
Vol 4 Chapter 137: Buds of power

The first thirty-seventh chapter of the bud of power

Yun Zhao believes that Xu Yuanshou is not a badass.

He is even a good person who considers Yun's wholeheartedly.

However, in Yun Zhao's view, the cruelest person in the world is the person who is dedicated to you.

People are not exactly the same by nature. Even twins can't do this. The biggest thing that the person you think about is to do in life is to turn a person who originally had his own ideas into a person who lives according to his expectations.

Yun Zhao generally refers to this behavior as brainwashing.

Li Shimin has done this kind of thing, many emperors have done it, and Yun Zhao is also doing it.

However, there is a difference between this, Li Shimin and their brainwashing objects are their own offspring, while Yun Zhao's brainwashing objects are the offspring of others.

When the emperor made the rules, he must be extremely biased towards himself, that's for sure! ! !

When the government formulates laws and rules, it must be extremely biased towards itself, and this is also certain! ! !

Therefore, in the laws enacted by Daming today, the emperor has made some rules that are conducive to his own notification, and the government has made some rules that are conducive to himself. Then, how much is left for the people?

In the previous Ming Dynasty, when formulating rules, all the rules were in favor of them. Therefore, the people had nothing. If the people wanted a little power, they could only achieve some goals by bribing those in power.

After doing this for a long time, Li Hongji's entry into the capital is a smooth event.

Therefore, when Yun Zhao formulated the rules, he first formulated the rules that were beneficial to the people. First, he reserved enough land for the people, and then he began to consider the interests of the royal family and officials.

Even so, the benefits received by the people are still not comparable to the royal family and officials.

On this basis, Yun Zhang and Yun Xian have not been on the same starting line with others since they were born. Therefore, Xu Yuanshou can't put Yun Zhang and Yun Xian in education to run faster.

People’s greed is infinite. When Yun Zhang and his brothers found out that they could run to the finish line before the fastest man in the world by just moving a few steps. At this time, they might want Get closer to the finish line, or just kill the guy who runs fast.

People always move. The only ones who don't move are dead. Whether he has breath or not, he is dead.

Therefore, it is good for these two children to let Yun Zhang and Yun Xian go to Ningxia Town to receive education.

As the night became darker and the weather became colder, Yun Zhao put the clothes Qian Duoduo had used to keep him warm from the cold, and put a few pieces of charcoal into the brazier to make the place warmer.

Although Pei Zhong and Zhu Cunji's group of officials were trembling in the cold wind, no one dared to walk into the shed to help Yun Zhao with some chores.

Cloud Tiger, Cloud Leopard, and Cloud Jiao are here. The three of them are drunk and drunk, each wrapped in a thick fur. The three old men squeezed the two young grandchildren in the middle and called in the shed. Huda fell asleep.

Only Yun Zhao stood alone in the cold night, watching the cold stars in the sky with thousands of thoughts.

Many people came to offer condolences during the day, and Yun Zhao respectfully paid back to everyone who came to offer condolences. Even if it was from the Yun clan, Yun Zhao tried his best to be courteous and considerate.

The Japanese, Koreans, Mongols, and Usi Tibetans who stayed in Yushan City came, and Yun Zhao was no longer so polite. His expression was so cold that people could not see the change in his mood.

Ten days passed quickly, and Yun Meng's coffin finally arrived at Yushan City.

Yun Juan cried and placed Yun Meng's coffin into the shed. At the request of Yunhu and others, the already closed coffin was opened.

The scent in the coffin is tangy, and there is no smell of rancidity. It is just that the tall and mighty Yun Meng in the past looks very thin at this time, and his facial features are slightly deformed. Fortunately, his silhouette is still there, Yun Zhao It was obvious at a glance that this was his uncle Meng.

Cloud Tiger, Clouded Leopard, and Cloud Jiao cried unbearably. After all, the brothers who had depended on each other for a lifetime passed away, and the blow to the three of them was too great.

After seeing Yun Meng's body, Yun Niang took out a jade coin from her arms and placed it in Yun Meng's hands. After Yun Meng's daughter Yun took the children to see the appearance of her grandfather, she ordered the coffin to be sealed.

Yun Meng's coffin stayed in Yun's mansion for another nine days, and then it was carried by a group of Yunhu and buried in the hidden cave of Yushan.

Yun Hu and others know that Yun Meng is a member of the Yun family's hidden clan, and cannot be buried in the bald mountain and buried with Yun Zhao’s father. In fact, Yun Meng is not willing to go there. After he died, he had to accompany those robber brothers who had endured hardships for a lifetime and didn't even get any benefit from the Yun family.

After Yun Meng was buried, the documents about him were passed from Jiaozhi like snow flakes.

Qian Shaoshao's papers arrived the fastest, and it seemed that Yun Meng's death did not have any conspiracy, and it was a normal death.

However, Qian Shaoshao's essay contains a lot of content about Hong Chengchou and Mu Tiantao.

Under the surveillance of the spy of the Ministry of Supervision, it is difficult for Hong Chengchou to hide his thoughts about living abroad.

