
Chapter 133: Unreasonable request

   Unreasonable requirements in Chapters 1 and 3

  Lantian County has changed a lot, and so has the wild boar family.

   Two years ago, the female wild boar was carrying eight cubs by her side.

   This year, she has fourteen cubs by her side.

   She hasn't gotten older, but she has gotten tougher without one eye.

   When Yunzhao walked up to the Bald Mountain, she just raised her head and took a look, and then continued to lie on the boulder to measure her belly. Yun Zhao could clearly see that there were countless fleas walking through her hair.

   Yun Zhao frowned and said to Qian Shaoshao next to him: "Tell the villagers that you are not allowed to occupy the place where the wild boar bathes in the future."

   Qian Shaoshao sniffed and looked at Yun Zhao in surprise: "Master, you are not really possessed by the boar spirit, are you?"

   Yunzhao sighed and said, "I want to be a wild boar too, Xiaoao Mountain Forest is actually a good choice."

   "Do you often come to see this big wild boar?"

   "Well, come when you have time, after all, it is my first friend."

   "What happened to its eyes?"

   "A big boar fell in love with him, he didn't want to."

   "Oh, what a pig of Zhenyeol!"

   Yunzhao nodded and said, "It doesn't have to be Zhenyeol. If you change to a boar, its cubs will die."

"Is that so?"

   "I don't know, I guessed it."

   "I remember that the wild boars are a herd, a herd, this sow is so weird, she brings her own little cubs."

   "The size of the pig herd is related to the amount of food around it, and it is also related to the goodness of the people around it.

   Look, other wild boars will be hunted and killed by the villagers. This wild boar has no daring to move because of my relationship, so it knows that it is safe here, so its range of activities is fixed on Bald Mountain.

   At the same time, other wild boars also know that if they dare to stay here, they will be hunted down by the villagers, so they dare not come. "

   Qian Shaoshao thought for a long time and slowly said, "Are you talking about us or about this wild boar?"

   Yunzhao sighed and said: "It's all the same."

   "When can we scream at the mountain forest?"

   Yunzhao patted Qian Shaoshao on the shoulder and said, "When you all grow up, it's time for us to explore the new world."

   "In other words, we did things so hard and ended up doing the same things as this wild boar. It sounds frustrating."

   Yunzhao smiled, waved to the big wild boar, refused to invite him to drink milk with Qian Shaoshao, and walked down the hill with his hands behind his back.

   As long as he sees this wild boar, Yun Zhao will always feel better.

   He felt that he had initially overcome the disaster, although it was only a place in Lantian County, it still gave him a strong sense of accomplishment.

   However, he also knew that the world would not get better because of his efforts in Lantian County.

He knew that in August, Sun Chengzong would suffer the most tragic defeat in Dalinghe. From this war, the Ming Dynasty would no longer be able to push Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji would take advantage of this good opportunity to enter North Korea. March into Mongolia and complete his initial arrangement.

   From now on, Huang Taiji will be able to plunder the Central Plains easily, but Daming will have no power to fight back.

   He also knows that in the eighth year of Chongzhen, "the north was dry and the south was water, migratory locusts were everywhere, and many places were hungry."

   Chongzhen twelve years "From Huai and north to Guinan, the bark was exhausted".

   In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, the whole country "drought, locusts, famine, chaos, and people eat each other."

   Chongzhen Sixteen Years "The Great Epidemic, thousands of miles from north to south, from the north to the Great Wall, to the south beyond the Yellow River, the ten chambers were freshly ridden.

   He knows even more that Li Hongji, Zhang Bingzhong, Cao Cao, these people will truly be on the stage of the Ming Dynasty until the entire Ming Dynasty is turned upside down. "

   Yunzhao thought he was a participant in history. In the face of these major events, he sadly discovered that he was just a bystander of history.

   Although I went deep into it, there was no power to recover. I knew that disaster was about to happen, but I couldn't say a word.

   is like another spaceman, yelling "danger" through an enchantment, but no one listens, watching him slide into the abyss but can't do anything.

   Back on Zhuangzi, Yun Zhao finally met Huang Yongfa, a great merchant from Zhangjiakou who came to discuss the exchange of salt for food.

   originally thought that this person would be a white-faced fat businessman. When Yun Meng met this person, Yun Zhao turned into a small servant and watched, only to realize that as long as he is a successful character, he has his extraordinary side.

   This person is more than eight feet tall, and he is extremely capable of sitting and lying down. Even when he is sitting in a chair and chatting with Yun Meng, he still keeps his waist straight.

   thick eyebrows, big eyes, straight nose, wide mouth, loud voice, more like a horse thief than a businessman.

