all kinds of messy knowledge and vision. .

   Many times, there are women who complain about their children and say-it is better to lay an egg to give birth to you!

In fact, Yun Niang gave birth to an unconscious egg. This is a tragedy. However, she is happy again. There is a lone soul willing to live in this egg and become her son... This is her misfortune. Fortunately!

  Life is actually like this. Parents give the body. As for whether the soul will follow the parents, this possibility is very low.

   It's a great evil from the perspective of the relationship between the son and the father!

  From the perspective of human development, it is extremely correct. After all, if a son and a father are poured out of the same mold, Yun Zhao believes that people in this world should still live like monkeys.

   Yunniang walked very fast and very steadily. God knows how she carried her tall body with two three-inch golden lotus and her six-year-old fat son could still walk like the wind.

   Although all this came a little late, for Yun Niang, as long as happiness can come, it is never too late.

   Yunjia Zhuangzi is actually a big dilapidated village, and the mottled patent leather on the door lintel silently tells the fact that the family has fallen.

   There is only the huge carved archway in front of the gate, still working hard to stick to the glorious era that Yun's once had.

   There is a happy event in the family, the first person Yun Niang wants to talk to is naturally Yun Zhao's father.

   That clean black background with white letters is Yun Zhao's father and Yunniang's husband Yun Siyuan.

   Yunzhao accompanies his mother to kneel in front of the spiritual seat, curiously looking at the densely packed Yun ancestor spiritual seat on the altar table. It is difficult to find Yun Siyuan's tablet from it. Only Yun Niang can accurately entrust his grief to her husband.

   Yun Zhao has experienced things like this many times, only this time, Yun Niang has a smile on her face.

   She said a lot of things to her husband, and even some of them were very private. When she said these things in front of her ancestors, Yun Niang did not feel any offense to her ancestors.

   Yun Zhao was pushed to the spiritual position by his mother, looking at the layered spiritual positions, Yun Zhao felt that his soul was exposed to the eyes of everyone.

   He can even feel that thousands of eyes are focused on him like needles, which makes him very uneasy.

   Paying homage to the ancestors of the Yun family is, for Yun Zhao, a torture about the soul.

   Yun Zhao was a little ashamed, especially when he saw Yun Siyuan's tablet, he was very upset. He was worried that Yun Siyuan's soul would come out of the tablet and pinch his neck to question.

   Fortunately, the sign of the spiritual position was very stable, and there was no unexpected movement. Apart from Yun Niang's ecstatic cheers and talks, there was no other noise.

   The incense on his trembling incense was also quietly burning, a faint smoke enveloped the memorial tablet, infiltrating Yun Zhao's apology into the memorial tablet little by little, and the ancestors of the Yun family seemed to have accepted this helpless decision.

Niang Yun felt very satisfied with her son’s plump body. She squeezed her son’s soft buttocks and said with satisfaction: “Your father died young because of his poor health. He was thrown away without a cold. Our mother and son are gone, my son will eat more, sleep more, grow strong, and in the future, we will marry a few more prosperous daughters-in-law, and give birth to a dozen grandchildren for me, so that I can take a good look at the lintel of the Yun family, so as not to Our house is obviously the head of the family, but we are always bullied by some irrelevant people."

   Yunzhao smiled happily with his mouth missing a front tooth, and nodded repeatedly.

Niang Yun slapped her son on the forehead irritably and said, "I'm not a good person like your father. She is obviously not in good health. When I went to Xi'an, I visited a lot of Goulan Yards. His soul was not taken away by the cold, yes. I was taken away by those fox spirits."

   Yunzhao listened to his mother's illogical nagging, while looking at his father's tablet.

   Yun Niang forcibly turned her son's head over, and said bitterly, "My mother was not afraid of him when he was alive. Now that there are no people, can I continue to quarrel with me?

   Listen to your mother in the future, don't follow your father! "

After    finished speaking, he pressed Yun Zhao’s head to his ancestors, and he knocked three heads in a row, and then stopped.

After getting up, seeing Yun Siyuan's tablet appeared to be stained with a little dust, he took out a handkerchief and wiped the dust off a little bit, and then put the tablet on his forehead and sighed: "If you live, it's better than anything...marry eight. I recognize all ten concubine rooms."

   Seeing the affectionate side of his mother, Yun Zhao finally determined that his body is still the product of love in the final analysis, and once a child is really a product of love, his fate will not be too bad. UU reading

   After paying respects to the ancestor, Yun Niang took her son back to the bedroom and began to dress up under the wait of two black-faced maids.

   Her previous dress could not be distinguished. The woman in her twenties wore a navy blue crude cloth dress and a black wipe on her forehead. It was no different from the old woman.

Now that I changed into a brightly colored dress, I applied a little bit of rouge, and finally looked at my son secretly, and bit the matchmaker, and then Yun Zhao, who had changed into a new set of silk clothes, came to the front. hospital.

The way she walks is obviously a rehearsal. Because of the proud pair of three-inch golden lotus, her walking becomes wobbly and her crotch swings very strongly. Perhaps this is the "wind swing willow" praised by the great scholars. 'It's a flattering attitude.

   Yunzhao doesn’t seem to be the same thing anymore, he thinks his mother walks more like a fat duck...

   The golden step on her mother's head was very dazzling. As her mother walked, the pearl tassel hanging on the golden step swayed three times, brightly bright.

Seeing her mother sitting on a high-backed chair, Jinbu Shake stopped shaking. The black-faced maid named Yingchun put a cup of tea in her mother's hand. This thing seemed to be used to warm her hands, and the mother held the tea bowl. , Looked at a large group of people standing under the steps and said in a tone that Yun Zhao had never heard before.

   "Bless from the ancestors of the Yun family, the young master has opened up his mind. From now on, if anyone dares to treat my son in the same way as a fool, he will be severely blamed for ten whips!

   There are rammed goods chewing their tongues behind their backs, and they are sold to people to go to Yan'an Mansion to dig coal!

   disrespect to the young master, the same example!

   Did you hear clearly? "

   As soon as Niang Yun’s words were as cold as ice beads fell, an old man in a sheepskin jacket led the people in the courtyard and said, "Observe Madam’s orders!"

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