At the same time, Yun Meng's expectations of Mu Tiantao were also expressed in the document.

Yun Zhao finally agreed to Hong Chengchou's desire to serve as governor overseas. Since he is unwilling to return to China, the governor of Jiaozhi is a good position. I love

However, he can be the governor, but he cannot hold the military power. Yun Zhao said this is very deadly, and there is no room for accommodation.

Today's Hong Chengchou family has basically put all its power on the sea. His family has completely withdrawn from the landlord model of using land for survival and officially entered the ocean-going business model.

It seems that in the past two years, Hong Chengchou's family has gained a lot from the sea trade, so that even Hong Chengchou, a figure who can obviously enter the center of Lantian, would rather give up the position of high power and turn to the sea.

This wise man has already seen from Yun Zhao's behavior that the main direction of Lantian imperial court in the near future must be the ocean.

At this time, guarding another thousand mu of land to live is not enough to feed his huge family.

This person has been extremely sensible all his life, except that he finally showed a little blood in the battle between Liaodong and Dorgon, the rest of the time, reason is dominating this person.

With the existence of such people, the Hong clan will definitely prosper.

It's hard to say Mu Tiantao.

Yun Zhao always felt that he had abandoned the old part of Prince Mu Mansion. However, whether this person was in the southwest or in Jiaozhi, Champa State's actions were remarkable.

One of the last words left by Yun Meng was to expect Yun Zhao to reuse Mu Tiantao. He even believed that there was no better candidate for the commander of the "Tiannan Army" than Mu Tiantao.

He even thought that as long as Mu Tiantao was appointed as the commander, it would be only a matter of time before the Southwestern countries were put down.

As for the end of the document, Qian Shaoshao only took away Yunxiao's actions in Jiaozhi. He only said that Yunxiao was purging the powerful and rich in Jiaozhi. As for the consequences of doing so, he did not say.

Yun Zhao didn't want to ask either.

Jiaozhi must be incorporated into Daming in the future. On this point, Yun Zhao's opinion is clear.

However, this was at least fifty years after Jiaozhi was ruled.

"Passing the order, promoted Jinhu to general."

After reading Qian Shaoshao's documents, Yun Zhao gave this promotion order without hesitation.

Important promotion orders of the Lantian imperial court will be published in the "Lantian Daily".

The next day, after Zhu Yuxu got the flat "Lantian Daily" that was ironed by an iron, she saw Jinhu's promotion order from the general on the first page at the first glance.

She looked at this command eagerly, and didn't even miss the punctuation. He even saw a typo in the document introducing Jinhu's record.

She carefully corrected the typo in the newspaper with a pencil, and then did not know why, and hurriedly erased the penciled character.

After reading the newspaper and having breakfast, Zhu Yumo left Zhu's mansion in a small carriage. As usual, he personally inspected several shops of Zhu's in Chang'an City, and discussed with the shopkeepers what to do next, and then He returned to the Zhu Mansion, just as usual.

As long as people are safe for a long time, many strange ideas will emerge.

When Zhu Yu's son-in-law returned to the house, he saw Queen Zhou angrily teaching a disobedient concubine.

The father's emperor died, and the Zhu dynasty ceased to exist. After all the privileges enjoyed by the Zhu family were deprived of all the privileges, some concubines were unwilling to be lonely, hoping to leave the prison of the Zhu mansion, wanting to divide a property and live by themselves.

In the old days, Queen Zhou was naturally a one-of-a-kind person in the harem, but now, these concubines think they have the capital to resist.

Seeing that his mother was trembling all over by the concubine, Zhu Yu came to the place where they confronted each other.

She first glanced at her younger brother, who was holding a volume of writing, and then said to her mother, Queen Zhou, "Since Concubine Liu is going to leave, let her go."

Empress Zhou trembling with anger, pointed at Concubine Liu and said, "This **** is actually messing up the court."

Concubine Liu sneered: "It's just a big Is there any court that can make me messy? I entered the palace at the age of fourteen. His Majesty never touched me. He stayed in the palace for ten years. , I'm still a perfect body at the age of twenty-five, so why shouldn't the queen have mercy on me?"

Queen Zhou said angrily: "Your family has enjoyed the glory and wealth..."

Before Empress Zhou could finish her words, Concubine Liu laughed and said, "Prosperity and wealth? My family's seventy-one people died in the hands of Li Hongji. This is the grace given to me by your Majesty and the Queen.

The Liu male is dead, and I am the only woman left alive.

I didn't think that a man wanted to be crazy, so I went to find a groom to have sex. I just want a child and leave me a stick of incense for Liu's family. How about Liu's family who goes to the grave and burns paper? "

Zhu Yu's mother-in-law sat down with her mother, and then said to Concubine Liu: "Let's go!"

Concubine Liu said angrily: "I want to take the share that belongs to me."

Zhu Yuxu took out a small gold ingot from his sleeve and threw it on the ground, saying: "You have been divorced by my Zhu family."

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