   "He is a horse thief."

  Yunzhao happened to meet his injured Master Liu when he went out. Hearing Yun Zhao's muttering, Master Liu just glanced at Huang Yongfa who was sitting in the hall and concluded that he was a horse thief.

  The left arm of the master slipped out was injured. He is still inconvenient to move, but this doesn't seem to prevent him from riding a horse.

   "How can you see it?"

   "Do you think the way he sits on a chair looks like he is riding a horse?"

   Yunzhao looked back and nodded.

   "Do you think his waist is straight?"

   "That's right."

   "Are you looking at the position of his feet?"

   Yunzhao nodded again.

   Out of the slip master hehe smiled and said: "Me too!"

   "Why can't he be a cavalry like you?"

   "The cavalry in Zhangjiakou is a horse thief! There is no distinction between soldiers and thieves, so ah, saying that he is a horse thief does not wrong him at all."

   Yunzhao used to know that Huang Yongfa was a big businessman from Zhangjiakou, and he had inextricable connections with Jiannu. I didn't expect this guy to be a horse thief, which is very interesting.

   As for whether Master Liu has wronged him, Yun Zhao doesn't think it is important. Anyway, it is necessary to cheat this guy. If there is no good excuse, it is really a bit guilty to cheat on such a passionate business man.

  As long as those who can do business give gifts, they will definitely hit the heart of the recipient.

   Many times, you can tell from the handwriting of the gift whether a businessman will do business or not.

   Obviously, Huang Yongfa is a business man. Seeing that the autumn is cool, he gave Yunniang a set of white fox fur cloak, which made Yunniang love it. Qian Duo used his mouth to blow the fur, and a whirlpool appeared on the white fur.

   "Sister, I will buy it for you in the future!"

   "Nonsense, but time is up? Such a fox fur can't be obtained in Yangzhou without five hundred taels of silver."

   Qian Duoduo reluctantly puts down the white fox fur, but the look he desires can not be concealed.

  "After Huang Yongfa visited the water conservancy project in Lantian County, he planned to designate our Lantian County as a grain-producing area and was willing to purchase 50,000 quintals of grain every year at a price that was 10% higher than the market price.

   Among them, wheat is 30%, millet is 20%, millet is 30%, and sorghum is 20%. If the rest of the food is insufficient, sorghum can be used instead.

   There are only two requirements, that is, 50,000 quintals of food must be taken out at a time, not piecemeal.

   Another requirement is that the grain must be the new crop of the year, and the sorghum cannot be hulled. "

   After Yun Meng discussed with Huang Yongfa, he went to the atrium to find Yun Zhao, and Fu Bo discussed the feasibility of this matter.

   The shopkeeper Yun from Xi'an Prefecture was also there. After listening to what Yun Meng said, he frowned and said: "Our Lantian County is not the main producing area of ​​sorghum. Why does he have to add sorghum to the grain?

   This thing is very good for making Sorghum rice is steamed and eaten. It's a little bit throaty, not as good as wheat, and not as good as millet and millet.

   There is no need for shelling and the price is quite similar. Why is this?

   Could it be that this is the benefit that Huang Yong sent us? I hope we can use miz, wheat and people to exchange sorghum rice and then sell it to him?

  Master, I don’t think this is possible, the business didn’t do it! "

   Squatting at the door, Master Chu Liu laughed and said, "Is there anything that can't be explained. The sorghum is ground into flour and porridge is a good thing to feed the pony."

   "Isn't millet porridge better?"

   "Not as good as sorghum." Although Mr. Liu Liu couldn't tell a truth, he was very sure of the correctness of his answer.

   Yun Zhao faintly felt wrong, but couldn't think of what was wrong.

   However, this business is obviously beneficial to the people of Lantian County.

   "Does sorghum have to be hulled?" Yun Zhao still doesn't understand these things.

Shopkeeper Yun quickly said: "After the sorghum is smashed, there is another hard shell on the outside. This is usually removed. After the outer shell is removed, it can be used as a seed, but it is not delicious. If you want the sorghum to be more delicious, you must peel it off. Turn sorghum into sorghum rice.

   The sorghum sold in our store used to be this kind of sorghum rice. "

   "Is the sorghum shell easy to remove?"

   Yunzhao seemed to have discovered, and continued to ask.

The shopkeeper    Yun said: "Sorghum shelling is not easy. It has to go through multiple processes. If the shell and crust are not removed, it is really difficult to import."

   Yunzhao smiled and said: "I know, people want a batch of sorghum seeds, not some sorghum rice."

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