
Vol 4 Chapter 81: Upright

Chapter Eighty One

Many people stay in Lantian for a long time, and they will forget that the world is still dark and cruel!

At this time, the better Lan Tian seemed to be, the more people would hate the darkness in this world.

This is a question of dialectics.

Yun Zhao often suspected that Zhang Bingzhong was the smartest of the Ming anti-thief.

He is different from Li Hongji. This person often relies on the blessing of heaven to rise from failure, but Zhang Bingzhong doesn't need it. Every time he rises, he relies on his decisiveness and cruelty.

On the day before the end of the Lantian National Assembly, Zhang Bingzhong ransacked Nanchang and left Nanchang with countless grains and women. He did not attack Jiujiang, nor moved the soldiers and horses of Hengzhou and Yongzhou to Nanchang, but led them. Nanchang's brigade is approaching Hengzhou and Yongzhou is very close.

Zhang Bingzhong also rectified his troops at this time.

With Wang Shangli as the army, the former army is Wang Dingguo, the latter army is Feng Shuangli, the left army is Ma Yuanli, and the right army is Zhang Hualong.

It is divided into one hundred battalions, with "Huwei, Leopard Tao, Long Tao, and Ying Yang as the guards", and the governor will lead them.

There were ten big camps, twelve small camps, and the old middle camp, named Yuying, under the command of Zhang Bingzhong himself.

He also ordered Sun Kewang as General Pingdong to supervise the 19th Battalion.

Liu Wenxiu was General of Funan and supervised the 15th Battalion.

Ainengqi is the Dingbei general and supervises the 20th Battalion.

Nearly 300,000 troops of the whole army marched towards Hengzhou like the sky and the sun.

The governor of Jiangxi, Lu Daqi, who was in Fuzhou, was overjoyed and set off for Nanchang overnight. Before he entered Nanchang, he had already flew to Nanjing to regain Nanchang.

After Yun Zhao learned that Zhang Bingzhong had abandoned Nanchang, he quickly approached Hong Chengchou to discuss his entry into Yungui.

After reading the secret report sent by the Secret Agent and the map, the two of them didn't look very good.

"The dog raised at home is suddenly disobedient. What does your Majesty feel at this time?"

Seeing Yun Zhao's face looked bad, Hong Chengchou suddenly felt better for some reason.

Yun Zhao looked at Hong Chengchou and said, "I have always wanted to ask you, how good is it to be chased by Dorgon and chase around the world?"

Hong Chengchou said, "But I killed Huang Taiji."

Yun Zhao sighed and looked at Hong Chengchou and said, "Your luck is really good."

Hong Chengchou said: "Since I met your Majesty, my luck has not been bad."

Yun Zhao waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, you are the first Ming official I know in the true sense, so you don't have to deal with me with the same set of dealing with Chongzhen.

Quickly clean up, clean up, and go to Yunnan in three days. If Zhang Bingzhong gets a foothold in Guilin, and then collude with the natives and savages in Guizhou, your trouble will be big. "

Hong Chengchou was taken aback for a moment and said, "You just handed over all the three places in the southwest to me?"

Yun Zhao sighed and said: "This is something that can't be done. The army in Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi can't be deployed all at once. It's a waste to enter. You can only entrust all Yun's hidden power in Yunnan to you.

Don't ask you to calm down the three places in the southwest, at least hold Zhang Bingzhong, and don't let the places become too eroded.

When I look back, someone will naturally redistribute it to you.

Finally, let me tell you.

Don't have any **** ideas in your heart. Even if your old Hong takes the three places in the southwest, this credit is far from the point where you are the master. You can't do the old things of Li Chengliang in Liaodong back then.

I give you a guarantee, as long as you work honestly, no matter whether you win or lose, I will not harm you. "

Hong Chengchou clasped his fist and said: "Weichen obeys his orders, but, your majesty, this kind of guarantee is still better in the future. As an emperor, your mind cannot be known to your ministers."


Yun Zhao smiled disdainfully, "Serve Chongzhen and made you sick? If I don't tell you what I want in my heart, do I ask you to guess my true intentions before the two armies?

Don't worry, if you have a bad heart, Han Lingshan, Qian Shao Shao, they must know that I will definitely kill you before you do harm to Lan Tian.

You can work steadily in the Southwest. If you feel lonely, you can take your old wife to marry you a new daughter-in-law. This is definitely not something you can come back in three to five years. "

Hong Chengchou felt a bit astringent in his eyes and lowered his head and said, "Does your majesty really trust me as a general?"

Yun Zhao smiled and said: "I, the emperor, should be very fair. How much you trust me, I will trust you so much. Mr. Qinglong, trust in this thing is always mutual, there is no such thing as unilateral trust."

Hong Chengchou slammed a fist on the table and said: "Okay! In that case, I want the control of all Lantian people in the three southwestern regions, including money and food, as well as the appointment and removal of officials."

Yun Zhao sneered: "The beauty of thinking is that you have the power to dispatch troops and generals, and Yun Meng has the power to supervise. Money and grain have long belonged to the bank and grain depot. As for the appointment and removal of officials, that is the power of Zhang Guozhu and I. Can't give.

However, I promise that as long as you are doing business, no one has the guts to deduct the half a cent you need. "

A fox-like smile appeared on Hong Chengchou's face, and after bowing his hands, he left the large study room.

Han Lingshan, who pretended to read the document, said, "I find you are very cheating right now. Can't you see that this is Hong Chengchou's strategy?"

Yun Zhao glanced at Han Lingshan and said, "I am the emperor now, and I have to be upright when I do things. I belong to the kind of people who speak the law and follow the law. Why do you play with your courtiers?

Also, call me your majesty from now on!

I have exempted you from the obligation to bow down, you must be content! "

Han Lingshan gracefully said to Yunzhao: "I know, Your Majesty!"

After giving the ceremony, he left Yun Zhao far away. He suddenly remembered that he had bet with Yun Zhao because of something before, and said that if he lost the bet, he would bow down to Yun Zhao.

Since Yun Zhao has forgotten this matter now, Han Lingshan will naturally not help Yun Zhao remember this matter.

The words "fair and honest" are easy to say, but they are simply not maneuverable.

No one can be fair and honest.

Even if parents, sons, and daughters cannot be fair, the same husband and wife cannot be fair.

As for others... if you don't frame them, you are already a good person among the good people, and you need the other person to worship and thank you for not being pitted.

Yun Zhao became the emperor after half a lifetime of filthy humiliation. Only then was he qualified to pursue the spirit of fairness and integrity.

According to the world's opinion, the whole world belongs to him, whether it is land or money, even the people and officials belong to Yun Zhao alone.

Even if Yun Zhao has announced that this world is the world of all people, no one still believes it.

This requires a long process.

Sometimes when he dreamed back at midnight, Yun Zhao would listen to Qian Duoduo or Feng Ying's steady breathing in the dark night, widening his eyes and looking at the top of the tent.

At this time, countless vicious and obscene thoughts will circulate in the mind.

When his power was supreme, he wanted to do it recklessly.

Only those who become emperors will truly appreciate the terrible power of power.

Therefore, as long as he has this idea in his heart, Yun Zhao will always face the sun to wake up when the sun rises, and suppress the black villain in his heart.

Yun Zhao believes that the so-called Mingjun in history is just the kind of person who can suppress himself and restrain his desires. Those faint kings in history are people who like to make their lives more comfortable.

And those Ming princes who did what they did would often in their later years, when time is running out, would gradually give up to watch themselves, and finally bury the wise men of the first life.

Young people know more about restraint than old people!

Because they still have ideals, pursuits, and hope that the world will become better, and they know that excessive desires and pursuits will ruin everything, so they have a hard time.

As the body functions degenerate, the elderly will gradually see through the world. They will regret that they did not live willfully when they were young. They will become more faint, more willful, and even more cruel than their youth. .

This is a well-known saying! ! !

"If one day, you think I have changed, remember to remind me."

When brushing his teeth with Qian Duoduo in the morning, Yun Zhao vomited the salt water in his mouth and said to Qian Duoduo very seriously.

"why me?"

Qian Duoduo also spit out the salt water in his mouth and asked Yun Zhao.

Yun Zhao raised his hand to erase Qian Duoduo's mouth and said: "Because you are the person who knows me most, and because I want to be the greatest hero in the world, a saint, and a person who can be missed by everyone."

"You didn't fall asleep last night?"

"Fell asleep."

"Nonsense, my pajamas are neat and tidy, where did you fall asleep."

"Will I peel your pajamas involuntarily when I fall asleep?"

Qian Duoduo smiled and said, "What do you think?"

After speaking, seeing the appearance of her husband trying to remember, he smiled: "Well, I promise you, I will tell you when you become bad."

Yun Zhao, who went out to attend the closing ceremony of the conference, was still thinking wildly on the road.

Saying these things to Qian Duoduo actually meant that there was a gap in his mind.

If you really become, it is definitely not something you can change with a word of more money, maybe it will put money in a dangerous situation.

In this world, good people come out of self-denial, and bad people are what people are.

At this time, the sun finally turned from behind Yushan, sprinkling the bright sunshine on the ground, and dragging Yun Zhao's shadow to the old.

Yun Zhao’s feet are stepping on the shadow, it is the shadow of the guard who came to the front. Looking back, whether it is Han Lingshan, Qian Shao Shao, or Zhang Guozhu, they carefully avoided his shadow and walked away. Cautiously.

In the past, this was not the case. Everyone walked indiscriminately, stepped on the shadows, and sometimes even deliberately stepped on their feet.

The crab-like team finally came to the Great Hall again.

Yun Zhao looked up at the majestic Great Hall, and shouted to his friends around him: "Let us remember today, remember this convention, and remember what happened in this hall.

I—Yun Zhao swears to heaven that my power comes from the people. "

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